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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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35 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Every newspaper ran the story this weekend so the government clearly want the story out there. 

As I have said before i don't think the government have any genuine interest in who is going where it's all about establishing Digital ID as a step towards cashless society/digital currency. 

The govt said last week they wont be a legal requirement. I know they love a uturn but even for them that would be quick as fck for changing their mind. 

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24 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Ok, pretty sure given the proportion of the population you highlight then that you’ll be happy enough to have restrictions well into next year as this would require a number of people under 18 to be vaccinated too? Even then no way would they relax things in flu season. Appreciate someone actually coming out and saying what they’d be comfortable with, but theres a level of risk associated with any outcome. 
Read a report the other day of childrens immune systems being compromised because they arent being exposed to the bugs that cause wee sniffles and colds through mixing with others and close contact at schools etc too. Is it RSV?


Causing quite harmful disease in kids who it normally wouldnt? Yet you’ve got people genuinely coming out in the papers from academia and the essence of their message is ‘wont someone think of the children’ with regards long covid (Yet apparently its disrespectful to label them Lovejoys?). 

Vaccination rates absolutely no where near where they should be in Scotland, the government is failing yet people are lining up to say ‘give us restrictions’ without questioning their failure? Doesnt anyone actually see how fucked up that is? The economic cost? The unnecessary deaths because other illnesses are not being identified/treated? The social cost to young people and old in varying ways through missing key life events/experiences and milestones? Why no clear plan for recovery? Need investment in encouraging this recovery to get people outside, playing sport etc yet there’s Scotland’s biggest (and snp controlled council) shedding 500 jobs and closing significant leisure and cultural services. The impact of this is going to be felt for generations. Yes covid is dangerous, its flippant to say otherwise, but the actual implications of these measures is imo going to (and already) causing a similar level of harm. 

Lot to agree with in there, although the way Boris is performing, he'd make even me look like Einstein, far less Nicola.

Bit of a shit show and influencers and so called experts alike all pulling in different directions, so what chance the ordinary public? The spread is among both vaxxed and non vaxxed individuals.

There is still much the Government and experts don't know about this virus and its long term consequences, including from the vaccines and we are all just Guinea pigs. What I fail to understand is why Westminster in particular are intent on undermining themselves with all the u turns. If nothing else we need confidence in government handling this competently and its been far from that. 

Now only today we hear talk of a fourth wave, so how the f**k is anyone supposed to have confidence in freedom day, knowing that the same people are now telling them of a fourth wave. 

How many more waves and it isn't even seasonal like flu!? Every chance the day will come that there is a variant that renders our vaccines impotent. That is my concern. 

I said early in the pandemic that government weren't telling us something. I'm beginning to wonder if I was right. They can't cause panic of course, but the haphazard way they are going about things, they might as well. 

I can safely say this chaos will be with us for some time, continuing to be in and out of lockdown, with varying restrictions. 

Also, people need to look beyond this first generation of vaccines, as its improbable they will hold back the tide of variants and there will come a time when they will be rendered impotent. New will be developed, but sadly the evolution of this virus is not seasonal like flu, in having 3 waves in 16 months and now told a fourth inevitable. Those are short times frames by which to develop new vaccines and we may end up behind the curve just like in the first two waves. 150k deaths later! 

Too many unknowns, too many contradictions, too much division and too much fear out there to play fast and loose like Boris, only for him to do u turns. Little confidence in government and little confidence in this virus being competently managed as gas been the MO and as we still ignore the millions sitting with undiagnosed or untreated life threatening condition, far less long Covid itself, with no plan in place to recover a health service that was already under resourced pre Covid. 

Haven't a clue where we all end up with this and at best it's trust your own instincts and hope to f**k someone in government know wtf they are doing and have at least a bit of a conscience. 

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10 minutes ago, oaksoft said:


Mask wearing is being enforced to remind people to social distance.

They are not there to stop transmission unless people are trying to sneeze and cough directly into other people's mouths

The virus will travel on ALL water particles of ALL sizes entering or leaving your mouth with every breath you take and make, the vast majority of which goes right out the side of your mask or straight through the material.

It's social distancing which works, not masking.

After a year of this nonsense it beggars belief that people still don't know this.

