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56 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

You could reverse the roles and say the same. People in higher risk categories quick to criticise those in lower risk groups who are out having fun in the sun. Maybe those we've gave up a year of our life for should step out of their own narrative of wanting everyone locked inside "just incase" or because of the big bad undiscovered "variants!!!"

We've all given up a year of our life. And at my age that's a bigger % of what I've got left than it is of yours.

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Yup, what a mug's game searching for what the National Clinical Director is saying about the pandemic, while political leaders are obliged to keep their mouths shut and people are banned by law from travelling ten miles from their house for utterly pointless weeks because of *checks notes* the National Clinical Director and his fellow clownshoe contingent. 
He was appearing on...checks notes...Clyde 1 Superscoreboard or whatever it's called these days not making any sort of official public health statement. Anyone that's gagging to know what Leitch said on an irrelevant football show when they know every word he utters enrages them is bizarre behaviour whatever ott hyperbole you dress it up in.
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28 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

Correct. So try and manoeuvre yourself somewhere closer to the middle. We could all aim towards that.

Totally this. We seem to be in this weird polarised state at the moment where you've got one side who are almost Stockholm syndromed and seem terrified of things gradually opening up again hopefully for good, and the other side who seemingly would have accepted any amount of collateral damage if it had only allowed them to continue doing X thing they like doing all the way through.

Hopefully the truth is somewhere in the middle...either extreme looks like a bleak future going forward.


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No he's not, he is on the show as national clinical director not wee Jase fae Airdrie.
To suggest otherwise is delusional myopic nonsense.
His views are seen as a message from SG where he is a key advisor so anything he says must be taken as coming from an important government advisor. It goes with his post.
Aye if you say so. It's got to the stage that people are actively seeking his every word just to post how enraged they are.

If someone annoys me I most certainly don't go searching out their every word.

I don't particularly listen to what he has to say when he happens to appear on something I'm watching but if I heard he was specifically appearing on a programme it would make me inclined to give it a miss but hey ho each to their own I suppose.
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19 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:
I think people forget that he's not just some nobody opening his mouth and letting his belly rumble tbh.

He's exactly that when appearing on shitey football phone in shows. Seeking out what he has said in a situation like that is plain daft.

Unless he actively changes his messaging depending what platform he is on, then this is head in the sand denialist stuff.

His mewling on STV News earlier sums the man up.

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21 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
1 hour ago, virginton said:


He was appearing on...checks notes...Clyde 1 Superscoreboard or whatever it's called these days not making any sort of official public health statement. Anyone that's gagging to know what Leitch said on an irrelevant football show when they know every word he utters enrages them is bizarre behaviour whatever ott hyperbole you dress it up in.

Erm no he wasn't champ:

6 hours ago, Scosha said:

“No we can’t because despite all data telling us otherwise, we just don’t know. A variant is out there, that will kill you all. Thank you.” 


Desperately trying to white knight for that fucking gimp and making a complete and utter arse of yourself in the process. You hate to see it happen.


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15 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

English pubs reopening conditions. Sound utterly shite.
BBC News - Every customer must sign in when pubs reopen

All party members completing track and trace info was already a thing up here last time we were allowed out.

There is, of course, no compulsion to give accurate details, which makes a mockery of the whole thing.

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You underestimate the influence of the clownshoe and that there is always supporting media hanging on his every word regardless whether he is on the BBC or some tin shed in Garve. This is the man who .....'checks bank notes' has the ear of who affects right now the way you have to live your life.
Your right, I most certainly have underestimated the influence he has especially on a number of posters in here but as I say each to their own. Some obviously still deem him influential enough to continue to chase his every word even if it is simply to confirm their disdain for him. I find that quite bizarre.

He's a profit of doom plain and simple. There is nothing to be gained from hanging on his every word bar anger. I prefer to simply ignore such influences.
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15 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

Totally this. We seem to be in this weird polarised state at the moment where you've got one side who are almost Stockholm syndromed and seem terrified of things gradually opening up again hopefully for good, and the other side who seemingly would have accepted any amount of collateral damage if it had only allowed them to continue doing X thing they like doing all the way through.

Hopefully the truth is somewhere in the middle...either extreme looks like a bleak future going forward.


Erm no. The time for a middle ground was in the summer of 2020, when there were no treatments in place. In the summer of 2021, in which by a wonder of medicine we are falling over treatments, there is no logical case whatsoever for a 'middle ground' just to appease the irrationality of an OCD contingent.  Unless you also want permanent restrictions in place for the flu and score of other infectious diseases that cause 'collateral damage' every single year.


Edited by vikingTON
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Unless he actively changes his messaging depending what platform he is on, then this is head in the sand denialist stuff.
His mewling on STV News earlier sums the man up.
I fully admit that when it comes to Leitch, Shridar etc I do just that. Fingers in ears, head in the sand, call it what you want. They have nothing to say that can benefit me and that is 100% confirmed by the daily disdain for them in here. I can see no positive reason to actively seek out whatever it is they have to say. Either that or your saying I should as he occasionally does have some important, on point message to give but to date I have yet to read that take on him in here.
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Doubt it. The FA have already said the plan is to have at least 10,000 at the FA Cup semi finals.

4,000 at one semi final, zero at the other was confirmed today. Equivalent of about 2,300 at Hampden.

Better than 300 in Murrayfield, certainly, but I’m at a loss as to what they think they can ‘learn’ at this game when there have been similar crowds already in England over the past year. Indeed the very, very first ‘test’ at Brighton v Chelsea had a fuller stadium.
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If domestic vaccine passports happen there is approximately f**k all chance that it would be a short term thing. Why would they go to all that trouble to have all that lovely data then stick it in the bin. 

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1 hour ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Thanks so much for this.

My mum is currently in hospital due to myeloma and now at stage of palliative care (she was really touch and go from Sunday through to last night). I know we're now at the days/weeks stage rather than months/years but me, my dad and my partner have been given approval to drop in and see her in her room in the ward as there is currently no guarantee she'll come home.

My dad is her primary carer but I've also been providing a bit over the last few days since she went downhill and wasn't aware of this. I've now registered and have been approved for my vaccine appointment to follow. 

Sincerely, thanks for making me aware of this.

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All party members completing track and trace info was already a thing up here last time we were allowed out.
There is, of course, no compulsion to give accurate details, which makes a mockery of the whole thing.
Exactly that was last summer with no mitigations. This is no more normal than fly in the air. It's becoming increasingly clear that like it or not a "new normal" is the best we can hope for despite shite talk about June seeing a return to "normality". Anyone thinking we are returning to anything approaching what we knew as normal by this summer is kidding themselves on. It's going to be utter shite with vaccine passports, track and trace, virtually no restriction free overseas travel and limits on crowds in all situations. Normal my arse. It really shouldn't be that way but it's becoming abundantly clear that is where we are heading.
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Just now, Snafu said:

Because the uk gov have a now a distinguished record of spunking millions at useless unworkable ideas.


That's basically what we're relying on imo. It's such a farcical f**k up that it gets quietly binned 🤞 

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