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22 hours ago, superbigal said:


Daily Cases Update:  Another stonking day all round for the UK as rates drop to 30.7. In Scotland another great 6% drop takes us to 38.2. I wonder if rates are dropping so low in Northern Ireland as they are all to busy rioting as opposed to taking Rona tests. What a 3rd world country.

Highlands with only 13.1 cases per 100K bizarrely has the current most dangerous place in Scotland within Inverness Merkinch. I suspect any teuchters on here can confirm it is the slummy part of the fine city.

Special mention for all parts of Renfrewshire, Angus and Edinburgh City who all had particularly good days.

Scotland peaked at 301.9 for figures 29th Dec to 4th Jan, (UK was 642.1)    Cases that day were 16,496 and test positivity rate was 11.9%  

Total Cases 7 days from 2nd April to 8th April  were  2217 now 2086 down 5.91%. Positivity was 1.9% still 1.9%.   Cases per 100k were 40.6 now 38.2

Home Nations Daily update:  UK Average   32.7 to 30.7 down 6.12%, England 31.9 to 30.1 down 5.64%,  Wales  20.9 to 19.3 down 7.75%, Northern Ireland 34.9 to 30.7 down 12.08% & a couple of 🚌 and 🚔

European (Above 2 Million Population) : Hungary 499 to 422, Serbia  515 to 414, Poland 470 to 391, Sweden 357, France 415 to 293, 

Council progress in last 24 Hours as follows.

Click cases by neighbourhood to see the spread on the geographical map. 

UK's worst covid hole club

Clackmannanshire  147.5 to 131.9

Under 100 Club could do better club

West Lothian 73.2 to 69.9

Glasgow City   67.9 to 65.5  

North Lanarkshire  71.2 to 64.2   Decent close to 10% down.

Renfrewshire   68.1 to 62.0  Also decent close to 10% down

Stirling   51.0 to 51.0

Falkirk   48.5 to 50.3  Love being near the top. Everyone drop so lets rise.

Fife  50.9 to 47.4 

Dundee City 40.2 to 43.5  Bad day   

East Ayrshire   51.6 to 41.0 At last moving towards the South & North excellent another 20% down

East Lothian  44.8 to 39.2 Excellent over 10% drop

Moray 36.5 to 38.6

Under Scottish Average club 38.2

South Lanarkshire 36.5 to 38.1

East Renfrewshire  40.8 to 35.6  Great day to rejoin under average, Down 12.75%

East Dunbartonshire  40.5 to 35.0

Perth & Kinross 34.9 to 31.6

Havana & Malt Whisky club Sub 30.0

Aberdeen City  23.6 to 29.7  Poor day but low numbers

West Dunbartonshire  28.1 to 24.7

City Of Edinburgh 25.9 to 22.7  Magnificent progress another 12% drop in the big city.

North Ayrshire  20.0 to 20.0 

Aberdeenshire  20.3 to 19.5

Angus  37.0 to 31.0 to 17.2  Down over 50% in 2 days. Smokies back into Smoky territory. 

Midlothian   18.4 to 16.2

South Ayrshire   17.8 to 16.0 

Highlands  16.5 to 13.1  75% of all cases in Inverness Merkinch,  Most dangerous place in Scotland.

Inverclyde  12.9 to 9.0

Argyll & Bute  10.5 to 8.2

Scottish  Borders  3.5 to 4.3

Dumfries & Galloway 1.3 to 1.3  

Shetland Islands  0.0 to 0.0

 Western Isles   0.0 to 0.0

Orkney Island  0.0 to 0.0  

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1 minute ago, superbigal said:

Daily Cases Update:  Another stonking day all round for the UK as rates drop to 30.7. In Scotland another great 6% drop takes us to 38.2. I wonder if rates are dropping so low in Northern Ireland as they are all to busy rioting as opposed to taking Rona tests. What a 3rd world country.

Highlands with only 13.1 cases per 100K bizarrely has the current most dangerous place in Scotland within Inverness Merkinch. I suspect any teuchters on here can confirm it is the slummy part of the fine city.

