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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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48 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

I was also noting that the SG hadn't done anything / much different from the rest of Europe and in the case of nightclubs and major events it would have been the same issue for someone in your position in Spain / Italy / England / France / Germany etc

Whilst true setting the bar at what the rest of Europe is doing is hardly what we want to do.  If it was my decision I would be offering live music venues the right to opt into being vaccination stations due to the fact they are large open areas in the heart of their communities and help bring some income in but that's just a thought and no idea if that would be anything more than tokenism

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4 minutes ago, 101 said:

Whilst true setting the bar at what the rest of Europe is doing is hardly what we want to do.  If it was my decision I would be offering live music venues the right to opt into being vaccination stations due to the fact they are large open areas in the heart of their communities and help bring some income in but that's just a thought and no idea if that would be anything more than tokenism

A pint, a band and a vaccine, that may catch on.


Unless the band is the vaccines, then that'll be shite because they only have about one good song.

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25 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Not directing this at anyone here, we all have our thoughts. This thread has left me fucking baffled of late though. I probably give P&B a bit too much credit for being a cross section of society but seeing some of the stuff posted and knowing that the govt enjoy huge support on this, I just cant get it.

I'm bordering on actually contacting my MP, which iv long considered a moon howler option. Theres two key dates coming up. One is 3 weeks from yesterday, and the other is whenever AZ is approved. The AZ one in particular needs to see a marked shift in scotgov rhetoric for me otherwise am going on a seething campaign, for whatever that is worth. It will be cathartic for me anyway.

Remember at all times a vast proportion of the electorate are stupid.   See Brexit, see electing Donald Trump in America etc etc

Keep fighting the good fight and don't let idiocy win.

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2 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Remember at all times a vast proportion of the electorate are stupid.   See Brexit, see electing Donald Trump in America etc etc

Keep fighting the good fight and don't let idiocy win.

I know. But theres a difference between being stupid and letting them off the hook for what will soon, IMO be a colossal overreach into my life and that of people who are being thrown on the health, wealth and happiness scrapheap. 

Anyway iv said enough about it for one day. Back to moretti and the Barclays. 

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21 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Worth remembering that people died of Covid throughout the summer in Scotland,.

At a rate of less than 1 per day over a 9 week period. We also went around 34 days in a row at one point with none whatsoever.

I'm not really sure what point you are making here tbh.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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Had two factories close and seen the entire electronics industry collapse due to shipping jobs out depsite full order books to save money.
Got zero financial help and one company let us away for interviews.
Supposed task force blah blah did nothing.

Farmers got paid millions for creating their own problems by feeding sheep to cows to save cash.
Bankers played casino for years then got bailed out.

I guess unless it effects the rich or south east then nobody cares.

Furlough money could have saved all these firms for a few years.

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46 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I think I was wrong in my last post of giving you the benefit of the doubt in just being a moron. It seems you are severely lacking in empathy and are in fact a complete and utter c**t.

This hardly fits the spirit of play tye ball not the man that's been championed recently in this thread. 

WRK got vilified for being harsh iirc

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10 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Had two factories close and seen the entire electronics industry collapse due to shipping jobs out depsite full order books to save money.
Got zero financial help and one company let us away for interviews.
Supposed task force blah blah did nothing.

Farmers got paid millions for creating their own problems by feeding sheep to cows to save cash.
Bankers played casino for years then got bailed out.

I guess unless it effects the rich or south east then nobody cares.

Furlough money could have saved all these firms for a few years.

Also the Chinese and indians took up these roles in the new globalised world

And are slowly but surely taking over our dominance

Should have subsided these industries rather than give them away to rivals

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1 minute ago, madwullie said:

This hardly fits the spirit of play tye ball not the man that's been championed recently in this thread. 

WRK got vilified for being harsh iirc

Not sure why you think that, I’m entirely playing the post not the poster. He stated that summer was normal because it was for him, and ignored the multiple explanations given to him that prove it was anything but, and has then reaffirmed that opinion in the face of those posts.

I don’t see how that can still legitimately be given the benefit of stupidity, and the only other option is he knows but just doesn’t care.

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At a rate of less than 1 per day over a 9 week period. We also went around 34 days in a row at one point with none whatsoever.

Depends on the measurement you are using. The NRS method had deaths per week down to single figures but people still died. There was a long period where the daily news conferences were announcing no deaths but the NRS figures were showing that they were still happening. I’m not saying lockdown forever or anything like that, I just think that the SG were a little duplicitous in their comms and triangulation in the summer. They carried on with the news conferences announcing zero deaths and had outriders like Sridhar push a zero Covid narrative but at no point did they publish a zero Covid strategy or do anything concrete other than lag behind the rUK a bit, for example on gyms and pubs. The SG were involved in drawing up the Universities guidance which was a complete disaster and ended up with Glasgow as the Covid hot spot of the U.K.
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1 minute ago, ICTChris said:


Depends on the measurement you are using. The NRS method had deaths per week down to single figures but people still died. There was a long period where the daily news conferences were announcing no deaths but the NRS figures were showing that they were still happening. I’m not saying lockdown forever or anything like that, I just think that the SG were a little duplicitous in their comms and triangulation in the summer. They carried on with the news conferences announcing zero deaths and had outriders like Sridhar push a zero Covid narrative but at no point did they publish a zero Covid strategy or do anything concrete other than lag behind the rUK a bit, for example on gyms and pubs. The SG were involved in drawing up the Universities guidance which was a complete disaster and ended up with Glasgow as the Covid hot spot of the U.K.


You've hit the nail on the head RE: SG for me. They had (and still have) no idea what impact the restrictions had on their daily figures, yet they fully believe, based on what happened over the summer, that they can control the spread of the virus in the same way you and I can control the flow of water from a tap.

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8 hours ago, Wee Bully said:

A better start than TiG’s pathetic offering.

What would the excess deaths be without the current restrictions?

We'll have to wait and see what excess deaths are over a reasonable length of time - it's a bit daft to base any assessment on short term impacts.

I'm not against restrictions. Perhaps you think I am.

My doubts are over why we had kids off school and shops shut in June and kids in school and shops open in December. This is not me using hindsight to criticise the government. I said on here in June that kids should be back in school and we should be planning for a shorter summer break and a longer winter break. I don't think anybody failed to realise a respiratory virus would spread more easily in the winter. 

I also support the tiers system the government set up. It's a pity they themselves don't seem to believe in it.

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4 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I sanitise my hands in the car before and after, trying not to pick my nose inbetween.

I sanitise my hands after. Also sanitise my wallet, debit card, car keys, door handles, steering wheel, gear stick, wiper and indicator controls and seatbelt clip.

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Also the Chinese and indians took up these roles in the new globalised world
And are slowly but surely taking over our dominance
Should have subsided these industries rather than give them away to rivals
I think any country is daft to change their economy to a service industry with hardly any manufacturing.
Leaves you susceptible to relying on others. We should be building our own ships, steel and have the ability to build our own infrastructure.
Its a bit of yer da post but Germany showed the way, they respect manufacturing.
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1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Not sure why you think that, I’m entirely playing the post not the poster. He stated that summer was normal because it was for him, and ignored the multiple explanations given to him that prove it was anything but, and has then reaffirmed that opinion in the face of those posts.

I don’t see how that can still legitimately be given the benefit of stupidity, and the only other option is he knows but just doesn’t care.

Fair fucks man, I'm not the thread polis. 

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