It is NOT all that you are saying. The next time I see social distancing in public spaces will be a first, far less the c***s that refuse to wear a mask which was poorly policed by all. 

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18 minutes ago, superbigal said:

I want all restrictions lifted.
But I have no time for anti vaxxers or lazy selfish it's not going to be my problem non vaxxed.
Strangely I have not come across even a single one of the latter but they clearly are out there.
Currently anyone that chooses to be non vaxxed by default causes me more chance of having to self isolate.
Constant Self isolation is of more concern to me than the Virus.

So I'm open minded to the best way of getting these categories jabbed. Free hookers or whatever it takes.
I suspect opening up foreign travel for the vaxxed as per England, will help get them through the doors.

No chance what so ever. Politicians called this a temporary lockdown over a year ago and they've moved the goalposts so many times under different measurements you absolutley can't say for certain or with sincerity that everything would be unlocked if this group of people took up the vaccine offer. If you're a government lapdog then it's a lovely attack line fed by your owners but it doesn't quite cut through when you take a step back and observe the lack of logic throughout this whole time period. 

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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

So why don't you go ahead and prove they have made a difference.


I didn’t make the claim that the current restrictions “clearly do nothing to prevent case growth”.  It’s for those claiming that (and their supporters should they so wish) to justify the claim, not the other way around.

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1 minute ago, BlueBear said:

Lot to agree with in there, although the way Boris is performing, he'd make even me look like Einstein, far less Nicola.

- none of the governments are making a particularly good job of it, look at the past lauded Australian and New Zealand governments now a bit fucked because people dont seem in a rush to be vaccinated but the virus is spreading in places now. 

Bit of a shit show and influencers and so called experts alike all pulling in different directions, so what chance the ordinary public? The spread is among both vaxxed and non vaxxed individuals.

- yes it absolutely is, people approaching it from their own interests etc unable to reach consensus, public health/epidemiologists etc would have us too scared to go out ever again, the liberal tory wing would have opened us up to disaster in January etc. There’s no clear consensus, thats why im particularly keen to hear from the first group ‘when’ they’d open back up?

There is still much the Government and experts don't know about this virus and its long term consequences, including from the vaccines and we are all just Guinea pigs. What I fail to understand is why Westminster in particular are intent on undermining themselves with all the u turns. If nothing else we need confidence in government handling this competently and its been far from that. 

- they’re making it up as they go. 

Now only today we hear talk of a fourth wave, so how the f**k is anyone supposed to have confidence in freedom day, knowing that the same people are now telling them of a fourth wave. 

- sells papers 

How many more waves and it isn't even seasonal like flu!? Every chance the day will come that there is a variant that renders our vaccines impotent. That is my concern. 

- its going to be an endemic virus so will be here for as long as we will be.

I said early in the pandemic that government weren't telling us something. I'm beginning to wonder if I was right. They can't cause panic of course, but the haphazard way they are going about things, they might as well. 

- not a conspiracy theorist but there is something we are not being told about the virus’ origin. 

I can safely say this chaos will be with us for some time, continuing to be in and out of lockdown, with varying restrictions. 

Also, people need to look beyond this first generation of vaccines, as its improbable they will hold back the tide of variants and there will come a time when they will be rendered impotent. New will be developed, but sadly the evolution of this virus is not seasonal like flu, in having 3 waves in 16 months and now told a fourth inevitable. Those are short times frames by which to develop new vaccines and we may end up behind the curve just like in the first two waves. 150k deaths later! 

- yep there will need to be new tweaked vaccines soon, thats fine. We do this with other vaccines. This is why you do the genomic sequencing. 

Too many unknowns, too many contradictions, too much division and too much fear out there to play fast and loose like Boris, only for him to do u turns. Little confidence in government and little confidence in this virus being competently managed as gas been the MO and as we still ignore the millions sitting with undiagnosed or untreated life threatening condition, far less long Covid itself, with no plan in place to recover a health service that was already under resourced pre Covid. 

Haven't a clue where we all end up with this and at best it's trust your own instincts and hope to f**k someone in government know wtf they are doing and have at least a bit of a conscience. 
- not in the UK government at least. 


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3 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

People are still on furlough. We are atill paying a fucking fortune for the current restrictions which demonstrably dont curtail infection, so that needs to be squared aswell in the argument. How long do you keep paying to retain restrictions that dont actually work, when your stated goal is to lower transmission.

