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Sometimes it is absolutely fine to go with the payoff everyone is expecting.

It was also nice to have a ppv with minimal swerves, returns, or surprise appearances. Most of the matches had a decent build and they just got on with it. It felt like a bit of a reset in that regard.

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That was an excellent PPV packed with (mostly) absolutely great matches (the only one I didn't like was Jade vs Nyla Rose).

Cage match and trios match were outstanding, just brilliant stuff.

TNT title match was enjoyable. Always fun seeing big lads batter each other.

Darby and Sting vs Lethal and Jarrett was surprisingly good. Plenty of fun there with everyone doing their bit perfectly.

Thought Storm vs Hayter was great too. They really battered each other! Quite possibly the best women's match AEW have ever had. The crowd got well in to this, and that made a massive difference as too often the women's matches are done in front of a quiet crowd.

Main event was fantastic and had a great story.


Edited by DA Baracus
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A clip of the Bucks match popped up elsewhere today morning. Abolsutely laughable stuff, no wonder they get guffawed at for being "gymnastic" wrestling. 

However, MJF is a star. He'll surely go onto be one of the biggest stars in modern times? 

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51 minutes ago, TheGoon said:

Yeah if the Bucks style isn’r for you, that’s fine - but it’s clearly the most one of the most popular now. Influences 90% of upcoming wrestlers as well.

The PPV had loads of different sort of stuff on it/different styles. Really was a 'something for everyone' type of card.

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The bucks have been involved in the two best tag matches iv watched. Against penta and rey, and against omega and page. I think the story with the omega and page one is why I consider it one of the best. I did also stop watching rasslin completely for alot of years so I'm sure iv missed a few classics and I'm not really in to njpw etc. I'm looking forward to the best of 7 with death triangle although you'd imagine it will go the distance so hopefully the matches don't end up being too similar.

On full gear, I thought it was another great show, like we've come to expect from an aew ppv. I can't take to jungle boy and I have no idea why so I basically skipped most of the match. The trios and World championship matches where the best for me. As said above aew has something for everyone and aew is also why I got back in to wrestling, even the Mrs watches it on occasion with me. If Khan can get the roh stuff separated from the aew stuff then I'm sure they will have a good year next year.

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I just can't take to the Bucks either. Now I'm watching them more regularly, I can easily admit that they're incredibly talented, and they probably deserve the success they get. But...I just find the style so grating, particularly when it comes with all the knowing 4th wall looks to the camera and all that. 

Good to see I got the obvious ending to the main event spot on. Could have done with it being less obvious, but very interesting to see where they go from there with MJF and Regal.

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The Elite’s nod’s to Punk were so blatant I’m beginning to wonder whether they actually have worked something out after all. They were more than likely just fucking with Chicago, but the longer we go without confirmation on Punk’s contract being ripped up, I think that theory might grow. 

Decent shiw, really enjoyed the trios and the main event. Jericho’s chest at the end of that, ouch.

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5 hours ago, TheGoon said:

The Elite’s nod’s to Punk were so blatant I’m beginning to wonder whether they actually have worked something out after all. They were more than likely just fucking with Chicago, but the longer we go without confirmation on Punk’s contract being ripped up, I think that theory might grow. 

Decent shiw, really enjoyed the trios and the main event. Jericho’s chest at the end of that, ouch.

It was quite funny that The Elite were so blatant with the Punk digs on the same day that Omega did an interview saying that everyone needs to move on from the Punk fight.

It did cross my mind that this could be a sign that Punk is somehow back on board, but I think it is just The Elite doing what they want in Chicago, safe in the knowledge that their jobs are safe and also knowing that Punk will be sat at home absolutely seething about it.

That was a very good show show overall, although I would have enjoyed more of a follow up to the MJF/Regal/Mox situation, but I suppose their hands were tied with MJF being unavailable. Hopefully that wasn't Regal being written off for good.

It would have also been nice to see Hayter being able to cut a celebratory promo, especially with the confirmation that the title is no longer interim, but I guess Baker grabbing the limelight stokes the tension for their inevitable break-up and feud. It's hard to see where Thunder Rosa fits back in if she ever returns. It seems like she's genuinely hated by the locker room.

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The longer things go without them addressing the Punk stuff, the more likely it is that they've worked something out for him to come back in some capacity.  I still can't really see it, and it would be a massive risk to the happiness of the rest of the bloated roster (who carried the company well while everyone was away on suspension).  I assume all the digs were just because they were in Chicago, but...if so it all felt a bit playground.  Might be just because I already find the Bucks shtick more than a bit grating, but seems a bit needless.  And if you're wanting to piss off the guy who seems to get pissed off at absolutely everything, maybe just carrying on with your career successfully would be more than what they did.

The Mox/Regal stuff fell a bit flat for me too.  I expected Mox just to be gone, but if you're going to keep him around, I would've expected some kind of write-off for him.  This wasn't really either, and I'm not sure the Bryan wrinkle really adds much.  Seems to be more of Khan's insistence on adding another layer on top for no real reason.  Would've maybe been more interesting if Mox had attacked, as the way it is now is either Regal leaving for a while (bad decision) or he just comes back and renders it all pointless.

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I don't envy Jericho's next shower.

House of Black returning is good news. Was worried we'd be getting some pish with The Factory, but glad to see HoB batter them like the jobbers they are.

Was surprised at Starks winning, though not unpleasantly so. Thought Page was an obvious winner given how he's been positioned recently.

The Acclaimed remain hugely over. Great to see.

Glad they've got rid of the 'interim' pish with the women's title. That took far too long.

Edited by DA Baracus
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