Special mention for all parts of Renfrewshire, Angus and Edinburgh City who all had particularly good days.

Scotland peaked at 301.9 for figures 29th Dec to 4th Jan, (UK was 642.1)    Cases that day were 16,496 and test positivity rate was 11.9%  

Total Cases 7 days from 2nd April to 8th April  were  2217 now 2086 down 5.91%. Positivity was 1.9% still 1.9%.   Cases per 100k were 40.6 now 38.2

Home Nations Daily update:  UK Average   32.7 to 30.7 down 6.12%, England 31.9 to 30.1 down 5.64%,  Wales  20.9 to 19.3 down 7.75%, Northern Ireland 34.9 to 30.7 down 12.08% & a couple of 🚌 and 🚔

European (Above 2 Million Population) : Hungary 499 to 422, Serbia  515 to 414, Poland 470 to 391, Sweden 357, France 415 to 293, 

Council progress in last 24 Hours as follows.

Click cases by neighbourhood to see the spread on the geographical map. 

UK's worst covid hole club

Clackmannanshire  147.5 to 131.9

Under 100 Club could do better club

West Lothian 73.2 to 69.9

Glasgow City   67.9 to 65.5  

North Lanarkshire  71.2 to 64.2   Decent close to 10% down.

Renfrewshire   68.1 to 62.0  Also decent close to 10% down

Stirling   51.0 to 51.0

Falkirk   48.5 to 50.3  Love being near the top. Everyone drop so lets rise.

Fife  50.9 to 47.4 

Dundee City 40.2 to 43.5  Bad day   

East Ayrshire   51.6 to 41.0 At last moving towards the South & North excellent another 20% down

East Lothian  44.8 to 39.2 Excellent over 10% drop

Moray 36.5 to 38.6

Under Scottish Average club 38.2

South Lanarkshire 36.5 to 38.1

East Renfrewshire  40.8 to 35.6  Great day to rejoin under average, Down 12.75%

East Dunbartonshire  40.5 to 35.0

Perth & Kinross 34.9 to 31.6

Havana & Malt Whisky club Sub 30.0

Aberdeen City  23.6 to 29.7  Poor day but low numbers

West Dunbartonshire  28.1 to 24.7

City Of Edinburgh 25.9 to 22.7  Magnificent progress another 12% drop in the big city.

North Ayrshire  20.0 to 20.0 

Aberdeenshire  20.3 to 19.5

Angus  37.0 to 31.0 to 17.2  Down over 50% in 2 days. Smokies back into Smoky territory. 

Midlothian   18.4 to 16.2

South Ayrshire   17.8 to 16.0 

Highlands  16.5 to 13.1  75% of all cases in Inverness Merkinch,  Most dangerous place in Scotland.

Inverclyde  12.9 to 9.0

Argyll & Bute  10.5 to 8.2

Scottish  Borders  3.5 to 4.3

Dumfries & Galloway 1.3 to 1.3  

Shetland Islands  0.0 to 0.0

 Western Isles   0.0 to 0.0

Orkney Island  0.0 to 0.0  

It is indeed scummy, but I believe this particular outbreak is linked to a school. 

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5 hours ago, G51 said:

On hospital/ICU numbers, was told last night that for the first time since Feb/March 2020, Raigmore Hospital is now COVID-free. The COVID ITU is completely empty. Let’s hope it continues!

Maybe not for long as Inverness now has Scotland's most dangerous neighbourhood.

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Obviously these are all fantastic developments (not to mention an absolute minter for the Leitch's and Devi's of this world), but what the hell has happened to trigger such a change of tone and opinion essentially overnight?!

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That absolute junk 'science correspondent' Thomas Moore from Sky penned an article the other day about how this modelling and variants meant our summer was torpedoed, as the vaccines alone weren't enough. heh.png

Another loser who thinks this crisis has elevated his importance and wants it to drag on as long as possible. The reality is that continued irrelevance awaits. tfw.png

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5 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Obviously these are all fantastic developments (not to mention an absolute minter for the Leitch's and Devi's of this world), but what the hell has happened to trigger such a change of tone and opinion essentially overnight?!

