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Stay Classy Sinn Fein

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49 minutes ago, Tutankhamen said:

Union is safe even with the Brexiteers falling over backwards to sell out the place faster than the North of England working class turning Tory...

Now Boris has a large majority the ERG faction has a lot less leverage. Labour will probably soon have a leader who is pro-Remain rather than Corbyn who has always been eurosceptic. That changes the whole dynamic and should tip things away from the hardline no deal scenarios that would drive moderate NI opinion towards UI. 

Given Boris was pro-EU until relatively recently and now has full executive control, the eventual exit deal could wind up being a relatively soft Brexit with a relatively frictionless border between Newry and Dundalk. It will be another couple of years before the dust will settle and it will be clear whether Brexit was the beginning of the end for the Union. 

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42 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

If the DUP had any sense they'd go for Christopher Stalford. He at least comes across as not having a poker up his back end. Sounds as though he's living in the 21st Century rather than out the the back of Dan Winters cottage in the 1790s. Guy comes across as chilled. He's there best hope. Ian Paisley Jnr has no chance. Jeffrey Donaldson nah. If they go for Chris it might stop the seepage in the younger/modern/middle class element who are running a mile from the pitch fork crew singing hymns and quoting the bible every five minutes.

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16 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Now Boris has a large majority the ERG faction has a lot less leverage. Labour will probably soon have a leader who is pro-Remain rather than Corbyn who has always been eurosceptic. That changes the whole dynamic and should tip things away from the hardline no deal scenarios that would drive moderate NI opinion towards UI. 

Given Boris was pro-EU until relatively recently and now has full executive control, the eventual exit deal could wind up being a relatively soft Brexit with a relatively frictionless border between Newry and Dundalk. It will be another couple of years before the dust will settle and it will be clear whether Brexit was the beginning of the end for the Union. 

Vassal State?

Take it Farage ain't retiring anytime soon.

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7 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Doubt he will, but with no Euro elections life becomes more difficult for that brand of politics.

Correct regarding Farage and EU elections.

You and me won't be voting in one this side of moving to a EU country and taking up citizenship.

But then there's good old Northern Ireland for fun and games. Will the PUL community chill or go berserk? Is the cuddly May Deal a Trojan Horse for the PUL? 

Wait and see?

I'll take a guess, Boris will end up as hated as Thatcher. And maybe very quickly.

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1 hour ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Now Boris has a large majority the ERG faction has a lot less leverage. Labour will probably soon have a leader who is pro-Remain rather than Corbyn who has always been eurosceptic. That changes the whole dynamic and should tip things away from the hardline no deal scenarios that would drive moderate NI opinion towards UI. 

Given Boris was pro-EU until relatively recently and now has full executive controlthe eventual exit deal could wind up being a relatively soft Brexit with a relatively frictionless border between Newry and Dundalk. It will be another couple of years before the dust will settle and it will be clear whether Brexit was the beginning of the end for the Union. 

He's hoping to get his deal through Parliament before the end of December, so what's going to change from what has already been agreed?

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16 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

It's more the final free trade deal I have in mind that determines what happens after the transition period expires at the end of next year.

Aye, I see where you're going now. Can't see it being particularly "soft", all the same.

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1 hour ago, Tutankhamen said:

Hopefully the DUP and the entire Unionist Family have enough sense to knock on the head pronto any rumours of another election to Stormont. 

The days when the old Unionist Party got 98.5% of the vote in North Korea sorry North Down are long gone.



That's why the DUP and Sinn Fein are finally getting into serious talks about getting Stormont going again. If they don't it would trigger an election next year and they'd likely both get hammered.

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  • 4 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Kejan said:

For the NI posters, what's the thoughts on the potential deal? Will it go through? 


Well yes it has.

Both know it's all been a total piss up and both were too stubborn to back down.

Were being the word.

They have taken into account the Vote losses. 

People have had enough and just want it sorted.

Bit like Brexit. ...

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10 hours ago, sureiknow said:

Well yes it has.

Both know it's all been a total piss up and both were too stubborn to back down.

Were being the word.

They have taken into account the Vote losses. 

People have had enough and just want it sorted.

Bit like Brexit. ...

The last three years have just been wasted, Sinn Fein huffing and refusing to admit they'd made a mistake (bringing down the Executive) and the DUP strutting about like they'd won the lottery (which some of them had, if the ash for cash rumours are to be believed) and thinking Stormont was beneath them as they were running Westmister.

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The last three years have just been wasted, Sinn Fein huffing and refusing to admit they'd made a mistake (bringing down the Executive) and the DUP strutting about like they'd won the lottery (which some of them had, if the ash for cash rumours are to be believed) and thinking Stormont was beneath them as they were running Westmister.
Balanced response. Like it...
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SDLP not happy. If this had been the other way round and it had been the UUP's turn to be speaker I don't think the DUP would have taken it. Shows the contempt with which Sinn Fein hold the SDLP, imho. However, it's a long road.


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6 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

SDLP not happy. If this had been the other way round and it had been the UUP's turn to be speaker I don't think the DUP would have taken it. Shows the contempt with which Sinn Fein hold the SDLP, imho. However, it's a long road.


Why did the DUP support the Sinn Fein candidate?

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