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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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I'm reading that even after Jul19, employers are still going to enforce the use of masks and simply because of health and safety law, with Covid being a hazard, so being applied as a control measure amongst others, like perspex screens, sanitising, reducing numbers of meetings etc

I suppose they have to, to prevent any litigation if someone falls ill with Covid. In fact they could be doing same with flu with it being a recognised seasonal health hazard. Wouldn't be surprised to see flu come into play. 

They could do a pilot to measure the effectiveness against previous years lost man days to it. 

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3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Lots of people happy for permanent restrictions, regardless of covid.


Covid has come as a shock to many in how vulnerable as a species we are. However, change is happening and If only it were about Covid and we will be powerless to stop it. 

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5 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Where do you even find these dipshits?

it’s like some folk didn’t realise they would die one day before COVID came along.

Being honest, if I see a Twitter poll with a leading question I’m likely to click the opposite answer that they author is looking for, just to be a dick.

I’d imagine I’d be the same with this sort of poll if I was ever invited to take part, probably not alone.

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4 hours ago, Elixir said:

It's a start and that's all it is. The requirement for a test before returning to the UK is an utter nonsense and a deterrent. Who wants the risk of being stranded abroad and the extra expense if you test positive, even if double vaxxed? A four day city break and you need to piss about with testing? This as we move into autumn and winter as well.

The day two PCR test upon return would just about be palatable if it was free or dirt cheap, but as it stands it's just continued profiteering for government mates and an absolute shite balance of risk.

So, let me get this clear, the country (UK) with the highest covid rates in Europe and with the dreaded "variants" running riot are NOT allowing it's own double jagged citizens to return from the lowest virus countries without first having expensive tests ?? Yet those countries with the lowest rates and no variants present are happy to allow us in free of charge ??

Is it just me, or am I missing something here ??

As you say, there's no rational reasoning behind this so one can only assume it's to screw over the UK population and the UK travel industry, so they and all their corrupt mates can rake in the candy at our expense and I'm shocked that more people (including the travel industry leaders) aren't totally up in arms about this.

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48 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Nah you cant do that, you’d be marginalising the people who genuinely do need the doctor and dont go with any old pish, they’d be the ones who’d be less likely to go. I posted a couple weeks ago about a woman the wife identified potential cervical cancer in, had waited almost a year before the pain became unbearable before asking for help, too late now as cancer spread widely and beyond curative treatment. Then you’ve got folks who couldnt afford £10 an appointment, which tbf if youre living on the poverty line could be the difference between eating or not eating that week or heating the house in winter, causing even more strain when they inevitably fall ill. People who waste doctors time are so oblivious and emboldened by their shite that they would happily pay the £10 so they can get the facebook likes. 

Dont get me wrong the ones who are desperate to get into hospitals are completely poor souls failed by a system when they are hurting themselves just to try and get help, I really feel for them, but what can you do when they wont admit them and the circle continues. Its an impossible set of circumstances. 

The SG could certainly do something about the self harming group you talked about, if they could be fucked actually acting on things instead of pretending how much they care about disadvantaged groups. Maybe not immediately, but over time. We live in a country where traumatised children are told they need to be stable to access mental health services and when those children become young adults and self medicate they are then told they need to stop drinking/smoking cannabis etc to get help. It’s disgraceful. They then become adults and exhibit the behaviours you described in your first post as they are absolutely desperate, but yet again no one is interested. 

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3 hours ago, Abdul_Latif said:

I’ve never voted SNP, but have always been a heavy Indy supporter. The absolute shambles of the Scottish Government this last 18 months has given me the fear of how tinpot we may actually be if independent. So much so that at the ballot box I don’t really know what I’d do now.

I don't believe the UK government has been any better and in many situations actually much worse although I agree that many mistakes have been made by the SG.

It should also be remembered that many "Scottish" politicians are in prominent positions in the UK cabinet and shadow cabinet, so the argument about not being up to it, but England are, just doesn't work.

Finally, the SNP are merely a means to an end, an Independent Scotland would not be a dictatorship and it would then be up to the opposition parties to sell us all their version of a better future within an independent framework, fully responsible for shaping our own future so that everyone would have a chance to depose the ruling party and choose another just like in any other democratic country.

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If you're suggesting that arbitrary restrictions need to be kept in place to 'nudge' more people into getting vaccinated, then you can join all the other behavioural psychos in the sea where you belong.
That clown Reicher's idiotic equation of face masks with seat belts the other day was very much a mask-slip moment. These people are the ultimate misanthropes. 
I wasn't at all and you probably know that. It was in response to a post re dropping vaccination rates. I was merely pointing out that it's unlikely to get better in England after 19 July .
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30 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

The SG could certainly do something about the self harming group you talked about, if they could be fucked actually acting on things instead of pretending how much they care about disadvantaged groups. Maybe not immediately, but over time. We live in a country where traumatised children are told they need to be stable to access mental health services and when those children become young adults and self medicate they are then told they need to stop drinking/smoking cannabis etc to get help. It’s disgraceful. They then become adults and exhibit the behaviours you described in your first post as they are absolutely desperate, but yet again no one is interested. 

You’ve absolutely nailed it. Mental health is just as important as physical health yet the spending etc is seriously lacking. Working in places with a poverty epidemic the issues that arise with MH etc is eye opening. 
Again spot on re traumatised kids denied early intervention which ultimately means they spend their lives in and out of crisis. If people want help and there is an issue we need to help them. 

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38 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Not following you?


23 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Not been for a couple of months thanks very much! 

Our resident painter & decorator in chief was forever posting pics of various (and regularly) self inflicted injuries but it seem he’s either got better with a Stanley knife or got himself a change of career. 

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2 hours ago, Snafu said:

So are you saying now that the Highland games are played in Prypyat-like-settings?


2 hours ago, Snafu said:

I think Day's question was perfectly reasonable considering Shapps failure to acknowledge the own goal that was allowing the Delta variant into this country due to his leader delaying putting India on the red list so he could make a post Brexit deal and not upset the Indian PM. Self serving collection of pr**ks.

The most rigorous border checks in place, seriously. :lol:

Considering the UK is the self appointed trumpet blowing world leaders in border control and yet have as much ability and a track record of keeping any new variants out as Fort William FC have of keeping a clean sheet in a Highland league match.

It wasn't reasonable, it was pointless. VaRiAnTz will be about forever, and the vaccines work. If we are going to live with it the same as any other respiratory infection, which is essentially what it is now in Britain, then there is no need for measures at the border. We don't do this for influenza or anything else and vArIaNtz still 'get in' regardless anyway.

The chance of something arising which makes the vaccines obsolete is about as likely as an entirely new virus and pandemic emerging - i.e. not something to base day to day life around. The virus can be monitored internationally and vaccines updated according, again, as per influenza.

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4 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Finally, the SNP are merely a means to an end

I simply don’t buy that. Too many saying you should vote SNP if you want a referendum and to abandon your own ideals is a nonsense.

They have to be a party with wider ranging policies, not just “Westminster is bad” as a tactic if they want to appeal to a demographic that doesn’t fall for it. 

The party has some so blinded by shortbread tin, bagpipe nationalism that they accept Tory levels of behaviour verging on criminality if not just morally unacceptable as a “means to an end” without seeing the hypocrisy.

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One of my mates caught covid in May (very mildly), and he was telling me he was told to wait 90 days before getting his first jag. This was the first I heard of this, is it true? Or is he talking shite
I was allowed my first jag 28 days after testing positive.
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