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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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25 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

My own step-father is in a care home - he has Alzheimers - out of the 29 on his floor 27 are just like him.

Still clinically vulnerable and has had 2 major health scares in the last 3 months - one of which was an Omicron infection. He's not unique - is it unreasonable that those visiting take tests?

Or are you just another of these selfish b*****ds that don't give a f**k about the clinically vulnerable?

I’m just asking some questions.

What would be the situation if he caught flu from you?

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42 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

is it unreasonable that those visiting take tests?

I think it's unreasonable to expect the public purse to continue to fund them indefinitely tbh.

If care homes choose to insist that visitors continue to take tests to enter, then they should pay for them. If visitors are the ones choosing to take them, then they should pay for them.

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58 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

My own step-father is in a care home - he has Alzheimers - out of the 29 on his floor 27 are just like him.

Still clinically vulnerable and has had 2 major health scares in the last 3 months - one of which was an Omicron infection. He's not unique - is it unreasonable that those visiting take tests?

Or are you just another of these selfish b*****ds that don't give a f**k about the clinically vulnerable?

To cut to the chase, he's just not one of those that cares too much about the clinically vulnerable. 

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7 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Not true.

Im just starting to ask some questions which I don’t think are being properly addressed.

If Covid is now endemic, why do we still need testing?

Ok, I get the endemic thing. I get why the restrictions should be relaxed.

But why, when Covid is still in its infancy compared to flu, should we put the clinically vulnerable in the same firing line as the rest of the population?

Feel free to grind me down with scientific/medical data.

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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Now THAT, ladies and gentlemen is how to have a "heads gone" moment. 🤣

Please learn from this poster.

I don't want to see any more half-hearted attempts from now on.

This is the standard I expect to see.

Again, no refutations. Some coloured dots, a couple out of the 5 gifs/jpgs that this site has - you can post the Garry O’Connor one as a response to this if you like - and a lazy attempt to try and belittle me, from a guy who post his ideas for porn scripts, no less. Well done all. Truly you are the cream. Or whatever you’re eating off that biscuit, anyway. 

Edited by carpetmonster
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5 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Not sure what the reference to biscuits is but you've put me in the mood for a choccy digestive.

Sorry but the law states that complaining about coloured dots attracts a red dot in response.

The law is an ass I know but if you want change, talk to your MP/MSP.

That would have worked if you hadn’t put the coloured dots on all the other posts prior. So far I’ve amassed about 10 of them without anyone addressing anything that I’ve said. 

Edited by carpetmonster
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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Just stop for a minute and think about what you're posting.

Do you seriously think that you alone have someone in your family who is CEV or in a care home?

I can assure you that you are absolutely not. Caring about loved ones doesn't mean you automatically have to agree that masking up and testing is the right way to protect them.

The problem with the tests is that they give out a huge number of false negatives.

Questioning their worth is absolutely a reasonable thing to do.

Honestly, this sanctimonious moral high grounding has to stop.

Can’t be your fault you made folks sick if you didn’t know you had it eh? 

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Just now, oaksoft said:

It's a fucking virus.

There is no "fault" to be attributed.

Do you have any sensible arguments to make here or is it all reductive facebook-style drama with you?

Uh huh. So knowing if you have it means you’re in a better position to know if you should visit folks who may be more badly affected by it than you might be.

Do you have any arguments to make at all, or is it all just lazy horseshit and really unwarranted smugness? 

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2 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

 I don't pay for my LFTs, I don't live in the UK. Nonetheless, you've already paid the Government's pals for about 1000 tests for every man, woman and child in the country, and folks who are conscientious enough to want to take one if they're going into a higher risk environment are going to have to do so again. I realise that won't be you because you're scared of wee bits of cloth and have been using this thread to scream about how much Sturgeon hurts your fee-fees to a willing circlejerk of similarly sociopathic snowflakes for months, but if you did want to flex the last remaining bits of grey matter, the more pertinent point should be that folks who possibly can't afford to pay for LFT's, because they're trying to pay for gas or food, may spread more Covid about, and then nasty wee Jimmy Krankie will have to threaten you some more. That's probably what you want tho, isn't it?

The absolute state of this word salad!



2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Given that those visiting care homes have to take them I'm not quite sure what your idiotic take on this is?

As ever you are a blinkered arsehole.


1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

My own step-father is in a care home - he has Alzheimers - out of the 29 on his floor 27 are just like him.

Still clinically vulnerable and has had 2 major health scares in the last 3 months - one of which was an Omicron infection. He's not unique - is it unreasonable that those visiting take tests?

Or are you just another of these selfish b*****ds that don't give a f**k about the clinically vulnerable?


37 minutes ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

To cut to the chase, he's just not one of those that cares too much about the clinically vulnerable. 


7 minutes ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

Ok, I get the endemic thing. I get why the restrictions should be relaxed.

But why, when Covid is still in its infancy compared to flu, should we put the clinically vulnerable in the same firing line as the rest of the population?

Feel free to grind me down with scientific/medical data.


Did we obsessively test ourselves for influenza or the ~200 other respiratory infections that circulate in humans if we had no symptoms, many of which could still be lethal in care homes, pre-March 2020? No, we did not. If we were unwell, however, we would simply stay away.

Deaths are currently below the five-year average for the fifth week in a row. There is no excess risk now compared to what there was pre-pandemic, probably to do with three vaccine doses or something.

If this isn't enough, then as Todd says it is up to the individual or the care home to cough up the funds to satisfy somebody's 'concern', not the public purse.

Make sure to wear a mask as well - we can't have the vulnerable elderly seeing human faces now, can we - they're simply a means of spreading disease nowadays!

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Just now, Elixir said:

The absolute state of this word salad!







Did we obsessively test ourselves for influenza or the ~200 other respiratory infections that circulate in humans if we had no symptoms, many of which could still be lethal in care homes, pre-March 2020? No, we did not. If we were unwell, however, we would simply stay away.


If we had easy access to such testing, then surely that would have been a good idea, even if asymptomatic, particularly during flu season. 

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I have noticed the “Protect the NHS” patter has vanished 

I wouldn’t say I keep a close eye on the weekly covid hospitalisations, but I’m assuming this is a sign that the vaccine is working? (That and the field hospital being closed down in Glasgow ages ago)

Its almost embarrassing to say but being out the other night in a club I almost forgot what it was like being able to have a casual conversation with strangers again. 

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7 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

Can’t be your fault you made folks sick if you didn’t know you had it eh? 

^^^ unhinged mentality


2 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

Uh huh. So knowing if you have it means you’re in a better position to know if you should visit folks who may be more badly affected by it than you might be.

Do you have any arguments to make at all, or is it all just lazy horseshit and really unwarranted smugness? 

^^^ zero conception of risk balance in a world of vaccine boosters

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2 minutes ago, Elixir said:

^^^ unhinged mentality


^^^ zero conception of risk balance in a world of vaccine boosters

You’re right, I have zero conception of how sticking a swab up your nose before visiting someone in a high risk situation is any sort of risk to you. 

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2 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

If we had easy access to such testing, then surely that would have been a good idea, even if asymptomatic, particularly during flu season. 

Well, no. We had access to utterly copious amounts of 'free tests' for old rona and it evidently made not a blind bit of difference to the spread of the virus or the impact on the health service - as evidenced by recorded deaths being in the range of a somewhat worse than average seasonal influenza.

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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

Blimey. 🤣

It's funny how those who most loudly declare their irreproachable compassion and virtue for other humans beings to everyone end up saying stuff like this if you give them enough rope. It's almost as if all that compassion and caring is fake.

Except I didn’t do any of that, so you’ll need to make another straw man. 

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