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Nationality is embarrassing


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20 minutes ago, IrishBhoy said:

Thinking about it I would maybe wind my point back a bit as I can see why you would be towards something like that. There are a few things in life you are able to be proud of but can’t control, being proud of the team you support for example. But I still think feeling proud about the country you are from for no other reason other than you were born there is a strange thing to think. 

I feel proud to be part of a country that voted overwhelmingly in favour of a united Europe, I don't think it makes me any better than a random Englishman though. I certainly don't feel any better about myself because one of our Norman Barons beat up a load of English Norman Barons 700 years ago.

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12 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I feel proud to be part of a country that voted overwhelmingly in favour of a united Europe, I don't think it makes me any better than a random Englishman though. I certainly don't feel any better about myself because one of our Norman Barons beat up a load of English Norman Barons 700 years ago.

Agreed in part. Taking any personal pride in historical events etc is lunacy.

I like history and I find it fascinating, but Mcglashans fantasising over Wallace and Bruce are every bit as bad as Faragists or Tories creaming it over Wellington or Churchill. 

But...I also think that taking any personal pride in the collective actions of millions of persons is also nonsensical.

Personal pride is what it is.....personal. when you believe you have done right you can be personally proud.

I am happy that a majority of my fellow Scots want to remain EU citizens.

But pride...no.

that's for the  "proud Scot but" types.😂

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nothing wrong with pride in communities and cultures.  call it nation if you want.

It's everything from giving your door a new lick of paint and keeping your street tidy for everyone to enjoying a ceilidh.  When I see the castellers or a food festival in Italy, I see proud people and enjoy it.

You can have the positives without the negatives - if you so wish.

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3 hours ago, NotThePars said:

When people say they are proud to be European is that just an expression of opposition to the Brexit mindset or are people genuinely proud to be European? 

For me it's pride in the post war values that set up the European institutions like the ECHR, and creating economic and social bonds that made war absurd. Making basic things like an independent judiciary essential for new entrants from the Warsaw Pact, but welcoming them in with massive economic support, when they could have ended up like Belarus. The EU clearly now needs radical reform, the neoliberal economic policy forced on it by successive UK governments more than anyone, including the Germans who get all the blame, has been disastrous, as is the feeling of smaller countries of being bossed about by a Franco German led benign bureaucratic dictatorship. I hope reform brings us back to the core values and Putin's protégées in Poland, Hungary, England and around don't throw liberalism away in the neoliberal bathwater and hand the place over to the asset stripping, deregulating, fuckworkersrights, fuckhealthandsafety c***s who want to take it over.

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Above and beyond nationality. 

Abrahamics. The core of western bigotry. Fuckers tonight considering themselves global ,because they were  Jew, Christian and Muslim. 

Father Abraham is the biggest c**t. Whose time of western union is going to come to the fair and just end. 

The dragon is rising and abe will be put to rest

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2 minutes ago, Assasinach said:

Above and beyond nationality. 

Abrahamics. The core of western bigotry. Fuckers tonight considering themselves global ,because they were  Jew, Christian and Muslim. 

Father Abraham is the biggest c**t. Whose time of western union is going to come to the fair and just end. 

The dragon is rising and abe will be put to rest

I can take or leave the Smurfs to be honest, but this seems a bit ott.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 02/07/2019 at 01:35, Assasinach said:

Did you never see the smurfs as muppets with mal intent ? Even the muppets were , well , muppets.

the wombles in contrast were always anarcho good guys. 

"Malintent" is a single word.

That little nugget of knowledge might come in useful during a game of scrabble some day


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Guest JTS98
On 02/07/2019 at 01:35, welshbairn said:

For me it's pride in the post war values that set up the European institutions like the ECHR, and creating economic and social bonds that made war absurd. Making basic things like an independent judiciary essential for new entrants from the Warsaw Pact, but welcoming them in with massive economic support, when they could have ended up like Belarus.

I agree with this. 'Pride' sounds like a strong and cringey word to use for such things, but there is unquestionably an element of that when one encounters or lives among cultures that don't have such values.

I live in an Islamic country and work with a lot of people from the Middle East and south-east Asia. When you are regularly exposed to problems and views from backgrounds that don't have the kinds of values that we (whether we realise it or not) do have in western Europe, you become genuinely appreciative of what we have and, yes, proud that we've got to that stage of development.

Obviously, there are degrees and things vary from person to person, but I'm regularly staggered by the beliefs, opinions and standards of personal behaviour openly exhibited by some well-educated and otherwise very nice people that I know here. While I have to accept that I live in their gaff and that's how life is here, I think there is a sense of pride in the kinds of values and norms that exist in modern-day Europe. People who take that for granted should do a bit of travelling and see what the rest of the world is like.

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Sitting in a pub in Perth right now and listening to some eat your cereal walloper tell a group of American tourists   how Scotland can’t be an independent country, we’ve nothing to offer and we’d be a basket case

He's a Scot

They are all aghast at his attitude 

Moments like this make me genuinely embarrassed to be Scottish 

We are such a fucking weird “country”

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Sitting in a pub in Perth right now and listening to some eat your cereal walloper tell a group of American tourists   how Scotland can’t be an independent country, we’ve nothing to offer and we’d be a basket case
He's a Scot
They are all aghast at his attitude 
Moments like this make me genuinely embarrassed to be Scottish 
We are such a fucking weird “country”

If we voted no again (and yes i get that its a union of countries blah blah) we really shouldnt have the nerve to call ourselves a country, shiting it from actually being a proper country should remove any claim of right to being a country.
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16 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

If we voted no again (and yes i get that its a union of countries blah blah) we really shouldnt have the nerve to call ourselves a country, shiting it from actually being a proper country should remove any claim of right to being a country.


File us under principality 

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Sitting in a pub in Perth right now and listening to some eat your cereal walloper tell a group of American tourists   how Scotland can’t be an independent country, we’ve nothing to offer and we’d be a basket case
He's a Scot
They are all aghast at his attitude 
Moments like this make me genuinely embarrassed to be Scottish 
We are such a fucking weird “country”

Heard similar from a guy phoning radio Scotland this morning. He said we need the English and the money they give us from the Barnett formula!!’n
If we are such a drain on them why not give us our independence? Or is the oil,electricity and water, that we have a factor?
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