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15 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

Travel news: new route from Edinburgh to Riga with Air Baltic. June to October.

Nice city to spend a couple of days in. 

Air Baltic are decent as well. Flew with them previously to Riga (from Gatwick) and also onwards to Moscow. They also do connections to places that aren't very easy to get to from the UK, albeit that in some cases (Almaty, Tbilisi etc.) you'll find yourself flying mostly in the wrong direction. 

Edited by Michael W
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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Those two highlighted sentences contradict one another.

No they don't, they would be sitting in the same position as ourselves going forward whilst having far less deaths and a wee spell of living nearer normality than we have. 

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1 minute ago, Michael W said:

Nice city to spend a couple of days in. 

Air Baltic are decent as well. Flew with them previously to Riga (from Gatwick) and also onwards to Moscow. They also do connections to places that aren't very easy to get to from the UK, albeit that in some cases (Almaty, Tbilisi etc.) you'll fund yourself flying mostly in the wrong direction. 

Yip, been a couple of times.  Could be a good escape for a long weekend in late summer.

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1 hour ago, EdinburghPar1975 said:

I may have missed it (so apologies if thats the case) but has it been formally announced when those in the 45-49 (or 40-49) age groups should expect their appointment letters? I know that April was to be a bad month for new appointments but i'd still have expected my letter by now for an appointment in a few weeks time given the numbers already done...

I am in the same position and expect to get something in May despite being very close to 50.

What I am finding frustrating is the number of younger people I know who are suddenly an unpaid carer for their gran or grandad and suddenly are getting vaccinated.

I am glad to see someone has finally raised this .


Edited by realmadrid
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7 minutes ago, Elixir said:

It might not be that easy for a purely vaccine induced immune population, especially if uptake isn't near 100%.

Obviously it might not be that easy but I'm no expert on these things. 

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8 minutes ago, Left Back said:

especially if you're only jagging 3m out of a population of 5m.

Whatever their population is then. 

I'm certainly not convinced that it will be all over for us after we're fully vaccinated. 

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8 minutes ago, realmadrid said:

I am in the same position and expect to get something in May despite being very close to 50.

What I am finding frustrating is the number of younger people I know who are suddenly an unpaid career for their gran or grandad and suddenly are getting vaccinated.

I am glad to see someone has finally raised this .


Have heard of plenty going down the carer route in recent weeks. 

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1 minute ago, ayrmad said:

Whatever their population is then. 

I'm certainly not convinced that it will be all over for us after we're fully vaccinated. 

Only because people like you are happy to continue to live a restricted domestic life because the likes of Tanzania are behind in their vaccination progress.

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

Only because people like you are happy to continue to live a restricted domestic life because the likes of Tanzania are behind in their vaccination progress.

I'll be using beer gardens and restaurants as quick as anyone else, my 1st breakfast club is already pencilled in for the 27th.

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My mum, in her 60s with no underlying health issues, has had two jabs of the Pfizer vaccine. Many of her friends, also in their 60s, have had the same. 

My dad, age 75 with angina, diabetes and a few other issues, has had one dose of the AZ vaccine. Not sure what the score is with this.

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13 minutes ago, realmadrid said:

I am in the same position and expect to get something in May despite being very close to 50.

What I am finding frustrating is the number of younger people I know who are suddenly an unpaid carer for their gran or grandad and suddenly are getting vaccinated.

I am glad to see someone has finally raised this .


Why is it frustrating? You're not in a clinically vulnerable group, they're not in a clinically vulnerable group either. If those who can demonstrate (in principle) that they're regularly interacting with vulnerable people, then why is essentially doubling down on the reduction of potential harm to some old gran an unacceptable outcome? 

Check your British 'but... queue-jumping!' sense of injustice at the door please and take a rational perspective. 

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6 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Whatever their population is then. 

I'm certainly not convinced that it will be all over for us after we're fully vaccinated. 

On the second point, I agree that even with a full vaccination there is a core of people who will not want to give us back our old lives. When, really, will we stop with the face masks? The public health nutbags who have taken control will keep the Covid show on the road until every person in every nook and cranny of the planet has had a vaccine, and even then they'll be sounding the variant klaxon every week to keep people convinced that at any moment, lockdown will return.

Reading that back, I sound like a loony but as we emerge from lockdown this is more and more what I am convinced of.

From Peter Hitchens' article yesterday:


Will the face-mask decree ever be lifted? Despite the continuing absence of hard evidence that masks are effective, and the huge success of the vaccine making the case for them still weaker, Covid zealots still speak of them being required for months to come. This is not about logic, or health. It is a sort of pseudo-religion.

Here is a puzzle for you. Almost every part of the NHS allows some exemptions from mask-wearing. The one bit of the NHS which absolutely does not is the Blood Service.

Why? Blood donors are healthy by definition. Blood-donor centres are perhaps the least likely place in the health system to pick up an infection. Blood donation is listed as an essential activity. Covid is not spread through blood.

I’d welcome a rational, medical explanation for this. But I don’t think there is one.


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4 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

My mum, in her 60s with no underlying health issues, has had two jabs of the Pfizer vaccine. Many of her friends, also in their 60s, have had the same. 

My dad, age 75 with angina, diabetes and a few other issues, has had one dose of the AZ vaccine. Not sure what the score is with this.

They might be in entirely different groupings, I didn't get vaccinated in the same place as anyone else in my circle, they all appear to have been vaccinated in the main centre in our area. 

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11 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Have heard of plenty going down the carer route in recent weeks. 

How exactly do they 'go down this route'? Do they go into Ayr town centre with a sandwich board, asking random old biddies to declare then their carer to get a jab? 

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12 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Have heard of plenty going down the carer route in recent weeks. 

At the time this policy was announced it was blindingly obvious what would happen as there was no mechanism to validate the claims.  Literally anyone could claim to be a carer for their elderly neighbour.

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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

How exactly do they 'go down this route'? Do they go into Ayr town centre with a sandwich board, asking random old biddies to declare then their carer to get a jab? 

No, they fill the paperwork in stating their caring for someone with an underlying health condition. 

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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

How exactly do they 'go down this route'? Do they go into Ayr town centre with a sandwich board, asking random old biddies to declare then their carer to get a jab? 

All they need to do is complete the form on the Scottish government website , its short and does not ask many questions.


No checks are done from all the people I know who have done this, within days they get their vaccination and a second appointment date.

I think due to the numbers doing this and posting about it, its come to light how open to abuse the system is, but also puts an end to the under 30's not wanting vaccinated .

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5 minutes ago, Left Back said:

At the time this policy was announced it was blindingly obvious what would happen as there was no mechanism to validate the claims.  Literally anyone could claim to be a carer for their elderly neighbour.

And it's happening, more and more in their 20's and 30's are popping up declaring they've had their 1st jab. 

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16 minutes ago, Left Back said:

At the time this policy was announced it was blindingly obvious what would happen as there was no mechanism to validate the claims.  Literally anyone could claim to be a carer for their elderly neighbour.

Yep, that's definitely what's happening here, as opposed to a fraction of the estimated *checks notes* 13.9 million unpaid carers in the UK having the temerity to sign up for a vaccination to protect a family member. 


Edited by vikingTON
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5 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

No, they fill the paperwork in stating their caring for someone with an underlying health condition. 


3 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

And it's happening, more and more in their 20's and 30's are popping up declaring they've had their 1st jab. 

What evidence do you have that the paperwork that they've filled in is untruthful? 

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