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Flat Earth theory

DA Baracus

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20 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I work in a large company whose entire business is based in satellites. I used to have a team member who was a flat earther.


A bizarre affliction, the conspiratorial mind. He also thought tap water made you gay (female hormones in the water from the pill you see) and that the government was using the flu jab to kill off elderly people.


I've heard this one too, but have you ever actually seen a gay person drink tap water? I know I haven't. Heck, I've even seen a gay person accuse Highland Spring of being crude. 

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14 minutes ago, coprolite said:

This is definitely a hoax. I expect a movie or some such soon from the folk that did one about made up celeb stories.

there might be one or two raging simpletons who buy it but they are mostly having a laugh.

The serious ones are probably raging because NASA haven't found Heaven and the thriving dinosaur communities under the ice caps haven't been exposed by David Attenborough yet. The ones arguing the science are clearly having a laugh. 

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It does, but then so does much of the news these days.
Have a look at this and see what you think....
For some reason most of these Flat Earth vids have comments disabled...

Holy fucking shit. If he's not a WUM he need sectioning. Some people have way too much time on their hands.
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46 minutes ago, HenryHill said:

Why cant telescopes see the ice wall if the world is flat? They must be a test of faith. I think we should cut them some slack. Most of the world claim to believe in fairies.

Oh they're real alright, I've got a mate who's absolutely romping.

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1 hour ago, Forest_Fifer said:

Holy fucking shit. If he's not a WUM he need sectioning. Some people have way too much time on their hands.

I love how he ignores all the direct flights for no other reason than "I don't think they exist".

Flightradar24 is clearly a tool of the illuminati...


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This is the homemade rocket guy.

Screen Shot 2017-11-21 at 11.58.37 PM


Hughes promised the flat-Earth community that he would expose the conspiracy with his steam-powered rocket, which will launch from a heavily modified mobile home — though he acknowledged that he still had much to learn about rocket science.

God Speed!

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21 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

How/why are the oceans at the edge going to fall off the edge? Why will they fall down? What is down?

Actually don't fucking bother.

It’s like an infinity pool (ask Granny Danger). Don’t let the science behind it trouble you too much.

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