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39 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Beginning to think the stats might trundle along roughly as they are indefinitely until a vaccine comes out. 

I don't think so.

There is a general impatience around this, which the media are not helping by spamming us with "when will lockdown be lifted" stuff every day.

It took around 6 weeks to get from 100 cases to what we all hope was the peak / plateau (ie now). Given the plotted curve we seem to be able to observe in countries who are a few weeks ahead of us in the process, it would be reasonable to expect it to take a similar time to return to those levels of infection rates.

That would be around the week beginning June 1st for the UK. Maybe the 8th.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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18 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

With the possible exception of the chancellor, the London govt have been shown up for the two-bit bluffing c***s they are. So far out of their depth it's scary.

absolutely agree with the sentiment, but I find it hard to comprehend how much worse everything could have been had the likes of corbyn, diane fucking abbott and their ilk been in downing street since the back end of last year; it's the very definition of damning with faint praise to say that boris and his set of twats have done a better job than that set of incompetents, but the idea of labour trying to deal with anything more challenging than opening a packet of biscuits let alone an ongoing global catastrophe is beyond horrifying...

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4 minutes ago, Markka said:



If you're in the Ally Arms again my advice would be to never to follow several bottles of Williams Bros seaweed ale with a Afghani Masala from Shaheds along the road. Both are fine in their own right but together cause unpleasantness.

If that's the Williams Kelpie, it's one of the few they've done that I don't get along with...something deeply unpleasant about beer that actually tastes of the seaside...you can add the oyster stout that I think it might have been Fallen did a wee while back to that list.

Just wrong.

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11 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Out of interest what metrics did you use to compare our actual government's performance against a hypothetical Labour one?

none at all - it's an entirely spurious claim based on the personal opinion that most labour party members are catastrophic fuckwits who failed to provide a serious opposition to Theresa May's feeble government which is a fair indication of their abject lack of coherent thought and deed

i'd have had more faith in Corbyn had senior members of his own party not being working to ensure that he failed to win in the autumn...

just sounding off, really 😉

ETA - and obviously milfy nurses - they'd all be in unisex scrubs under labour - if there's one thing the tories excel at, it's costumed deviance...

Edited by Herman Hessian
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absolutely agree with the sentiment, but I find it hard to comprehend how much worse everything could have been had the likes of corbyn, diane fucking abbott and their ilk been in downing street since the back end of last year; it's the very definition of damning with faint praise to say that boris and his set of twats have done a better job than that set of incompetents, but the idea of labour trying to deal with anything more challenging than opening a packet of biscuits let alone an ongoing global catastrophe is beyond horrifying...
I completely disagree.

I think they'd have been much more likely to listen to the science and medical experts earlier.

Not listening to the political spivs is an entirely different issue. I agree they did a terrible job with their campaign but i honestly think they'd have handled this much, much better.

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The new labour government are already messing up by asking questions that have already been answered.

If the new leader can only come up with the question about getting out of lockdown then that’s pretty pathetic. TBF the Tories have said they will be guided by scientific facts and will simply swat away the labour question so easily.

They were asked on the radio today ‘well what’s labours plan’ and they responded with ‘we aren’t privy to the science from the meetings that the government has’. What kind of an opposition is this? There used to be lots of credible and decent labour mps I haven’t seen one for years and voted snp because of this.

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2 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

The new labour government are already messing up by asking questions that have already been answered.

If the new leader can only come up with the question about getting out of lockdown then that’s pretty pathetic. TBF the Tories have said they will be guided by scientific facts and will simply swat away the labour question so easily.

They were asked on the radio today ‘well what’s labours plan’ and they responded with ‘we aren’t privy to the science from the meetings that the government has’. What kind of an opposition is this? There used to be lots of credible and decent labour mps I haven’t seen one for years and voted snp because of this.

Sir Keir wants the exit strategy 

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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

Just thought it was interesting to see someone saying this kind of thing, 'imagine how much worse it would've been if that lot had been in charge' given the recent revelations of how many Labour staff were actively fighting to lose in 2017 & the kind of language they used to describe people like Diane Abbott. It seems like they were tremendously successful if it's given you & many other folk a gut feeling that they would be a catastrophe, that doesn't really seem to be based on any meaningful evaluation.

like i say -  my evaluation, such as it is, is based on their collective lack of effectiveness in opposing a historically weak government to such an extent that their support collapsed entirely when pitched up against an even more laughable opponent in Boris. 

you have to question their decision making abilities, understanding of the wider issues, organisation - even their drive to succeed - having come up so woefully short; it's all well and good having endless amounts of empathy with everyone trampled by the tories, but that counts for shit if there's no facility to offer a viable solution - it's genuinely tragic that there's no alternative to what we are stuck with...

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13 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Just thought it was interesting to see someone saying this kind of thing, 'imagine how much worse it would've been if that lot had been in charge' given the recent revelations of how many Labour staff were actively fighting to lose in 2017 & the kind of language they used to describe people like Diane Abbott. It seems like they were tremendously successful if it's given you & many other folk a gut feeling that they would be a catastrophe, that doesn't really seem to be based on any meaningful evaluation.


People need a justification for licking that sweet blue boot for so long and what better than "well it could've been worse! I bet Comrade Corbyn and his loony pals in Hamas would've killed 20 million people on purpose"


Anyway, Labour winning the election would've been great because the media would've actually been doing their jobs in vigorously holding the government to account instead of blaming the public.

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34 minutes ago, Herman Hessian said:

absolutely agree with the sentiment, but I find it hard to comprehend how much worse everything could have been had the likes of corbyn, diane fucking abbott and their ilk been in downing street since the back end of last year; it's the very definition of damning with faint praise to say that boris and his set of twats have done a better job than that set of incompetents, but the idea of labour trying to deal with anything more challenging than opening a packet of biscuits let alone an ongoing global catastrophe is beyond horrifying...

The obvious difference is that if Labour were to offer a financial rescue package similar to this government then they would be attacked for it.

"Same old Labour.  Spending other people's money.  Who's going to pay for it."

They would also be attacked for the lack of PPE for NHS staff.

Also for not acting quickly enough to halt the spread of this disease.

Not that I am suggesting any bias in the media. 

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