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30 minutes ago, Bairn Necessities said:

depends on how you thing men in positions of power should behave towards women.

Or indeed how persons (not to be sexist) in positions of power should conspire to bring about the downfall of an individual who has done more to forward the cause of independence than any other.

As I said earlier. Something smells bad in the hierarchy of the SNP.  

As a supporter of independence and an SNP voter that makes me very uncomfortable.

For the sake of independence this whole affair needs to be out in the open and the rotten aiples emptied out the cairt!

Edited by git-intae-thum
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It was nine seperate allegations.

Each with no corroborating evidence. Each allegation taken on its own showed an insufficiency to charge (let alone take to court)

The whole prosecution case rested on the application of moorov.

Once it was revealed witnesses had colluded pre disclosure moorov was out the window.

In addition the defence was able to present a convincing case producing numerous independent witnesses.

A great travesty of justice has been avoided

Alex Salmond is an innocent man. A whole lot of people appear still in denial of this because it doesn't fit the picture they have built up of him (fed by a salivating Scottish media) since this all became public.

Because of who he is, some will continue attempts to attempt to throw mud. 

People can question the morality of certain episodes etc but that is just their opinion.  It means f@ck all. He/she that threw the first stone etc. The current leaders of the free world appear at least as morally questionable.

Salmond has faced his accusers and been found innocent. When is Johnson up in court for his domestic?...oh right. Sweep sweep.




The prosecution’s inability to make the case stick, using the principles of Moorov’s law is indeed their failure, especially given that even his own admissions would illustrate a pattern of behaviour. Surely they should have been able to uncover any previous collaboration between witnesses prior to the trial? It seems thoroughly ill prepared.

His defence however deployed a tactic of pleading guilty to a series of lesser demeanours in the hope that it would satisfy the contention that he is just a bit of a pest, nothing more. It clearly worked.

His politics are immaterial to the case, there are politicians of ALL colours who continue to preach and moralise over the life choices, decisions and good character of others whilst believing their own behaviour is above reproach. They are just as reprehensible.

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9 minutes ago, Clockwork said:


The prosecution’s inability to make the case stick, using the principles of Moorov’s law is indeed their failure, especially given that even his own admissions would illustrate a pattern of behaviour. Surely they should have been able to uncover any previous collaboration between witnesses prior to the trial? It seems thoroughly ill prepared.

His defence however deployed a tactic of pleading guilty to a series of lesser demeanours in the hope that it would satisfy the contention that he is just a bit of a pest, nothing more. It clearly worked.

His politics are immaterial to the case, there are politicians of ALL colours who continue to preach and moralise over the life choices, decisions and good character of others whilst believing their own behaviour is above reproach. They are just as reprehensible.

Well that is just a lot of unsubstantiated smearing  pish isn't it.

You are clearly raging he is innocent. 

I know.... the celebrations were all planned. SIU had employed there best caption writers ready with all the witty wee posters and memes

Nae luck.

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

Leslie Evans apparently sent a text saying we "We may have lost the battle but we will win the war" after Salmond was charged. 

I'm looking forward to this inquiry. It should be entertaining.

saw that.  it's a fairly common turn of phrase to be honest.  there will need to be a bit more than that i think for a conspiracy to be proven.

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3 minutes ago, tirso said:

I don't understand why the inner circles would want to get Salmond in the way that's being suggested.

It does nothing to help the SNP, Scottish independence, Sturgeon or anything.


Politicians. Some of them hate their own colleagues more than their opponents.

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20 minutes ago, tirso said:

I don't understand why the inner circles would want to get Salmond in the way that's being suggested.

It does nothing to help the SNP, Scottish independence, Sturgeon or anything.


Careers. Can be ruined or made depending on whether you hitch on to the right person. 

Look at Osborne . Cameron 's right hand man. Punted to a newspaper role minutes after May took over.

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51 minutes ago, tirso said:

saw that.  it's a fairly common turn of phrase to be honest.  there will need to be a bit more than that i think for a conspiracy to be proven.


29 minutes ago, tirso said:

I don't understand why the inner circles would want to get Salmond in the way that's being suggested.

It does nothing to help the SNP, Scottish independence, Sturgeon or anything.


Evans is already in hot water due to the court of session judgement.

A lot of people of people seem shocked that the top leadership in a political party may have intenions which directly contradict the desires of the membership and the parties historic purpose despite it happening in every major political party in the world. 


Edited by Detournement
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10 minutes ago, Bairn Necessities said:

Careers. Can be ruined or made depending on whether you hitch on to the right person. 

Look at Osborne . Cameron 's right hand man. Punted to a newspaper role minutes after May took over.


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1 hour ago, Jacksgranda said:

Politicians. Some of them hate their own colleagues more than their opponents.

Charles Gray, long time leader of defunct Strathclyde Regional Council, used to quip about the politicians across the chamber being the opposition and those behind him being the enemy.

Not sure if it was original.

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What's the script between Sturgeon & Salmond? I thought they always got on and Sturgeon was getting stick for visiting him when she wasn't supposed to. There seems to have been a different picture painted that I've not noticed till now.

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30 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

What's the script between Sturgeon & Salmond? I thought they always got on and Sturgeon was getting stick for visiting him when she wasn't supposed to. There seems to have been a different picture painted that I've not noticed till now.

The split is primarily down to whether the SNP should accept that Westminster has a veto on a referendum (Sturgeon, Robertson) or whether they should push the limits of the UK constitution and challenge Westminster (Salmond, Cherry). 


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1 minute ago, Detournement said:

The split is primarily down to whether the SNP should accept that Westminster has a veto on a referendum (Sturgeon, Robertson) or whether they should push the limits of the UK constitution and challenge Westminster (Salmond, Cherry). 


Yet some seem to be spinning this into a conspiracy that Team Sturgeon tried to get Salmond the jail for this belief?

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10 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

Yet some seem to be spinning this into a conspiracy that Team Sturgeon tried to get Salmond the jail for this belief?

I don't think they originally set out to get him the jail. 

The original plan was to use the revamped ministerial code to finish his career but that backfired and was about to take down some senior people so they went down the criminal route to try to save their skins.

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Charles Gray, long time leader of defunct Strathclyde Regional Council, used to quip about the politicians across the chamber being the opposition and those behind him being the enemy.
Not sure if it was original.

I’ve seen it attributed to Churchill but he might have borrowed it himself
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The split is primarily down to whether the SNP should accept that Westminster has a veto on a referendum (Sturgeon, Robertson) or whether they should push the limits of the UK constitution and challenge Westminster (Salmond, Cherry). 
What utter pish.

If that were the case then why did Sturgeon bring in the Referendums (Scotland) Act?

You really are just a shite unionist troll H_B.
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24 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

What utter pish.

If that were the case then why did Sturgeon bring in the Referendums (Scotland) Act?

You really are just a shite unionist troll H_B.

In fairness there are two very different bits of rhetoric coming out from the proxies.

Pete Wishaw, Ian Blackford and Co are very much pushing the softly softly approach and saying any wildcat referendum is pointless and if we lose a court case that threat disappears forever.

Angus MacNeill and Cherry a much more hardline 'we need to call a referendum and test it in court'. Supported by the likes of Stuart Campbell. Thats compelling because their case is 'what do we have to lose? We're screwed just now anyway". Can see merit in that. 

Not saying Nicola doesn't want a referendum though.  Thats some bizarre nonsense. Its just a hard sell to people that it could be a long wait for another go. 

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