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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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39 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Have a read of this - an interesting piece on hindsight bias and coronavirus by Alexander McCall-Smith - who is a British-Zimbabwean writer and Emeritus Professor of Medical Law at the University of Edinburgh.  

FYI He also wrote several books starting with "The No 1 Lady Detective's Agency" set in Botswana that the BBC turned into a mini series about 11 years ago.

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35 minutes ago, engelbert_humperdink said:

It wasnt poor planning the government overreacted to the covid threat and the NHS being overloaded which hasn't happened but has led to the deaths of thousands in care homes who were papped off to care homes untested, imo that is a crime that should see court. There are going to be the exceptions with healthy people succumbing to covid but miniscule numbers on the grand scheme of things. It doesn't help that any death with covid present seems to be the root cause of death even if they were in pallative care with days left and the covid not even being the driving force behind their death.  I'm not saying what is best for now imo the lockdown should have been sharp and focused on the vulnerable not the healthy. People acting on here like I'm some monster that wants to see carnage. A quarter of uk deaths are in care homes ICU cases dropping, deaths dropping. The lockdown was half arsed with cheltenham going ahead  many more will have been infected than not. Hope those asymptomatic are high in number

They looked at what was happening in Italy with their hospitals struggling to cope and at times doctors having to make decisions about who to ventilate and who to just let die, and they looked at their own modelling that predicted as many as half a million people could die. So to say they overreacted is highly questionable.  The poor planning is they didn't follow-up their pandemic response plans properly, and so in late January/early February when it was becoming apparent to people in healthcare circles that this was going to be a threat, they didn't act quickly enough and when they did act their response was limited by lack of capacity. 

And you completely ignore the idea that without a lockdown, the more vulnerable people in our society would be still be much more at risk because you can't completely isolate them, the more vulnerable they are, the more interaction they require with others, and so there needs to be some sort of managing the infection in the rest of the population. 

Forgot to add, the numbers of deaths may be fairly minimal in younger, healthy people, but the number of people who have been hospitalised is not. That's the point, and if the hospitals had really struggled to cope with a surge, more of them may have died.


Edited by s_dog
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2 minutes ago, engelbert_humperdink said:

Where are the covid wards overflowing, these temp hospitals built could be used instead of being stood down

So the lockdown worked? yay! 

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1 minute ago, s_dog said:

They looked at what was happening in Italy with their hospitals struggling to cope and at times doctors having to make decisions about who to ventilate and who to just let die, and they looked at their own modelling that predicted as many as half a million people could die. So to say they overreacted is highly questionable.  The poor planning is they didn't follow-up their pandemic response plans properly, and so in late January/early February when it was becoming apparent to people in healthcare circles that this was going to be a threat, they didn't act quickly enough and when they did act their response was limited by lack of capacity. 

And you completely ignore the idea that without a lockdown, the more vulnerable people in our society would be still be much more at risk because you can't completely isolate them without some sort of managing the infection in the rest of the population. 


Yes you can, test them and if they need hospital treatment then in they go. The infection could be controlled if everyone deemed not vulnerable wasn't in lockdown as hospital cases would be overrun as only a small minority would need hospital treatment 

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Hindsight bollox, this is a f**k up on a monumental scale that could have been prevented. A highly infectious virus that takes little encouragement to jump from person to person, moving people from an infected environment into an environment where there are extremely vulnerable people and no one actually thought this could possibly happen, really?

Its a pretty straight forward f**k up of judgement on someones part and there will be investigations into this and a number of other failings that have lead to preventable deaths. Every death was a person, a real person and each one will have to be looked into and this could take years for families to find closure. Looks like some of us have become so detached from the realities going on in the real world.








Did you actually read it?




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12 minutes ago, engelbert_humperdink said:

No because the most severely vulnerable were not protected, like talking to a brick wall with you, its easy for hospitals to not get overrrun when you are leaving people to die in care homes

And the hospitals have been kept emptier of late thanks to people being so terrified by government's non-stop OMG NEW DEADLY VIRUS message that they're dying of treatable heart attacks, strokes, sepsis etc. in the house instead of calling for an ambulance. A true public health triumph.

Edited by vikingTON
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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Never a clearer demonstration that for big charities it's often as much about being in the public consciousness as solving whatever problem they're set up to address.

Which is totally wrong, covid19 is getting enough donations and money from the government and rightly so. But thats a conflict of interests for a charity to do that and is pretty shady to the people who regularly donate or donate when they can

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Here we go!
More stupid.

UK bulk buys hydroxychloroquine as potential Covid-19 treatment

Drug taken by Trump being acquired in case it proves effective against coronavirus
Trump told a White House press conference: “I’m taking it for about a week and a half now and I’m still here, I’m still here.”
The World Health Organization has said it is concerned by reports of individuals self-medicating and causing themselves serious harm.
This I will agree with you.
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