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I don’t think there’s a ‘right’ answer. It’s purposely ambiguous so folk can make up their own mind as to what did and didn’t happen.


There are things that make you doubt his version of events, such as the gun firing more bullets than it can hold, the time on the clocks in different places all being the same and him imagining firing in to the lassie on his floor and imagining being on Murray’s show earlier on, his memory of his stand being received ok (folk laughing more as it went on) despite the footage on the Murray show showing silence from the crowd, as well as him standing watching Bruce being orphaned, despite not actually being there. There’s also the fact that he stops taking his medication.


But there’s also stuff that makes you think the other way, such as the note on the back of the photo of his mum from Thomas Wayne. Also it’s a mad coincidence that if Penny isn’t his mother that both she and Arthur suffer from severe mental health issues, including delusions (i.e. a possibly hereditary condition).


It’s a film to debate, which is a good thing.


Anyway, it’s definitely a good film, but definitely not the classic some folk have said it is. I don’t the reactions of amazement. It also wasn’t as dark as I thought it would be. 7/10.

Edited by DA Baracus
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I saw this last night. The story was pretty basic but the performance from Phoenix was superb as usual and the 80s Gotham aesthetic and cinematography made it great to watch. Grimey movies are the best movies.

The end felt a bit like Lord of The Rings as it should have ended in the TV studio after he kills his father figure which was an incredible set piece. The next ending with the Jesus style stuff in the street felt needless and a cheap tie in to DC mythology. The final ending with the psychiatrist and the 'all a dream' hint came across as an attempt to undercut the radical/nihilist stuff that came before.

It's a movie that could have been made without any comic book stuff at all but it's 2019 and you probably need a Superhero angle to get people interested. Seeing Modern Times in it was great especially with all the rich arseholes watching a Marxist movie. That was quite a clever statement on how things are appropriated and meaning is lost.


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Worryingly, a sequel has been greenlit, the only saving grace is that Todd Phillips is on board with it, you’ve got to wonder how much money they threw at him to make him go back on everything he said pre-release about it being a one-and-done???

If that is as successful give it another couple of years and Joaquin will be going up against Robert Paterson in the third Batman movie!!!


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  • 2 months later...

I'm no comic book fan but when I seen King of Comedy, Falling Down and Keitel's Bad Lieutenant referenced I gave it a go. Subtlety is not Todd Phillips strong point is it? Phoenix is good but not as good as he is in The Master and it looks tremendous but I found it shallow, derivative and dull. 

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