Being laughed at by the British public? Solidarity following the death of auld Phil? DdHDBUq.png

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2 minutes ago, Elixir said:

That absolute junk 'science correspondent' Thomas Moore from Sky penned an article the other day about how this modelling and variants meant our summer was torpedoed, as the vaccines alone weren't enough. heh.png

Another loser who thinks this crisis has elevated his importance and wants it to drag on as long as possible. The reality is that continued irrelevance awaits. tfw.png

Thomas Moore has been my own personal Covid hate figure. Thoroughly enjoyed his time in the limelight, getting tangibly excited by the slightest hint of bad news (the Bristol variant being a "variant of the variant") and generally just being a very poor journalist.

Can't wait to see the back of him.

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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Who apparently, if you believe reports, make up the vast majority (well over 60%) of people in the country.
That is a shocker right there.

I understand being worried about vulnerable friends and relatives but this level of paralysing fear for something which carries substantially less risk of death than driving your car?

I just don't understand that at all.

I understand and sympathise with them, the media along with the various governments have scared a large chunk of folk shitless, fair enough in the early months but I've not really witnessed the dial being switched down to a fair level so far. 

Need things like those Indian figures to inject a bit of urgency into the vaccination rollout across the globe. 

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7 minutes ago, Elixir said:


May as well laugh at this as it won't be up to anyone within the SG or advising it to decide.

As soon as the UK Gov permits foreign travel, those in Scotland will be able to make use of it.

It might mean the slight inconvenience of needing to travel to Newcastle or Manchester first, but many are already happy to do so anyway.

A classic example of someone getting their voice on record so they can play the "I warned you" card in case it does become an issue, but when it doesn't, can just hide behind "we just didn't know" trope and carry on as normal.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
41 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Obviously these are all fantastic developments (not to mention an absolute minter for the Leitch's and Devi's of this world), but what the hell has happened to trigger such a change of tone and opinion essentially overnight?!

The 'experts' have been struggling since day one of the pandemic. If they'd all got it right from the beginning, we wouldn't have had the chaos of the last 13 months. 

I've learned to take these scientific pronouncements with a pinch of salt. The newspapers that publish these articles tend to have an agenda.....for instance, The Telegraph (and other right wing papers) are vehemently anti-lockdown and 95% of the 'expert opinions' they publish will back up the agaenda that they hold. 

The Grauniad on the other hand, have a definite handbrake-on agenda, and continually publish 'death, death and we're doomed' articles. 

I think that this is just another example of that. For each government expert saying that we have nothing to worry about, another one will pop up saying we have. 

It's probably been like that for the last 12 months. 

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26 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The 'experts' have been struggling since day one of the pandemic. If they'd all got it right from the beginning, we wouldn't have had the chaos of the last 13 months. 

I've learned to take these scientific pronouncements with a pinch of salt. The newspapers that publish these articles tend to have an agenda.....for instance, The Telegraph (and other right wing papers) are vehemently anti-lockdown and 95% of the 'expert opinions' they publish will back up the agaenda that they hold. 

The Grauniad on the other hand, have a definite handbrake-on agenda, and continually publish 'death, death and we're doomed' articles. 

I think that this is just another example of that. For each government expert saying that we have nothing to worry about, another one will pop up saying we have. 

It's probably been like that for the last 12 months. 

Tbf they have struggled because they have, at every turn, worked off the assumption that absolutely nothing previously known about viruses could be applied to SARS-Cov-2, only to later realise that it does.

Perhaps had they not done so, and in turn we had not tried to go down the unrealistic route of trying to stop absolutely anyone catching or dying from an airborne respiratory virus, we might have spent the last 14 months having rational discussions about it rather than hysterical doom mongering, and living with sustainable measures in place rather than excessive "hard" lockdowns and inconsistent, arbitrary restrictions.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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