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2 hours ago, throbber said:


A good chunk of the population don’t believe depression is an illness I would imagine, that’s why there’s so much effort put into mental health awareness these days. I attended high school between 98-04 and don’t remember receiving any education on mental health so I’d imagine a good chunk of people older than me are completely ignorant on the matter.


Same here. I imagine most people know pretty much zero about it unless it affects them or someone they're close to.

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10 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Whit? Where on earth did I say that?

I said depression wasn't an illness. I categorically did NOT say that there was no such thing as mental illness you lying b*****d. 

Depression can be lifted by changing your mindset or thinking/talking the problem away.

You cannot think or talk away an illness.


What is depression if it's not a mental illness?

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38 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

You have to acknowledge this[mention=76717]Dele[/mention].




I actually let myself down by posting that, it is far better just telling them the evidence is there if they wish to look for it, usually followed by numerous sheepish dumplings posting about me being a numpty as I don't post the proof, the non sheep usually know whether it's bullshit or not.

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5 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Yes that's correct.

It's not just semantics though.

It's incredibly important not to mis-label things as illnesses when they are not because of two things.

Firstly, like addiction, those suffering can end up believing that this isn't something they can personally get themselves out of by changing their lives and their outlook on life.

Secondly, and more dangerously, it can lead GP's to over-prescribe drugs which can lead to serious side effects including addiction. This has been happening and there are huge efforts being made to move to non-drug solutions and away from this "here's a pill" nonsense.

People need to engage their brains a little more on this subject instead of jumping down peoples throats every time they read a counter-viewpoint.

I've taken 5 minutes to engage my brain and give a reasoned and logical answer to this - you're a condescending moron.

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Fucking hell, I give up. [emoji38]
Whit? Where on earth did I say that?
I said depression wasn't an illness. I categorically did NOT say that there was no such thing as mental illness you lying b*****d. 
Depression can be lifted by changing your mindset or thinking/talking the problem away.
You cannot think or talk away an illness.
Yes that's correct.
It's not just semantics though.
It's incredibly important not to mis-label things as illnesses when they are not because of two things.
Firstly, like addiction, those suffering can end up believing that this isn't something they can personally get themselves out of by changing their lives and their outlook on life.
Secondly, and more dangerously, it can lead GP's to over-prescribe drugs which can lead to serious side effects including addiction. This has been happening and there are huge efforts being made to move to non-drug solutions and away from this "here's a pill" nonsense.
People need to engage their brains a little more on this subject instead of jumping down peoples throats every time they read a counter-viewpoint.  As far as addiction and depression go, there is no illness which can be cured by talking or thinking it away and therefore neither can be an illness.
Gives up... clearly tells fibs.

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Oaksoft isn't a troll. He's a bitter c**t who genuinely enjoys taking pot shots at folk less fortunate than him. He's fucking vile. His stance against young adults showed him for what he is. He can't stand that people younger than him actually have a say in the world and he lashes out as a result.

This subject makes him feel better because people with depression are "beneath" him, and he'll never take an argument against that because it makes him feel worse. And we can't have that. He NEEDS to be able to look down on folk 

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I am trying to engage my brain here but I just don't get it, maybe I am being stupid.  
Leaving addiction aside for a moment.  Are you saying that depression isn't an illness, because it cannot be cured by talking with a psychiatrist?  You never mentioned taking prescribed anti-depressent drugs, but I assume that you know that both usually happen together.  So have I got this right then, depression isn't an illness because it cannot be cured by taking prescribed medication or by talking to a psychiatrist? 

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Yes that's correct.
It's not just semantics though.
It's incredibly important not to mis-label things as illnesses when they are not because of two things.
Firstly, like addiction, those suffering can end up believing that this isn't something they can personally get themselves out of by changing their lives and their outlook on life.
Secondly, and more dangerously, it can lead GP's to over-prescribe drugs which can lead to serious side effects including addiction. This has been happening and there are huge efforts being made to move to non-drug solutions and away from this "here's a pill" nonsense.
People need to engage their brains a little more on this subject instead of jumping down peoples throats every time they read a counter-viewpoint.  As far as addiction and depression go, there is no illness which can be cured by talking or thinking it away and therefore neither can be an illness.

There’s actually things in there that make sense but you seem to then have applied them to your own arbitrary definition of illness.

I agree that part of our mental health crisis is the immediate jump to pills than getting to the root of the problem. However the NHS don’t have the resource to do that so they resort to endless prescriptions of anti depressants. My personal experience is that I went through years of pills and therapy and it got me absolutely nowhere. The best thing that happened to me was to realise what was making me so deeply unhappy and to work at those things on a daily basis. I think in terms of treating depression we’d be on a similar page, however my experience is my own only.

Where id pick you up is I am not cured, I still get relatively regular bouts of crippling depression, I just have more tools to manage that and get through it. A lot of that is rest, eating well, drinking well, looking after yourself. There’s physical illnesses where that is part of the solution too as opposed to pills yet I doubt you’d be on here claiming they’re not illnesses.

If I can wake up in the morning feeling like I want my life to end, I don’t think the fact that I can take steps to alleviate that makes it not an illness. Now it doesn’t really affect me that you don’t believe it to be an illness but at a time where suicide rates are so high I think your views are quite dangerous and symptomatic of why many men don’t end up addressing it. You do have a point but I think it’s articulated quite condescendingly.
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20 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Leaving aside the fact that you seem to be agreeing with me, I want you to take a step back here for a second.

That line in bold is interesting.

On a thread where I've been called a c**t twice and a moron once in the last 2 pages alone what prompts dire warnings of suicides amongst other forum users is your perception that my posts were a bit condescending?

It's OK to call people c***s but if you are thought to be condescending that could precipitate a suicide?

Seriously? That's your position is it?

What a bizarre response that suggests you don't really want to take on what I said. The very reason I responded was that I felt you had some nuggets of a valid point in amongst your posts and that people were quite dismissive of you unnecessarily. What I was pointing out was that the condescending tone is probably what invited such a response. Quite how you've drawn the conclusion that I was comparing the likelihood of suicide based on your opinion/abuse on a forum I have no idea. 

I agree with elements of your position, I disagree with the conclusions you draw from them. I agree that entrenching yourself in a victim mindset and concluding there's nothing to do to help yourself will slow, if not stop the recovery process from depression. I agree that every individual needs a bespoke analysis of their own mental health and not just have pills constantly prescribed for them and hope it gets better.

You spoke of people being 'cured' through talking - disagree

You say depression isn't an illness - disagree

You seem to think it's very important that someone suffering knows it's not a 'real' illness - strongly disagree 



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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

But to be quite clear here, you think it's OK to complain about posts you perceive to be condescending, but posts calling people c***s are acceptable?

I've said nothing of the sort but you seem determined to make that conclusion or at least deflect from the points so I'll leave you to it.

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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

But to be quite clear here, you think it's OK to complain about posts you perceive to be condescending, but posts calling people c***s are acceptable?

It might be a bit easier to follow if you didn't make up things about what he said.

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