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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Was on the news tonight as a positive spin story. I don't see an issue with them claiming the 80%, the regs allow them to do so, as long as they make up the difference. This scheme was always going to attract "opportunists"

Did celtic get away with this without much coverage? Seriously?

Fucking hell.
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3 minutes ago, Jeremiah Cole said:

Italian authorities estimate that around 12% of deaths were specifically caused by the coronavirus, ie around 1,500.

A bad flu season can cause over 50,000 excess deaths in Italy. 

The collapse of their healthcare system caused by the panic has caused far more deaths. 

Ours hasn't collapsed and we're tracking them well. 

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15 minutes ago, Jeremiah Cole said:

April 1, 2020

On the situation in Italy

Italian doctors reported that they had already observed severe cases of pneumonia in northern Italy at the end of last year. However, genetic analyses now show that the Covid19 virus only appeared in Italy in January of this year. „The severe pneumonia diagnosed in Italy in November and December must therefore be due to a different pathogen,“ a virologist noted. This once again raises the question what role the Covid19 virus, or other factors, actually play in the Italian situation.

On March 30, we mentioned the list of Italian doctors who died „during the Corona crisis“, many of whom were up to 90 years old and didn’t actively participate in the crisis at all. Today, all years of birth on the list have been removed (see however the last archive version). A strange procedure.

We have also received the following message from an observer in Italy, who gives further details about the dramatic situation there, which is obviously due to far more than a virus:

„In recent weeks, most of the Eastern European nurses who worked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week supporting people in need of care in Italy have left the country in a hurry. This is not least because of the panic-mongering and the curfews and border closures threatened by the „emergency governments“. As a result, old people in need of care and disabled people, some without relatives, were left helpless by their carers.

Many of these abandoned people then ended up after a few days in the hospitals, which had been permanently overloaded for years, because they were dehydrated, among other things. Unfortunately, the hospitals lacked the personnel who had to look after the children locked up in their apartments because schools and kindergartens had been closed. This then led to the complete collapse of the care for the disabled and the elderly, especially in those areas where even harder „measures“ were ordered, and to chaotic conditions.

The nursing emergency, which was caused by the panic, temporarily led to many deaths among those in need of care and increasingly among younger patients in the hospitals. These fatalities then served to cause even more panic among those in charge and the media, who reported, for example, „another 475 fatalities“, „The dead are being removed from hospitals by the army“, accompanied by pictures of coffins and army trucks lined up.

However, this was the result of the funeral directors‘ fear of the „killer virus“, who therefore refused their services. Moreover, on the one hand there were too many deaths at once and on the other hand the government passed a law that the corpses carrying the coronavirus had to be cremated. In Catholic Italy, few cremations had been carried out in the past. Therefore there were only a few small crematoria, which very quickly reached their limits. Therefore the deceased had to be laid out in different churches.

In principle, this development is the same in all countries. However, the quality of the health system has a considerable influence on the effects. Therefore, there are fewer problems in Germany, Austria or Switzerland than in Italy, Spain or the USA. However, as can be seen in the official figures, there is no significant increase in the mortality rate. Just a small mountain that came from this tragedy.“

From this site Swiss Propaganda Research, often used by your antivaxxer site you usually copy and paste from. You have to scroll down the page link to find it.


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6 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Ours hasn't collapsed and we're tracking them well. 

Hospital situation in the US, Germany and Switzerland

The US television station CBS was caughtusing footage from an Italian intensive care unit in a piece on the current situation in New York. In fact, dozens of recordings by citizen journalists show that it is currently very quiet in the hospitals on the US East and West Coast. Even the „corpse refrigerator trucks“ prominently shown in the media are unused and empty.

Contrary to media reports, the register of German intensive care units also shows no increased occupancy. Citizen journalists visited completely abandoned Covid19 admission centres in Berlin clinics. An employee of a Munich clinic explained that they had been „waiting for weeks for the wave to hit“, but that there was „no increase in patient numbers“. He said that the politicians‘ statements did not correspond with their own experience, and that the „myth of the killer virus“ could „not be confirmed“.

