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Wrestling tropes that you dislike

DA Baracus

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We all know that there are various tropes used again and again. Some are fine, and even add to things, but many need to get to f**k.


What tropes in wrestling do you dislike and want to see gone?


I’ll kick off with;


-          Wrestler gets distracted by someone on the ramp or ‘tron, or even on the apron, and gets attacked from behind. It makes whoever gets attacked seem like a massive idiot.

-          Black wrestlers in WWE always being made to team up.

-          Pointing to the Wrestlemania sign.

-          The set up for someone doing a big dive or other move to the outside whereby the wrestlers on the outside stand around huddled close together looking up at the wrestler who is going to jump. This is particularly shit when they do so for many seconds as they’re basically standing around.

-          When there’s a single match featuring more than 2 wrestlers and wrestlers spend ages lying on the floor on the outside. I get that it’s hard to do the match without this, but it just seems a bit w**k.

-          Authority figures. Been done to death. Get it to f**k.

-          nWo rip offs. Yawn.

-          King of the Ring winners calling themselves ‘King’ and having a crown and sceptre. Amusing the first couple of times, deeply tedious thereafter.

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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

We all know that there are various tropes used again and again. Some are fine, and even add to things, but many need to get to f**k.


What tropes in wrestling do you dislike and want to see gone?


I’ll kick off with;


-          Wrestler gets distracted by someone on the ramp or ‘tron, or even on the apron, and gets attacked from behind. It makes whoever gets attacked seem like a massive idiot.

-          Black wrestlers in WWE always being made to team up.

-          Pointing to the Wrestlemania sign.

-          The set up for someone doing a big dive or other move to the outside whereby the wrestlers on the outside stand around huddled close together looking up at the wrestler who is going to jump. This is particularly shit when they do so for many seconds as they’re basically standing around.

-          When there’s a single match featuring more than 2 wrestlers and wrestlers spend ages lying on the floor on the outside. I get that it’s hard to do the match without this, but it just seems a bit w**k.

-          Authority figures. Been done to death. Get it to f**k.

-          nWo rip offs. Yawn.

-          King of the Ring winners calling themselves ‘King’ and having a crown and sceptre. Amusing the first couple of times, deeply tedious thereafter.

Standing up in the back watching TVs from a strange angle.

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2 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:


A classic. It's so stupid. 


Also stupid, no idea if they still do this, is highlights of blatant cheating being repeated on the big screen constantly yet nobody ever says "Hold on a minute..........look at this evidence" except from the times they use exactly that method in an angle.

A common phrase these days in the various wrestling-related podcasts is: "Don't try to apply logic to an illogical situation".

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1 minute ago, Dindeleux said:

Also stupid, no idea if they still do this, is highlights of blatant cheating being repeated on the big screen constantly yet nobody ever says "Hold on a minute..........look at this evidence" except from the times they use exactly that method in an angle.

A common phrase these days in the various wrestling-related podcasts is: "Don't try to apply logic to an illogical situation".

I get that sometimes we have to overlook silly stuff to get an angle, but some of it is a bit too silly, with this being another good example.

Also it seems that absolutely none of the wrestlers actually watch the shows they're on, save for the silly 'standing at an angle backstage' stuff you mention earlier.

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2 hours ago, Dindeleux said:

Also stupid, no idea if they still do this, is highlights of blatant cheating being repeated on the big screen constantly yet nobody ever says "Hold on a minute..........look at this evidence" except from the times they use exactly that method in an angle.

A common phrase these days in the various wrestling-related podcasts is: "Don't try to apply logic to an illogical situation".

I'd say they need a Compliance Officer, though they may already share one with the SFA.

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Referees are a whole sub genre here, but the very worst is one that we see less now in tag matches, where they miss a tag from the heels but allow it, but when it's the babyfaces the ref absolutely loses his shit.

See when I was a wee guy watching round about Summerslam 92 I would be on the verge of tears when the Nasty Boys or similar c***s pulling tag team tag tricks.
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Love this topic, I’m sure it came up in a thread not long ago. Anyway....

Also add:

Occasionally a second ref rushing down to overturn a mistake/argue a decision made by the original ref, why wouldn’t this happen every time there was an error??

Wrestler is pinning opponent, 1-2...someone’s music hits....why would you break the cover. Pin the guy and then see what’s going on! 

An outside distraction being enough to render a wrestler prone for a three-count via roll-up

Hot tags 

All heels being automatically friendly with each other but not with ANY faces whatsoever, and vice versa

Entrance music for run-in saves

Wrestler loses the ability of a simple playground climb when faced with the inside of a steel cage/ladder

Wrestler: do you have you’re opponent in a submission hold during a tag match, only for your opponents partner to distract the ref? Tempted to drop the hold and chase the ref to complain/smack the partner? NO!  Simply keep applying the submission the ref will be back in a moment to spot your opponents tap!

Wrestlers landing in specific spots to allow a certain opponent to hit a move that they never end up in against any other opponent (619 I’m looking at you!)

Turnbuckle catapults

Kevin Owens doing a frog splash  and not getting a 3-count when lots of lighter guys have used it as a finisher

A babyface runs down to the ring irate and looking to batter a heel, the heel simply slips out of the ring and suddenly now the face can’t follow him to get his hands on him. The invisible barrier has gone up and he simply has to stare daggers as his intended victim saunters up the aisle, usually laughing or mocking him as he goes.


Edited by Christophe
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Have always hated when wrestlers not previously dazed lie dead weight for a finisher while the person delivering the move mugs for the crowd. Cena with the AA and Lesnar with the f5 are particularly guilty of this. For example heel does a run in tries to clothesline Cena, who ducks it, then scoops them up on his shoulders and looks about for an age before delivering the move while the guy who has just been running about lies like a sack on tatties on his shoulders.

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The heel tactic of putting their feet on the ropes during a pin to “steal” a win.  How the f**k does that stop a wrestler moving their shoulder off the mat? Especially considering half the time the person makes an arse of it and doesn’t get their feet on the rope till after 2 on the refs count. 

A big one for me although probably not to others is people needing pishy catchphrases. Some are ok but some are absolutely cringe. Its not even like its patter during a conversation its just random phrases thrown in “you cant see me” what does that even mean. Heard one the other night “welcome to the uzo state penitentiary”.......cringe. Im not a bad guy im not a good guy im.....naw Roman let me cut you off there thats plenty. “Woo woo woo you know it”. I know your getting on my tits with that. 

Edited by diamond_for_life
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