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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Boris: “can’t compare our stats to other countries as there isn’t enough data”

Also Boris: “we’re doing the right thing with education as the data suggests other countries are doing the same”
Noticed this today as well.
Chancer that he is
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You can go to the toilet inside a supermarket.
Using an indoor toilet as the reason would make no sense in that context.
Which, based on the contradictions everywhere else, probably means it will be used as the reason.
You are allowed inside a supermarket so it makes perfect sense you can use the toilet. You won't be allowed inside pubs or cafes if they were to open next week so not that straightforward. It's the timeline, it all seems very (too) convenient to me. NS hints at P2 and English media picks up on that and runs with England accelerating their pubs etc opening to our review date. Sharma confirmed talks with NS and a few hours later WM reaffirms no pubs etc in England until July. Next day Ewing announces pubs etc in Scotland to prepare for a full SD opening on 15 July. All fits.
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We were far too slow to act when the virus hit and as a result I think Sturgeon is being ultra-cautious on the way out to (over) compensate. Plus, with the shambles that is going on south of the border, this slow and steady approach with clear phases definitely makes us, and her leadership, appear more competent - which it obviously is.

However, we are moving out of this far too slowly. The virus is declining everywhere, no other country has seen any sign of a second wave upon coming out of lockdown (which begs the question of how effective extended lockdowns are anyway), our number of cases is tiny, and there are parts of Scotland with no cases at all. There is going to be a huge knock-on effect of deaths from this lockdown in 6-12 months with delayed operations, delayed cancer diagnosis etc, and we have already seen increases in issues relating to mental health. In addition, the economy is taking a tanking which leads to all the problems associated with that.

Politicians understandably know they will be judged on the 'Covid league table' by how they have dealt with this particular virus, so they have almost a tunnel vision at the moment. But the health and economic consequences of an excessively long lockdown are going to far outweigh positive impact in battling Covid. As someone else said, they wouldn't wait weeks to put in measures upon knowing they were necessary, so waiting weeks to remove restrictions that are no longer needed makes no sense.



Exactly, it will be very interesting to compare the excess death in 6-12 months. That’s before we even take into account the long term effects of recession.


I also think public attitude plays a large factor, there’s still this fear of a second wave (despite there not being a significant or widespread surge in cases in countries where restrictions have been lifted). It’s probably partly fuelled by social media and lazy comparisons to Spanish flu, but the language used by the government has also been too successful in that a fair number of people are still terrified and clamouring for an extension of lockdown.


It’s been said before, but we are possibly in the realms of “the operation was a success, but the patient died”.

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I think we might all have to recognise that we are rapidly entering the period of policy on the hoof, where the science will begin to follow political expediency in direct ratio to the noise being generated by economic pain.

If Johnson is the buccaneer risk-taker of repute then, egged on by Cummings, he'll prioritise the economy and if it goes tits up health-wise, well as he said tonight, now will not be the time to indulge in inquests.

The Scottish Government will be forced to follow quickly behind.

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5 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
49 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
You can go to the toilet inside a supermarket.
Using an indoor toilet as the reason would make no sense in that context.
Which, based on the contradictions everywhere else, probably means it will be used as the reason.

You are allowed inside a supermarket so it makes perfect sense you can use the toilet. You won't be allowed inside pubs or cafes if they were to open next week so not that straightforward. It's the timeline, it all seems very (too) convenient to me. NS hints at P2 and English media picks up on that and runs with England accelerating their pubs etc opening to our review date. Sharma confirmed talks with NS and a few hours later WM reaffirms no pubs etc in England until July. Next day Ewing announces pubs etc in Scotland to prepare for a full SD opening on 15 July. All fits.

Tbh if restaurants and bars are allowed to open fully (with SD) on the 15th of July I think most would roll their eyes a bit but accept it.

Getting that 2m rule halved in time for the 15th will be key for smaller premises to see opening being worthwhile though.

I could make do with being able to be inside a friend or family member's house for now. It's obviously better than nothing that we can sit outside, but when it's pishing down with rain it's not really any use.

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11 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

If it wasn't such a vital area of science he was burglarising it would be an admirable bit of con artistry.


A search of publicly available material suggests several of Surgisphere’s employees have little or no data or scientific background. An employee listed as a science editor appears to be a science fiction author and fantasy artist whose professional profile suggests writing is her fulltime job. Another employee listed as a marketing executive is an adult model and events hostess, who also acts in videos for organisations.
The company’s LinkedIn page has fewer than 100 followers and last week listed just six employees. This was changed to three employees as of Wednesday.


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20 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Tbh if restaurants and bars are allowed to open fully (with SD) on the 15th of July I think most would roll their eyes a bit but accept it.

Getting that 2m rule halved in time for the 15th will be key for smaller premises to see opening being worthwhile though.

I could make do with being able to be inside a friend or family member's house for now. It's obviously better than nothing that we can sit outside, but when it's pishing down with rain it's not really any use.

The principle reason for the 2m rule is that most of the research suggests by 1.5m the vast majority (99%) of any respiratory droplets has hit the deck. The 2m thing is just extra caution. 

Obviously this is null and void if someone is coughing, sneezing etc but it more relates to the virus particles people are just regularly breathing out. 

Until we have widescale mass testing we can’t work out how many people are infected and until we can work that out then I don’t fancy being closer than 2m to strangers. I’ve had it once and I don’t fancy putting any potential immunity to the test...


edit to add: again the research suggests that you would have to spend more than 15 minutes within the 2m area to increase your risk. Just brushing past someone in Asda isn’t going to give you it unless they cough in your face.

Edited by SoapMactavish
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6 minutes ago, SoapMactavish said:

The principle reason for the 2m rule is that most of the research suggests by 1.5m the vast majority (99%) of any respiratory droplets has hit the deck. The 2m thing is just extra caution. 

What if provisions were made for people to sit / stand back to back closer than 2m? Or perspex screens at the side of tables side by side?

It's not ideal but it would help get things going.

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Just now, Todd_is_God said:

What if provisions were made for people to sit / stand back to back closer than 2m? Or perspex screens at the side of tables side by side?

It's not ideal but it would help get things going.

It would possibly work. A lot of it would depend on airflow too, the better the airflow the less chance of virus hovering in the air. No-one really knows enough how it’ll work until we try it. 

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Not sure if this will be of interest to anyone, but it shows a breakdown of every death recorded in Scotland last week by age, sex, location and whether or not Covid-19 is mentioned on the death certificate


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2 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Has anyone travelled on a plane during the lockdown? What was it like? Do they take people's temperatures before boarding?

I was thinking about it but I'm worried about sitting next to some diseased minger for 3+ hours.

It's the wings or engines falling off you need to worry about. Or maybe the wheels getting stuck in at landing time. 

Not a fan of flying tbh. 

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10 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Fourth day in a row no deaths from Covid-19 in Northern Ireland.


8 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

No surrender to the Covid 19 indeed.

Or it's day won't come.

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