Also in Swiss clinics, no increased occupancy has been observed so far. A visitor to the cantonal hospital in Lucerne reports that there is „less activity than in normal times“. Entire floors have been closed for Covid19, but staff „are still waiting for patients“. The hospitals in Bern, Basel, Zug and Zurich have also been „cleaned out“. Even in Ticino, the intensive care units are not working to capacity, but patients are now being transferred to the empty German-Swiss departments. From a purely medical point of view, this makes little sense.


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41 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Did celtic get away with this without much coverage? Seriously?

Fucking hell.

Yep,meanwhile Hearts get hit with the big stick for asking players take -50% and non essential staff get payed as normal 😳 go figure!

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1 hour ago, superbigal said:

It should be difficult to get a test now. To get past 111 and end up at a hospital should be fairly difficult.

Yet positive test results are not running at 70% or what they should be.

You should have to be on your knees to get a test surely to f**k.



Change “should” to shouldn’t and I completely agree!

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3 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

If I genuinely thought some terrible mistake had been made by almost every chief medical officer in the world about coronavirus I'm not totally sold on the medium of P&B to persuade and disseminate this, presumably vital, information

Aye, but you still wear a mask to the supermarket when almost every chief medical officer in the world has said this is pointless.

Swings and roundabouts.

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5 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

If I genuinely thought some terrible mistake had been made by almost every chief medical officer in the world about coronavirus I'm not totally sold on the medium of P&B to persuade and disseminate this, presumably vital, information

The more people start to ask questions, the better.

A couple of weeks ago folk were sceptical of everything the government came out with.

Now everyone seems to be accepting what they are saying without question.

The tide will turn soon enough and the backtracking will begin.

They’ve already started telling us that there are green shoots, that we’ve not to pay too much attention to large daily death figures.

Next they’ll tell us that the lockdown has worked better than expected and tell us how successful they were in saving so many lives. 


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Mate of mine been laid off from Rolls Royce. Unsure if he could have been furloughed as he's technically a contractor supplied by an agency. Anyone else in a similar position?

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4 minutes ago, Jeremiah Cole said:

Neither am I

I’m just putting out the information and asking questions.

Up to people to make up their own minds.

If folk want to hurl abuse at me then fine. 

Aye,nae bother David Icke.You might think you’re being clever and enlightening but in truth your nothing more than a village idiot. 😂

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1 minute ago, badgerthewitness said:

Haven't been on this thread since the Indiana Jones debate was kicking off & cba trawling through all the pages.

Please tell me the consensus rated Last Crusade as best, and the reason for this conclusion was Alison Doody. If not, gtf P&B.



Everyone agreed that Crusade was the best.

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Neither am I
I’m just putting out the information and asking questions.
Up to people to make up their own minds.
If folk want to hurl abuse at me then fine. 
Ah, the standard 'just asking questions' reply used by every conspiracy theory nutjob.
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1 hour ago, invergowrie arab said:

My wife is an NHS worker. Phoned in sick this morning at 9am, was tested at 11:20 was given a diagnosis at 3pm so I'm at least reassured that key workers can get the tests.

In case anyone is worried she is fine just like a really bad flu. She mostly sleeps.

Both of us had symptoms we convinced ourselves weren't Corona because they didn't quite match up.

No fever, very mild cough and the main  feature was fatigue like a stinking flu and we have both had loss of tastebuds.

So now I'm sure I have had it too and come out the other side I should be allowed to go for pints when we come out of the fortnights isolation.

Good for you. Hope it passes mildly.

Err, where are you going for said pints?

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33 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Ours hasn't collapsed and we're tracking them well. 

If you mean London and the West Midlands, maybe.

Up here in Scotland we appear to have done much better at minimising the impact.

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