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Israel lobby v Corbyn


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Reading that story, Offord appears to have done some digging to find out all sorts of things about Alexei. Doesn't appear to have discovered that my favourite Scouse Gobshite is actually Jewish.* 

Word to the wise, ya Tory eddjit - when David Baddiel is refusing to back your allegations, maybe you've got it wrong. 

*Although, to be fair, the Jewish News makes no mention of this either, while specifically referring to Baddiel as a Jewish comedian. I would have said Sayle being a Jew was more relevant to the story, but maybe I'm just a thick goy. Point is, Sayle isn't.

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4 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

...have a sneaking suspicion that 3500+ missles fired at Israeli cities is not the most effective way to do that. People understand the cynical game that Likud are playing  right now to keep Netanyahu in power but what's less well known is that there was supposed to be a Palestinian Authority election this year:


Hamas won the last one fifteen years ago:


but Fatah effectively subsequently staged a coup to keep control of the West Bank. It's not just Netanyahu that doesn't believe in a two-state solution along Oslo Accords lines and is happy to have a crisis right now that drives the domestic electorate away from notions of compromise making it impossible to proceed with one. Think this youtube clip (by an Azeri) sums up what's happening right now in a reasonably balanced way (even if I don't agree with it verbatim) at a depth that you are unlikely to obtain from any mainstream cable news outlet nowadays:

Way ahead? Both electorates need to stop voting in their extremists and vote instead for parties that are serious about a peaceful two-state solution.

That was interesting especially the last 5 minutes.


2 questions on what the video says if its correct, whats your opinion

1. Why have the Arab nations  abandoned the Palestinian cause in recent years

2. If Gaza was to get autonomous status and the concern for Israel is that they could later then obtain weapons to cause major damage to Israel, how could that be overcome to allow Gaza to really govern itself and rebuild and improve quality of life for its residents and ensure it does not attack its neighbour. Theres an element of trust there but if thats whats holding back the future for those who live there then even Hamas and Netanyahu can be pushed towards some compromise if theres a will from all and a trust is built.

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1. ...because Saudi Arabia (Sunni) vs Iran (Shia) is now the main dividing line in the Middle east and the former and its allies view Israel as useful in a geostrategic sense for now in pragmatic terms even if they would still prefer in ideological terms that it had never emerged.

2. If Gaza were to be governed by a more moderate two-state solution supporting group as was envisaged in the Oslo Accords process there is no longer an issue with missles potentially causing major damage to the core area of the Israeli state and no longer a need/excuse for a blockade of the Gaza Strip. Hamas still ultimately want it all in a one state of the Islamic variety sort of way so their victory in the 2006 Palestinian elections put a spanner in the works to put it mildly. Likud still want it all in the context of something close to an Apartheid scenario and have no interest in a Palestinian state emerging, so are probably privately more than happy that Hamas launched all those missiles right on cue for Netanyahu's forthcoming election campaign as long as it doesn't overwhelm the Iron Dome system (jury still out on that one). The extremist postures of Hamas and Likud feed off each other.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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On 15/05/2021 at 15:03, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Fucking hell



On 15/05/2021 at 15:10, Pato said:

This IDF tactic of saying they warn people to leave their homes before they level them and acting all wounded when people say that hardly helps is no different to when you're a wee kid and you swing your arms about and blame your brother if he is still stood in the way as you walk towards him.

Bit of a late quote but yeah, that stood out for all the wrong reasons. ED-209 diplomacy where as long as you shout YOU HAVE 5 SECONDS TO COMPLY before firing off rockets somehow means you're justified in doing so.

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31 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

1. ...because Saudi Arabia (Sunni) vs Iran (Shia) is now the main dividing line in the Middle east and the former and its allies view Israel as useful in a geostrategic sense for now in pragmatic terms even if they would still prefer in ideological terms that it had never emerged.

2. If Gaza were to be governed by a more moderate two-state solution supporting group as was envisaged in the Oslo Accords process there is no longer an issue with missles potentially causing major damage to the core area of the Israeli state and no longer a need/excuse for a blockade of the Gaza Strip. Hamas still ultimately want it all in a one state of the Islamic variety sort of way so their victory in the 2006 Palestinian elections put a spanner in the works to put it mildly. Likud still want it all in the context of something close to an Apartheid scenario and have no interest in a Palestinian state emerging, so are probably privately more than happy that Hamas launched all those missiles right on cue for Netanyahu's forthcoming election campaign as long as it doesn't overwhelm the Iron Dome system (jury still out on that one). The extremist postures of Hamas and Likud feed off each other.

as tends to be the case with extremists, closer to each other than anyone else

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The good Adam Johnson, by way of Yousef Munayyer in the NYT, on why you shouldn’t trust any politician that advocates for a two-state solution while continuing to support Israel’s settler expansion.
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Even Krishna goes Gammon when faced with an intelligent Palestinian.

The last question is ridiculous. "Will Palestine hand over terrorists and suicide bomber planners to the ICJ?" Well if it means getting a internationally recognised state obviously they will go jail for the rest of their lives. Lib Brain can't comprehend that.

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23 hours ago, NotThePars said:



The good Adam Johnson, by way of Yousef Munayyer in the NYT, on why you shouldn’t trust any politician that advocates for a two-state solution while continuing to support Israel’s settler expansion.


"the Palestinian people are moving on, whether or not their leadershio comes with them"

Moving on to what? Which leadership are they talking about? Hamas, Fatah, or all of them?

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...but we may now have moved to a scenario where there is no longer a consensus that they should always be backed up on that in Washington between Democrats and Republicans because being either pro- or anti-Zionist has become part of the wider American culture war. Netanyahu being so close to Trump may have backfired on them.

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10 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Barlow is an incredible poster. Absolutely determined to be the main character of Twitter, day in, day out.

I don't think I'll come close to seeing a post as good as "my friend panicked when they mistook "FREE PARKING" for "FREE PALESTINE". Unbelievable derangement.

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