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Drug deaths in Scotland hit record high

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2 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

Tibbermore's mum lost 3 years of her life to the heroine and then another 5 years on the methadone that was meant to get her off it

What has she taken to get through the rest of her time with TBS.

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14 minutes ago, LincolnHearts said:


We will add “young man takes recreational drugs” to “young man owns a house and a flat” to the things Lincoln Hearts can’t believe list.


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Enough of this nonsense. People choose to take this stuff. They are responsible for that and the consequences. 
The ones who are junkies are responsible for helping themselves. 
Junkies aren't vulnerable members of society. 
We do everything we can to stop people becoming junkies.
No, we're in this mess because people take drugs.
People are responsible for their own actions. Sometimes those actions have painful consequences. That's tough.
Absolutely we have a shared responsibility to each other. Part of that is treating ourselves and others with respect, which means not being a junkie. 
If it wasn't a choice we'd all be addicts. Or none of us would be.
I haven't seen many posts where it's said that the individual is entirely to blame. I have seen plenty of posts where the intent is to deflect from this.
I think most people understand what addiction is. It's a voluntary thing.
You're not taking your sacking well, are you buddy?

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12 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Drug abuse is not just about people whoring on the streets or blocking out child abuse and deprivation.

It crosses all class and wealth barriers.

Cocaine use amongst the middle and upper classes is through the roof.

You won't find the answer to any of this by looking at things like deprivation and abuse.

Somewhere along the line a personal choice is made to start taking. From there on, addiction kicks in but that first decision is a personal one.

I reckon you'll find your answer to what influences that first decision to take drugs lies with peer pressure more than anything else. People do it because their mates are all doing it and they don't want to be left out. That IMO is your problem area right there. It's the reason why alcohol abuse is off the charts in this country and it explains drugs too.

Is it not through the nose?

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10 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

Tibbermore's mum lost 3 years of her life to the heroine and then another 5 years on the methadone that was meant to get her off it

She was bisexual?

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16 hours ago, throbber said:

Did Ross. Not say it a couple pages back or have i read it wrong?



16 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Fairly certain Ross was taking the piss, based on Tibbermore's rambling nonsense.

I thought Throbbers meme response to my post was him continuing with my terrible joke.

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36 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I'm not really sure what your point is but at 19, those "kids" (you are absolutely not a kid at 19) you are talking about are probably not capable of rehabilitation.

Seriously, who the hell has more than 90 convictions by the age of 19 and can still find people who believe that they can change?

while a lot of people just carry on in the same old way to adulthood,a lot do eventually grow out of their moronic youthful behaviour

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14 hours ago, ayrmad said:

Wouldn't shock me, I did cross paths with one who looked on addicts like pieces of shit.

Surprises me. My dad worked in that area for quite some time and everyone I met who worked alongside him were absolutely nothing like that.

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1 minute ago, Ross. said:

Surprises me. My dad worked in that area for quite some time and everyone I met who worked alongside him were absolutely nothing like that.

Needless to say, I took an instant dislike to the person, people are entitled to their views but I'm not sure they're entitled to those views whilst taking a decent wage from that area.

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