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Israel lobby v Corbyn


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3 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

I've always held to the view that the posthumous projection of a John Smith premiership probably far exceeds what the reality would have been.
Sometimes we Scots are seduced by 'serious politicians' who trail a strong whiff of Presbyterian rectitude when the truth is they are no great shakes - Gordon Brown anyone ?


Possibly, but would you not agree it is highly unlikely that Smith would have offered Britain's backing and support in the Iraq war?

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On 3/2/2019 at 14:31, ICTJohnboy said:


Does it exist amongst the labour rank and file or anyone in the party for that matter?

To most on here no.

But take the recently suspended MP Chris Williamson.

Part of the speech that he gave that finally resulted in his suspension included comparing antisemitism marcher to the KKK in the film Mississippi Burning.

Back in December he tweeted a call for support for Holocaust denier Gilad Atmoz, then "apologized" and all was nice again.

Earlier last year, on several occasions he voiced support for the completely batshit mentalist far right activist Vanessa Beeley. Her antisemitism is likely her least bad trait.

He has supported Jackie Walker on multiple occasions.  She was suspended for claiming Jewish money was behind the slave trade, a recycled US antisemitic trope.

This is nothing to do with "Palestine" or some high minded goal. But the Beeley stuff alone should have seen him humped out the party without having to reference antisemitism. She is far right for christsakes.


Its one of many stories of quacks and crackpots being given a free ride because they are close to the leadership. From a Scottish perspective its like the SNP allowing nutjobs like Peter Dow into the party and into positions of mid level influence with no check on them.


Almost everyone on this thread has avowed they have seen nothing "antisemitic" and hinted at conspiracy theories. But certain issues attract quacks, cranks and fruitcakes (see Detourment as an example) and while far from the majority or perhaps even all that large a %, they are gaining influence in the party. Others have been around for a while like Williamson and are now being a lot more open about their views.


The party chair of Luciana Bergers CLP (one of those who resigned recently),  Dr Alex Scott-Samuel ,  was a regular on conspiracy shows by Richie Allen another utter batshit loonie. Antivaxxers, Rothschild\Jews control the world, NWO type stuff.


He was fired by his uni for appearing on the shows, but so far, as far as we can tell no action by Labour.


Its a brave new world.


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Anti Semitism smears are working so well that it's natural that the right wants to get more value out of them.
Soon it will be anti semitic if you don't want eat chlorinated chicken or invade Iran.
That'll be neoconservative Stephen Pollard using his Jewish Chronicle editors position as a platform to poke the wasp nest to erode the chances of Corbyn being elected and pushing policies that are polar opposite to his own politics?
Stunned. Absolutely stunned.
Also took a look at Rachel Riley's twitter. Fucking hell.
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To most on here no.
But take the recently suspended MP Chris Williamson.
Part of the speech that he gave that finally resulted in his suspension included comparing antisemitism marcher to the KKK in the film Mississippi Burning.
Back in December he tweeted a call for support for Holocaust denier Gilad Atmoz, then "apologized" and all was nice again.
Earlier last year, on several occasions he voiced support for the completely batshit mentalist far right activist Vanessa Beeley. Her antisemitism is likely her least bad trait.
He has supported Jackie Walker on multiple occasions.  She was suspended for claiming Jewish money was behind the slave trade, a recycled US antisemitic trope.
This is nothing to do with "Palestine" or some high minded goal. But the Beeley stuff alone should have seen him humped out the party without having to reference antisemitism. She is far right for christsakes.
Its one of many stories of quacks and crackpots being given a free ride because they are close to the leadership. From a Scottish perspective its like the SNP allowing nutjobs like Peter Dow into the party and into positions of mid level influence with no check on them.
Almost everyone on this thread has avowed they have seen nothing "antisemitic" and hinted at conspiracy theories. But certain issues attract quacks, cranks and fruitcakes (see Detourment as an example) and while far from the majority or perhaps even all that large a %, they are gaining influence in the party. Others have been around for a while like Williamson and are now being a lot more open about their views.
The party chair of Luciana Bergers CLP (one of those who resigned recently),  Dr Alex Scott-Samuel ,  was a regular on conspiracy shows by Richie Allen another utter batshit loonie. Antivaxxers, Rothschild\Jews control the world, NWO type stuff.
He was fired by his uni for appearing on the shows, but so far, as far as we can tell no action by Labour.
Its a brave new world.

You've led me on to an interesting article, questioning some of the media tactics in "blacklisting" certain individuals, as you do in your post.

Do you believe this anti-semitism in labour storyline is one that is being pushed and funded by certain groups? Or a completely natural occurrence, of which Corbyn and his pals are to blame?
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4 hours ago, Detournement said:

Last night a man punched Corbyn while holding an egg outside the mosque where a man was killed in the van attack in 2017. The media barely ripples.


It's all over the Media and all M.S.M.

Is it not in the Socialist Worker paper?

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22 hours ago, NotThePars said:



Can anyone explain WHY she has not been expelled from the party for this ?

In my opinion, as a supposed "Labour" MP, what she's just stated is 100 times worse than anything Williamson said.

It really is time that Corbyn took a stand against this mob and he needs to get rid of Watson, Hodge & McDonagh for starters. If they then want to continue harping on from the outside of the party, then fine, however he's coming across as a complete weakling when he's bowing to pressure to suspend the likes of Williamson but stands back and does nothing as these "people" sabotage the Labour party from the inside.

McDonagh's statement above is more than enough to confirm that she should be crossing the hall and dressing in blue..............

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Can anyone explain WHY she has not been expelled from the party for this ?
In my opinion, as a supposed "Labour" MP, what she's just stated is 100 times worse than anything Williamson said.
It really is time that Corbyn took a stand against this mob and he needs to get rid of Watson, Hodge & McDonagh for starters. If they then want to continue harping on from the outside of the party, then fine, however he's coming across as a complete weakling when he's bowing to pressure to suspend the likes of Williamson but stands back and does nothing as these "people" sabotage the Labour party from the inside.
McDonagh's statement above is more than enough to confirm that she should be crossing the hall and dressing in blue..............
They are seeking a "martyr" to be kicked out. The difficulty about a well deserved booting out is it will be portrayed as yet more denial of the supposed rife antisemitism problem. I'm hoping maybe an accused individual like Williamson might one day take one of these arses to court for defamation and bring their "evidence" into a court of law for a fair hearing where said evidence of Labours complicity will have to stand up to scrutiny. Doubt it will happen though as the Hodges of this world are busy creating a climate where you can't protest your innocence for fear of it being portrayed as denial ergo more antisemitism.
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