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  • 11 months later...
It seems like something I’ll get. But not until it’s on sale

And this became reality, got this a couple of weeks ago for £20 off the PS Store finished it today.

I definitely wouldn’t have been happy if I paid full price for this. No where near other play station exclusives but passed the time and worth what I paid.

Plays a bit like the last of us with the sneaking about killing people combat but has a massive (empty) open world. The story and characters aren’t really investing and the ending was fairly easy to predict. Only thing I have left is to kill all the hordes which are the most challenging parts of the game where some can be 500+ zombies grouped together in the one tiny cave which can take nearly an hour to clear, so putting this away for now as I’ll never waste my time with that.
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  • 2 months later...

Partner bought me this back in September and took me a while to pick it up due to RDR2 etc. 

Pretty much in agreement with the general gist of what’s been said already. There’s so much potential in the game but yet it quickly got samey and repetitive. Getting caught out by hordes made for some exciting moments, but overall it was pretty bland. Lost interest in the story as well. For how hyped I was for the game it disappointed, but it’s not the worst game I’ve played. Fell into the horizon zero dawn category of overall meh for me. 

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I got this in the sale as well with Persona 5 Royal but haven’t came close to even downloading it yet. Have heard someone describe it as “zombie Sons of Anarchy”
which I liked the sound of. Will dive in one day.

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  • 1 year later...
9 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

How the f**k am I supposed to kill a horde? I might be done with this, which is a shame as I was enjoying the wildly (poor) story.

Bombs and running a lot.

The hordes you have to clear for story line progression are both quite hard. The one in the scrapyard I just had to keep running and shooting back the way. The final one I just went on top of like a big barn roof and kept chucking bombs down and then running to the end of the barn.

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The ones I did I did in stages as well. If you get far enough away from them they get fed up. So I'd get close, lay some bombs, take some out and run to my bike with the bombs on the ground taking some out as I ran. Hop on the bike and go back when they turned back. Probably the shitebag approach and it took ages to do but it got the job done.

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To be fair I've started to enjoy the challenge of destroying them. It' seems impossible at night mind you.

I get the issues folk had with this game but really enjoy it. I think I just enjoy all post apocalyptic type games.



I am now back north after Failing to rescue Sarah from the Colonel cúnt


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7 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

I have finished the main story. I really enjoyed playing it. The writing was awful at times but still fun.

It's a really stupid game. I've completed it twice now. The wedding scene was my favourite.

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Despite what I said about the hordes ...

On 16/09/2021 at 01:02, Busta Nut said:

How the f**k am I supposed to kill a horde? I might be done with this, which is a shame as I was enjoying the wildly (poor) story.

I actually have killed a few and I enjoy the cat and mouse of it all. I think I am at 50%. I am done now I think. They lack of supplies and the having to search for them is fucking wild.

I really did enjoy this game. Despite it's cheesy shitey & poorly scripted bits of the story.

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13 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

fuckit, I 100% the hordes. Done now.

Some commitment mate! The hours you spent between each one gathering up the resources needed to take on the next must have been brutal.


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