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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 minutes ago, Forever_blueco said:

So he spent 4 days in bed with a viral infection and struggled through a bottle of Peroni . Thoughts and prayers Eddie 

outrageous that the Vaccine only managed to do the small things like keep the infection from his lungs and minimised his symptoms  . 

Bin the vaccines, they're clearly shit

What an absolute knobhead.

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It's Andrew Marr all over again. 

People who report these symptoms despite being vaccinated seem to think this is a sign the vaccine isn't working. It shows the exact opposite; with no vaccine, this guy (and Andrew Marr) would have been hit far, far worse - with Marr almost certainly hospitalised. 

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Wow - Susan Michie, one of the ‘scientists’ is a member of the communist party.
Enough said.
I'm not sure it really matters. I don't think political ideology or affiliations necessarily tie in with how the knicker wetters think.

I mean, for all intents and purposes I'm probably an inch away from being a Commie in a political sense - in that I see it as the responsibility of the state to ensure no individual is left to go hungry, become homeless etc.

On the other hand I'm a believer in people having freedom and agency to do whatever they can to help themselves up to a better life, should they have the means to do so.

I'm not against the idea of a full welfare state and I'm not against the capitalist machine, as long as that isn't at the expense of others. I'm against private landlords. I'm not against a bloke starting up his own plumbing business and making his millions.

I'm probably a confused mess, or maybe I have a conscience. f**k knows.

Anyway, the point of this longwinded reply is that I'm not in favour of what amounts to restrictions of our liberties and movements, especially given what a large mass of the population have already sacrificed thus far.

It has to end. If not, I'll support civil disobedience.
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6 minutes ago, scottmcleanscontacts said:

I'm not sure it really matters. I don't think political ideology or affiliations necessarily tie in with how the knicker wetters think.

I mean, for all intents and purposes I'm probably an inch away from being a Commie in a political sense - in that I see it as the responsibility of the state to ensure no individual is left to go hungry, become homeless etc.

On the other hand I'm a believer in people having freedom and agency to do whatever they can to help themselves up to a better life, should they have the means to do so.

I'm not against the idea of a full welfare state and I'm not against the capitalist machine, as long as that isn't at the expense of others. I'm against private landlords. I'm not against a bloke starting up his own plumbing business and making his millions.

I'm probably a confused mess, or maybe I have a conscience. f**k knows.

Anyway, the point of this longwinded reply is that I'm not in favour of what amounts to restrictions of our liberties and movements, especially given what a large mass of the population have already sacrificed thus far.

It has to end. If not, I'll support civil disobedience.

Basically this is where I’m at too.

Lockdown/restrictions/nappy wetting is seen my many on the left as being the default and uniform position to have, just as Remain and Yes were pretty much default and uniformed left wing positions.

For years now people have given up thinking about things properly or challenging their own thinking, and just take up a default position like the above based on whatever ideological group they want to be a part of.

Now something like this has come along which is multi faceted and changes quickly, they see a few right wingers demanding one thing, and they’re almost programmed to oppose it because otherwise it’d mean being on the same side as Hartley Brewer or the Daily Mail, and instead they’d rather have a pat on the back from their pals.

Restrictions should be lifted because it’s the right thing to do. The longer we pander to people who want to be seen to care, the worse it’ll actually get for people.

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Basically this is where I’m at too.
Lockdown/restrictions/nappy wetting is seen my many on the left as being the default and uniform position to have, just as Remain and Yes were pretty much default and uniformed left wing positions.
For years now people have given up thinking about things properly or challenging their own thinking, and just take up a default position like the above based on whatever ideological group they want to be a part of.
Now something like this has come along which is multi faceted and changes quickly, they see a few right wingers demanding one thing, and they’re almost programmed to oppose it because otherwise it’d mean being on the same side as Hartley Brewer or the Daily Mail, and instead they’d rather have a pat on the back from their pals.
Restrictions should be lifted because it’s the right thing to do. The longer we pander to people who want to be seen to care, the worse it’ll actually get for people.
Summed up really well.

Free thinking is dead it seems, for the most part at least, as staying true to an ideology matters more.

It is almost like an indoctrination.

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16 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:


I did notice when I went back and read the original BBC masks story that no one had put their name to it. The usual “a Scottish Government source” nonsense.

Possible that they’ve tested the water and realised it’s backfired? May even deny the whole thing now to save face.

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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

Well if you personally haven't experienced it then it can't be a thing and I'm obviously wrong.

I'm off to wear a horse-hair shirt for a fortnight as punishment.

No need for that unless you fancy it, each to their own. Just curious about where you've encountered these mask enforcers.

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55 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:


Meanwhile the SG want to keep us wearing masks after the 9th of August date for no reason. 

Some of the replies on that thread 😑 

A worrying point would be "no widespread domestic vax passports", it should be no domestic vax passports at all. Just makes me wonder what theyll be used for

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18 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

At no point did I make a claim that normal breathing propelled as many particles as sneezxing or coughing. In fact I went out of my way to say that a mask WOULD help if you were doing either sneezing or coughing.

Soapy, if you are not going to take the time to read my post properly then there's not much to discuss.

You were arguing that folk would be getting the virus from normal breathing, I get that.

But normal breathing isn’t whats spreading the virus Its mainly spread through droplets, which happen when you cough or sneeze but also as you talk. 

ergo;  if you wear a mask while you talk then you will be creating less droplets and therefore less likely to be spreading the virus. 

I had a quick shifty inbetween patients tonight in work and found 10 published papers showing masks reduce spread of various respiratory illnesses including covid. Thats a 2 minute google search.

There is a degree of aerosol spread, a good bit more than HM Government would like to admit when they changed the guidance but FFP3 is only really making a difference when you are spending significant amounts of time in a enclosed enviroment with people who have covid. 

I would agree however that there is probably not much more to discuss as your ‘science background’ seems to amount to one of those chemistry sets you get for kids. 

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55 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

A worrying point would be "no widespread domestic vax passports", it should be no domestic vax passports at all. Just makes me wonder what theyll be used for

Why ever might you be worried about that? :P

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1 hour ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Some of the replies on that thread 😑 

A worrying point would be "no widespread domestic vax passports", it should be no domestic vax passports at all. Just makes me wonder what theyll be used for

Have they not already said they will leave it up to individual event/venue operators to choose to implement them or not?

I suspect most won't, so it's not a big concern.

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I don’t understand lefty Twitter right now, they all seem to be desperate for restrictions to continue because the tories are wanting to lift them.

Whilst I’d rather all restrictions were binned up here on the 9th, masks in shops and transport doesn’t bother me that much. As long as I can get back to the football that’s all I care about right now.

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I'd be really surprised if they binned the masks - potentially move it to being 'mandatory' on public transport/in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation or something which would give them a sort of halfway solution to seem to still be doing something?

Personally if they could keep a bit of distancing in shops when you're in a queue it would be great. Rips my knitting when folks are standing right on your shoulder 😄 

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Yes but none of that is your call and you shouldn't be policing it. The government have allowed for it and those people have the right to go about their business without being constantly harassed, regardless of whether folk are abusing the scheme or not.
It must be a nightmare for exempt people to have to constantly justify themselves to the army of mini Hitlers out therre who are creaming themselves over this little bit of power they have been hopefully temporarily given.
There's a universally accepted lanyard to prove exemption so no need for anyone genuinely exempt to be challenged. Yet to see the store mask police down here challenge anyone wearing the exemption lanyard.
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