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Not got All In tickets yet because they only have certain sections open and was wanting to get a similar section to last year (we were 224, so looking for that or 225/226). Hopefully they become available soon.


Are they really going to waste Christian vs Copeland on free TV next week? Their stuff last night was good.

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7 hours ago, forameus said:

Away from Dynamite, anyone got their All In tickets yet?  I missed the pre-sale on Monday but got in on the Ticketmaster one. Had a few re-rolls for tickets as seems like all the 100 level tickets went pretty quickly.  Went up to the next price bracket and got block 209, so in one of the corners.  Also interesting that they seem to have completely changed the setup from last year with the stage taking up one end rather than being at halfway.  Be nice to actually see the entranceway this year, if it isn't blocked by whatever canopy they chuck up over the ring.

From what I gather they've had to alter the set up as Taylor Swift has been penned in for some extra nights beforehand and her set up won't fit with AEW's

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40 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Not got All In tickets yet because they only have certain sections open and was wanting to get a similar section to last year (we were 224, so looking for that or 225/226). Hopefully they become available soon.


Are they really going to waste Christian vs Copeland on free TV next week? Their stuff last night was good.

Wondered exactly this too. Feels a bit quick and a throw away but maybe I'm just a git for long term pay-offs. 

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Best guess appears to be that it's Strong, Taven and Bennett, led by Cole.  The absolute VLs body language experts over on Reddit are apparently convinced that it's them because of the mannerisms and way they move.  And Khan has apparently already said that they're not using just anyone in a mask to disguise anything, the people that have appeared under the masks are the people that will be revealed.  Only question is whether Kyle O'Reilly is part of it, as it seems like he's just all round fucked with injuries and illness.  Would be nice to see him back though, like the guy.

I'm still holding some fear that it all turns out to be MJF in some big "it was me Austin" moment.  Which would be shite.

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3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Almost 30k tickets sold for All In 2024 so far apparently.

Saw a tweet the other day that they'd reached 25,000 in the first 2 days of the presale so wouldn't be surprised if they reach 35k by the end of the week

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6 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Those are very impressive numbers again, especially with the WWE Berlin PPV running so soon beforehand.

I doubt they'll get near the sales of this year, but 60k+ looks doable. Especially if they announce something huge well in advance

They're kinda jinxed when it comes to Danielson and injuries, but they are leaning very heavily into him making it this year. With a recent interview hinting it'd be his last match*. I do think getting the Final Countdown would be a decent selling point for a reasonable amount of people. Although a match v. Nigel McGuinness might a little too inside baseball for the casuals. 


*As a regular/full-time member of the roster. Whatever that's going to look like.

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11 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Those are very impressive numbers again, especially with the WWE Berlin PPV running so soon beforehand.

I doubt they'll get near the sales of this year, but 60k+ looks doable. Especially if they announce something huge well in advance

Got to hope they don't just think they can get away with what they did last year.  If they properly build the show and can announce certain matches in advance, they'll have no issues getting a big number.  If they just chuck together a decent card a couple of weeks before, maybe not.

The way AEW books though, f**k knows what they could go with.  With WWE you could probably plan out WM40 fairly accurately by the time Summerslam finishes, but it's a long way to August.  If you do have something like Danielson hanging it up, that's huge (Punk's last AEW match and Danielson's last overall would be quite the two years).  Ospreay in a prominent match - perhaps winning the title - would be big.  They'll put on a great show, no doubt, but will be a bit of a shame if the tickets sag a bit after last year.

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You'd be hoping there will be someone better available for the hometown pop rather than Saraya this time around.

Hopefully Hayter, Ospreay or PAC(if he doesn't get injured again) get something big to do.

Personally, would happily take Omega Vs Danielson for his "final" match. Was a rumoured match for last year but he broke his arm.

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8 hours ago, Lukovic said:

You'd be hoping there will be someone better available for the hometown pop rather than Saraya this time around.

Hopefully Hayter, Ospreay or PAC(if he doesn't get injured again) get something big to do.

Personally, would happily take Omega Vs Danielson for his "final" match. Was a rumoured match for last year but he broke his arm.


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I reckon the build to All In 24 will be much better than the build to this year's event. 

For a start, it needs to be, as they won't be shifting 80k tickets on a unique event alone.

They've already mentioned it a few times in storyline, so think they could now be treating it like their Mania and building big things for it. Danielson and Ospreay have noted in recently.

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49 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

I've said it before but Osprey will surely headline. He's not a massive draw but book it right and it could be massive moment 

Aye he's surely a lock to headline. Wouldn't mind seeing Danielson be champion in advance and Ospreay challenging him for it at the event. Absolutely loads of time before then to do what they need to.

Reckon MJF will need to drop it soon, not because he should but because he's physically fucked. He needs time off to heal his multiple injuries and generally get fit/well. He's a huge talent and will be champ again at some point, but even when he's not in the title scene he'll be in a top/featured programmes (the Devil stiff should see him through a good few months, especially if they write him off for a bit before to let him recuperate before he comes back to start the feud with whoever it is).


Incidentally, I was thinking earlier what happened to Ethan Page? Guy has massive potential I think.

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It sounds like they're building the devil stuff at least towards a reveal.  If they can do that well at World's End, and have Joe leave with the title, I think you get the chance to let MJF disappear for a little while to sell whatever's happened, and crucially heal up a bit.  Also helps Cole heal, as no matter what the reveal is, Cole will surely play into it heavily.  They can start a completely new story for the top title, presumably a long build towards Ospreay taking it, and then let MJF come back post Revolution or something to finish off the devil story without the title.  It just doesn't need it, and MJF is now at a level where he doesn't need it either.

But then they seem to be ensuring that Moxley never, ever gets a break, so maybe they'll just have MJF with the titles until his leg comes off or something.

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