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Nipper Salmond


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8 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

That's a good expression of what most of us are thinking.

Does this make Salmond (and you have to admire his political prowess) unacceptable politically?  

I'm not sure what he'd want at this stage. He has his proxy in Joanna Cherry and I'm sure she has her own ambitions. Could he realistically want to be FM again? Maybe, I don't know. Or would his 'revenge' be complete by elbowing Nicola out and pushing cherry forward?

Interesting times if nothing else.. maybe gives the movement a chance to have a 'where do we want to go?' debate around the leadership. And Nicola will see that challenge off with ease if she chooses to.


Edited by Bairn Necessities
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What a load of pish. The man was found innocent for goodness sake.

Actual neutral observers after dissecting the ridiculous crown case will no doubt wonder how this nonsense ever got to court.





I doubt it, I think most will still wonder how NINE individual complainants could just fabricate this whole saga, and just as importantly why? I don’t think many will equate the ruling with Salmond’s ‘innocence’ though, more that ‘he got off’.

You’re right though, if the Crown felt they had enough hard evidence to pursue this case, they made a pretty shoddy job of using it. A sorry episode all round.


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7 minutes ago, Clockwork said:


I doubt it, I think most will still wonder how NINE individual complainants could just fabricate this whole saga, and just as importantly why? I don’t think many will equate the ruling with Salmond’s ‘innocence’ though, more that ‘he got off’.

You’re right though, if the Crown felt they had enough hard evidence to pursue this case, they made a pretty shoddy job of using it. A sorry episode all round.


Are we sure that the jury thought all of the women were lying?  Is it not possible that they believed the evidence of at least some of the women but then decided that no crimes had been committed?

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Are we sure that the jury thought all of the women were lying?  Is it not possible that they believed the evidence of at least some of the women but then decided that no crimes had been committed?

Believed some of the evidence but decided that even the laws covering sexual harassment in the workplace hadn’t been contravened? The prosecution couldn’t even make that stick, surely it raises a few eyebrows that he walked away scot-free?
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2 minutes ago, Clockwork said:


I doubt it, I think most will still wonder how NINE individual complainants could just fabricate this whole saga, and just as importantly why? I don’t think many will equate the ruling with Salmond’s ‘innocence’ more that ‘he got off’.

You’re right though, if the Crown felt they had enough hard evidence to pursue this case, they made a pretty shoddy job of using it. A sorry episode all round.


It was nine seperate allegations.

Each with no corroborating evidence. Each allegation taken on its own showed an insufficiency to charge (let alone take to court)

The whole prosecution case rested on the application of moorov.

Once it was revealed witnesses had colluded pre disclosure moorov was out the window.

In addition the defence was able to present a convincing case producing numerous independent witnesses.

A great travesty of justice has been avoided

Alex Salmond is an innocent man. A whole lot of people appear still in denial of this because it doesn't fit the picture they have built up of him (fed by a salivating Scottish media) since this all became public.

Because of who he is, some will continue attempts to attempt to throw mud. 

People can question the morality of certain episodes etc but that is just their opinion.  It means f@ck all. He/she that threw the first stone etc. The current leaders of the free world appear at least as morally questionable.

Salmond has faced his accusers and been found innocent. When is Johnson up in court for his domestic?...oh right. Sweep sweep.



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10 minutes ago, Clockwork said:

Believed some of the evidence but decided that even the laws covering sexual harassment in the workplace hadn’t been contravened? The prosecution couldn’t even make that stick, surely it raises a few eyebrows that he walked away scot-free?

No. As above. He "walked free" because he was innocent.

Its not difficult.

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10 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

That's a good expression of what most of us are thinking.

Does this make Salmond (and you have to admire his political prowess) unacceptable politically?  

I would have thought so. Time will tell. He's only 65 and seems in good health, politicians don't tend to fade away, they're a bit like actors in that respect.

On the other hand, this is bound to have taken a toll on him, he may lie low for a while to recuperate.

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49 minutes ago, Clockwork said:


I doubt it, I think most will still wonder how NINE individual complainants could just fabricate this whole saga, and just as importantly why? I don’t think many will equate the ruling with Salmond’s ‘innocence’ though, more that ‘he got off’.

You’re right though, if the Crown felt they had enough hard evidence to pursue this case, they made a pretty shoddy job of using it. A sorry episode all round.


Image result for ooh matron ooh kenneth williams

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35 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:


It was nine seperate allegations.

Each with no corroborating evidence. Each allegation taken on its own showed an insufficiency to charge (let alone take to court)

The whole prosecution case rested on the application of moorov.

Once it was revealed witnesses had colluded pre disclosure moorov was out the window.

In addition the defence was able to present a convincing case producing numerous independent witnesses.

A great travesty of justice has been avoided

Alex Salmond is an innocent man. A whole lot of people appear still in denial of this because it doesn't fit the picture they have built up of him (fed by a salivating Scottish media) since this all became public.

Because of who he is, some will continue attempts to attempt to throw mud. 

People can question the morality of certain episodes etc but that is just their opinion.  It means f@ck all. He/she that threw the first stone etc. The current leaders of the free world appear at least as morally questionable.

Salmond has faced his accusers and been found innocent. When is Johnson up in court for his domestic?...oh right. Sweep sweep.



As I have mentioned before I am a party member,  however I have been thoroughly dismayed, to say the least, at Alex admitting he did behave in a foolish and boorish manner during his tenure as First Minister, given that, I would not support him in any future political ambitions he may have.

As for Cherry, as the poster above has mentioned, it is well known within the party that she is arrogant and malicious and we would do well to deny her political ambition.

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57 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

As I have mentioned before I am a party member,  however I have been thoroughly dismayed, to say the least, at Alex admitting he did behave in a foolish and boorish manner during his tenure as First Minister, given that, I would not support him in any future political ambitions he may have.

As for Cherry, as the poster above has mentioned, it is well known within the party that she is arrogant and malicious and we would do well to deny her political ambition.

It's well known I support independence.

That said I really couldn't give a monkeys about the internal machinations of the SNP.

It concerns me that an individual can be found innocent and still continue to have mud slung at them hoping some sticks.

I get that it must be a great anticlimax to some that he was found innocent and there must be others who are now very scared about what dirty dark doings and secrets are going to be revelaed.

If there are rotten dark forces at work at high levels within your party, then for everyone's good they need emptied.

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The 1690s are mostly raging - unsurprising. 

If Salmond wants to start going after folk in the SNP hierarchy he's going to do absolutely no good to the wider cause he has driven for much of his life. If this were to reach the stage where he was creating pressure for the FM I suspect that would not be well received by the vast majority of independence supporters who recognise that she's trying to steer a consensual path to independence - almost flying in the face of how politics is working just now. 

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31 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

It's well known I support independence.

That said I really couldn't give a monkeys about the internal machinations of the SNP.

It concerns me that an individual can be found innocent and still continue to have mud slung at them hoping some sticks.

I get that it must be a great anticlimax to some that he was found innocent and there must be others who are now very scared about what dirty dark doings and secrets are going to be revelaed.

If there are rotten dark forces at work at high levels within your party, then for everyone's good they need emptied.

I'm an indy supporter too..though not a card carrying SNP member. I also know zero about the internal party stuff.

I was always a Salmond fan boy really. I liked the swagger.  I appreciated the arrogance and the way he swatted aside interviewers and shitey Labour rivals.

I'm just disappointed he's turned out to be a lecherous old b*****d. Maybe that's a bit maude flanders but so be it. 

Salmond is indeed innocent of the criminal charges.  Via a fair trial. Whether you think his reputation is ruined depends on how you thing men in positions of power should behave towards women.

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