It shouldn't come into the argument at all. The argument for or against restrictions should have nothing to do with how much the government is spending on furlough.

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21 minutes ago, superbigal said:

I want all restrictions lifted.
But I have no time for anti vaxxers or lazy selfish it's not going to be my problem non vaxxed.
Strangely I have not come across even a single one of the latter but they clearly are out there.
Currently anyone that chooses to be non vaxxed by default causes me more chance of having to self isolate.
Constant Self isolation is of more concern to me than the Virus.

So I'm open minded to the best way of getting these categories jabbed. Free hookers or whatever it takes.
I suspect opening up foreign travel for the vaxxed as per England, will help get them through the doors.

Vaxxing is NOT the panacea as the so called experts have warned us. 3 waves in 16 months. It's not seasonal. 

First generation vaccines won't stem the tide against ever changing variants and at some point will be rendered impotent and we're behind the eight ball again due to the short cycle nature of Covid variants. 

Foreign travel is the single biggest threat of new variants overwhelming a country and ours the worst of it with the court jester in charge. Just look around Europe. 

Hope the uber stauch enjoy their much needed holidays in shiteholes like Turkey and bringing back new varients. I'm sure they will be proud. 

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2 minutes ago, yoda said:

It shouldn't come into the argument at all. The argument for or against restrictions should have nothing to do with how much the government is spending on furlough.


you do realise that at some point this has to be paid for so it absolutely does come into the argument?

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9 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

I didn’t make the claim that the current restrictions “clearly do nothing to prevent case growth”.  It’s for those claiming that (and their supporters should they so wish) to justify the claim, not the other way around.

What? No. It's the other way around. Those imposing restrictions on daily life need to prove that they are fully justified with evidence. 

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Just now, Left Back said:


you do realise that at some point this has to be paid for so it absolutely does come into the argument?

I've been through this before, on this very thread, about 14 months ago but I'll just reiterate again: that's not how government debt works.

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33 minutes ago, oaksoft said:


Mask wearing is being enforced to remind people to social distance.

They are not there to stop transmission unless people are trying to sneeze and cough directly into other people's mouths

The virus will travel on ALL water particles of ALL sizes entering or leaving your mouth with every breath you take and make, the vast majority of which goes right out the side of your mask or straight through the material.

It's social distancing which works, not masking.

After a year of this nonsense it beggars belief that people still don't know this.

So, you are saying social distancing works then?  Is that not one of the current restrictions?

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Sturgeon's trick of hiding 'social distancing' in the list of things that will have to continue in some form post- whatever is the latest "freedom Day" is wearing very thin. As in 'its clear mask wearing, washing hands and social distancing will have to continue post August 9th'.

As long as social distancing in any form is insisted on, certain businesses are completely unviable.

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19 minutes ago, yoda said:

I've been through this before, on this very thread, about 14 months ago but I'll just reiterate again: that's not how government debt works.

So the government can simply keep borrowing or printing money until the end of time to prop up the economy?  No bother pal.

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30 minutes ago, BlueBear said:

Vaxxing is NOT the panacea as the so called experts have warned us. 3 waves in 16 months. It's not seasonal. 

First generation vaccines won't stem the tide against ever changing variants and at some point will be rendered impotent and we're behind the eight ball again due to the short cycle nature of Covid variants. 

Foreign travel is the single biggest threat of new variants overwhelming a country and ours the worst of it with the court jester in charge. Just look around Europe. 

Hope the uber stauch enjoy their much needed holidays in shiteholes like Turkey and bringing back new varients. I'm sure they will be proud. 

The uber stauch (sic), you need to nake your mind up as to who you are trying to troll.Better still, just f**k off & give us all peace.

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21 minutes ago, Left Back said:

So the government can simply keep borrowing or printing money until the end of time to prop up the economy?  No bother pal.

Maybe not at this level forever (forever, ever). There'll be some sort of constraint at some point but we're obviously nowhere near that. An extra 3 or 4 months of furlough spending is meaningless in the long-run when you've already 14 months in.

How much this is costing the government is really the absolute last thing to take into consideration when you're discussing about lifting restrictions. The government doesn't operate like a normal person when it comes to borrowing. 

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