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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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You and I have a different view on how we honour those who went before us and made sacrifices, and not just in military conflict.
I don’t think there is any need for this sort of remembrance, which is invariably co-opted for jingoistic purposes.  Instead I think that we should honour them by trying to make society better than it is and certainly more equitable than it was for most of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Leave that to the Germans.  We won the fucking war, we get to party wherever and whenever. 

Celebrating something that was so devastating just seems wrong to me.

It was right at the time, obviously. Relief, joy, fucking get it up them rage were all completely natural feelings.

But now? Surely we need to commemorate and learn, and educate the next generation?

Why would these people want to dance about a war ending 60 years ago? Whereas the joy? The relief?

Just seems wrong to me.

But ve day should definitely be commemorated (along with all the others). That shit's important.

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There are emerging reports of numerous long term health effects of Covid, including stroke, heart problems, lung scarring, cognitive impairment, infertility and others.


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25 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

So quarantining people arriving by air has gone from a ‘maybe’ to a ‘definite’!!!!!

Talk about too little too late.  They’ve been arriving in over a hundred thousand a week for two months!!!!

This is Trumpian levels of government disfunctionality.


Complete coincidence that the UK and the US are top of the tables I'm sure. 

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14 minutes ago, badgerthewitness said:

Struggling to grasp the reasoning behind having people self isolate for a fortnight when returning to the UK from countries with only 200-odd deaths.


To stop them picking it up here I presume.

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46 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Wrong again.

You're spending a lot of time on an anonymous internet football forum engaging with someone you consider an angry/very upset simpleton.

A lot of time? I would estimate it’s probably taken me around 90 seconds to post the replies to you this morning. Another strange post.

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All arrivals to Britain will be quarantined for two weeks to stop second coronavirus peak

How the f**k will this work without dozens of 'special' cases'?  What about Government ministers going abroad for trade talks (!), airline crews, sailors, eurostar crews, footballers (if it restarts), foreign gov. officials, royal c***s. The list goes on.

If you go on holiday to another country also doing 2 week quarantine, you'll need 6 weeks leave. I'm looking forward to this.  What's that word? Oh aye, omnishambles.


Edited by cyderspaceman
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1 minute ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

A lot of time? I would estimate it’s probably taken me around 90 seconds to post the replies to you this morning. Another strange post.

Not really.

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22 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

A few months ago I would have agreed with this, but I believe modern aircraft ventillation systems are incredibly efficient, to the extent that this is not really true.

True, the filtration systems are claimed to be the same standard as those in ICU wards and surgery. Though the dry air means you're more likely to pick up a bug from someone nearby than on a bus, say. Wearing a face mask should be obligatory.

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26 minutes ago, pandarilla said:


Celebrating something that was so devastating just seems wrong to me.

It was right at the time, obviously. Relief, joy, fucking get it up them rage were all completely natural feelings.

But now? Surely we need to commemorate and learn, and educate the next generation?

Why would these people want to dance about a war ending 60 years ago? Whereas the joy? The relief?

Just seems wrong to me.

But ve day should definitely be commemorated (along with all the others). That shit's important.


I was thinking exactly the same.  Remember it in a fashion that shows we really don't want it, or anything like it,  ever to be repeated.  It shouldn't be a knees-up.

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8 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

How the f**k will this work without dozens of 'special' cases'?  What about Government ministers going abroad for trade talks (!), airline crews, sailors, eurostar crews, footballers (if it restarts), foreign gov. officials, royal c***s. The list goes on.

If you go on holiday to another country also doing 2 week quarantine, you'll need 6 weeks leave. I'm looking forward to this.  What's that word? Oh aye, omnishambles.


There is not going to be any foreign holidays!

People on government business will get tests on returning. Nearly everyone else will decide not to travel. 

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2 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

Leave that to the Germans.  We won the fucking war, we get to party wherever and whenever. 

Tory Covid has killed more Brits than the Germans did in their Blitz.


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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

So quarantining people arriving by air has gone from a ‘maybe’ to a ‘definite’!!!!!

Talk about too little too late.  They’ve been arriving in over a hundred thousand a week for two months!!!!

This is Trumpian levels of government disfunctionality.


this is actually getting beyond parody.talk about shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted

the media will,in the meanwhile,continue to peddle the lie about what an astounding job these bozos are doing

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

There is not going to be any foreign holidays!

People on government business will get tests on returning. Nearly everyone else will decide not to travel. 


Except these brain donors, who decided to get away from it all by traveling from the south-east of England in order to spend a bank holiday weekend in the unspoilt wilderness and scenic grandeur of Motherwell.

Yes, THAT Motherwell.

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