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Alex Salmond show on Russia Today


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"He's achieved everything there is to achieve in Scottish Politics".Maybe I'm being picky but i think perhaps there was a glaring lack of achievement on one of his policy goals.Maybe just me though..


Which one ? One of his main policy goals was to hold a referendum if he achieved a majority. Both of these things happened and now indy supports is about 20% higher than when he started. Unlucky.


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hes achieved everything there is to achieve in Scottish politics. Trolling yoons is his specialty now
Do those achievements include losing the all important Independence referendum? Trolling yoons is all he’s left with.

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Which one ? One of his main policy goals was to hold a referendum if he achieved a majority. Both of these things happened and now indy supports is about 20% higher than when he started. Unlucky.

Think you're confusing achieving "everything achievable" with achieving "his own policy goals". It's not hard to grasp.For instance if i set myself a goal to run a mile in under 10 minutes and achieve that it's not quite the same as "achieving everything achievable" in the running a mile quickly field.That would be me setting a new World Record and perhaps Olympic gold.You have set Alex's "achieving everything achievable" bar very low.As you so confidently said "unlucky". Actually if Ayr United win Scottish League Division 1 presumably they will have "achieved" everything achievable in Scottish football on your well thought out theory.Well done.
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Think you're confusing achieving "everything achievable" with achieving "his own policy goals". It's not hard to grasp.For instance if i set myself a goal to run a mile in under 10 minutes and achieve that it's not quite the same as "achieving everything achievable" in the running a mile quickly field.That would be me setting a new World Record and perhaps Olympic gold.You have set Alex's "achieving everything achievable" bar very low.As you so confidently said "unlucky". Actually if Ayr United win Scottish League Division 1 presumably they will have "achieved" everything achievable in Scottish football on your well thought out theory.Well done.

What a lot of waffle [emoji23]. Nope, winning the Scottish 1st division isn't even remotely close to achieving everything there is to achieve in Scottish football. Turning the SNP from a backwater party to the biggest and most dominant party Holyrood has seen whilst commanding the only majority that Holyrood has seen and turning a backwards notion such as indy into a mainstream idea that almost half the country is now on board with is pretty much achieving everything. The fact that roasters such as yourself despise him so much tells me all I need to know about the level of his achievments.
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What a lot of waffle [emoji23]. Nope, winning the Scottish 1st division isn't even remotely close to achieving everything there is to achieve in Scottish football. Turning the SNP from a backwater party to the biggest and most dominant party Holyrood has seen whilst commanding the only majority that Holyrood has seen and turning a backwards notion such as indy into a mainstream idea that almost half the country is now on board with is pretty much achieving everything. The fact that roasters such as yourself despise him so much tells me all I need to know about the level of his achievments.

Let's not forget that he achieved this within a Parliamentary system designed to prevent any party having a majority, by the now irrelevant (in Scotland) Labour party [emoji38]

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What a lot of waffle [emoji23]. Nope, winning the Scottish 1st division isn't even remotely close to achieving everything there is to achieve in Scottish football. Turning the SNP from a backwater party to the biggest and most dominant party Holyrood has seen whilst commanding the only majority that Holyrood has seen and turning a backwards notion such as indy into a mainstream idea that almost half the country is now on board with is pretty much achieving everything. The fact that roasters such as yourself despise him so much tells me all I need to know about the level of his achievments.

Still not understanding the concept of "achieving everything achievable" i see.
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Let's not forget that he achieved this within a Parliamentary system designed to prevent any party having a majority, by the now irrelevant (in Scotland) Labour party [emoji38]

The fat lad done good but it's reserve lower league football for him now.
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Just telling the truth. Trolls shoukd always get hit with insults imo.

"imo" as you put it, bandying "moron" insults around when you have clearly failed abysmally to establish your ill thought out premise of Eck achieving all that it was possible to achieve is not exactly claiming the high ground.I appreciate realising the arse has fell out of Salmond's game even subconsciously is upsetting though.
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"imo" as you put it, bandying "moron" insults around when you have clearly failed abysmally to establish your ill thought out premise of Eck achieving all that it was possible to achieve is not exactly claiming the high ground.I appreciate realising the arse has fell out of Salmond's game even subconsciously is upsetting though.

Maybe you can list the things he hasn't achieved over and above any other Scottish politician of his generation ? It won't be a long list. And not becoming prime minister isn't one of them as 59 seats doesn't get you it. Others will be able to judge whether you've won the argument or not.

I fully expect no such list from the moron troll btw.
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I thought it was in London ? Can't even get that right.

"Russian TV" studio if that makes it clearer for you.Like a British Broadcasting Company studio doesn't have to be in Britain.None of this is covering up your duff premise by the way.
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"Russian TV" studio if that makes it clearer for you.Like a British Broadcasting Company studio doesn't have to be in Britain.None of this is covering up your duff premise by the way.


As i thought. No substance to your wind and pish. The only thing we've had so far to back up your shite is that Ayr have won the 1st divison. Well done.


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