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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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10 minutes ago, super_carson said:

19 people? Hardly a scientific cross section of a population of nearly 5.5 million...

Were  they 19 people from Devi’s Twitter feed or Leitch’s church group?

They all used to travel on the same Airdrie suppporters bus as Leitch, they have advised the Scots Govt to go for a zero covid approach, to bring back lynching and to invade Poland.

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8 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Snippy parents thinking that the school gates somehow provide them with the same magical immunity that their kids also get from being on school property.

It's unreal. At the school my kids go to the parents are truly the issue. No matter how many times they were asked to wear masks and stay apart at drop off (and also leave as soon as the kids were dropped off) the same parents would get into wee groups with no masks for a chat - the  unbelievable (yet believable) thing is a good number of them are/were domestic and catering staff in care homes and home visit care workers.

Edited by EdinburghPar1975
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1 hour ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

A panel of 19 members of the public have decided that elimination of covid is the target as part of a covid holyrood panel. 

Advice by Jason and Devi to the panel and they concluded that elimination was the way forward after spending four Saturdays in January with them. 

All 19 were unanimous in their opinion, so that sounds like a balanced panel. 

Surely this is a joke?

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I'm not going to read these as I feel they will just wind me up, but the report from, and presentations to, the "Citizens Panel" is available here
"Chosen to broadly reflect the demographics of Scotland"


Fucking f**k me into dust.

Pure parody.
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If this group has the slightest bit of influence, no matter how small, I think it is the single daftest thing that's been done over the last 12 months. I'm in awe of it.
I doubt they have any influence at all, it's a public talking shop. The SG have umpteen of the public forums none if which have any influence. Full of your community councilor and retired head teacher types.
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6 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I'm not going to read these as I feel they will just wind me up, but the report from, and presentations to, the "Citizens Panel" is available here


What is the point in having a panel who are only receiving presentations from certain people, surely you need input from all corners, even those that are perceived as moon howlers. 

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If one good thing comes out of all this it's that we lob all these Citizens Assemblies and other related ideas directly in the fucking bin.  Whatever you think about Covid, these ideas are just appallingly bad.  

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11 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I'm not going to read these as I feel they will just wind me up, but the report from, and presentations to, the "Citizens Panel" is available here


Lol: "The Scottish Government should be proactive to quickly and consistently lockdown when cases rise. As part of a move towards elimination of the virus, we agreed that future increases in cases should lead to earlier, shorter, and localised lockdowns. We consider that the Scottish Government has previously gone into lockdown too late, which has led to more deaths and longer lockdown periods."

Can't wait for Glasgow to shut down for a few days every couple of weeks as a few folk have a cold. 

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1 minute ago, ayrmad said:

What is the point in having a panel who are only receiving presentations from certain people, surely you need input from all corners, even those that are perceived as moon howlers. 

I agree with your point it should be representative.

Possibly the panel was but Leitch and Devi presented such an overwhelming case for zero covid they were happy to vote that way. 🤣

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f**k it i skimmed through the report.

How can 4 people vote for a mitigation strategy, yet not vote against an elimination strategy?

If you are going to ask 19 people what they feel the strategy should be then surely they should get one vote, not a vote on all five strategies?

Screenshot_20210218-090427_WPS Office.jpg

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