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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:


Absolutely not!

That would be ridiculous.

It would mean you could never plan anything spontaneously for fear of turning up to a venue and finding you can't get in because one of your party doesn't have a vaccine certificate. Every venue would have different sets of requirements.

Saturday nights would be a complete lottery and an utter stressfest.

Come on guys. Think through the consequences of what you are suggesting.

Can't do that anyway if you can't stand and drink. Be some laugh going out on a Friday night / Saturday with a group of pals and trying to find a pub with a big enough empty table to get in.

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37 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

When folk used to say to me 'Ach all the politicians and parties are lying c***s, I don't vote for anyone', the person was usually a Rangers fans who I thought just didn't want to admit they voted Tory.  But I now think maybe they were actually spot on.

Fucking @ me next time! 

It's mental that so many people on here are acting outraged and surprised, they've been warned about the authoritarian nature of the government dressed up as "caring more"  and similar but they've always batted it away with "muh Independence". Well congrats guys, you're now not getting Indy and the rest of us are stuck with these lot for the next 4 or 5 years... 

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11 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I think his point was that venue owners previously were free to make their own rules and insist on entry requirements of their choosing.

If people don't like them, as before they will simply go somewhere else.

Private venues are subject to equality and anti-discrimination legislation, which you can't wave away in the case of vaccination just because it suits the self-righteous set. 

The wider idea of giving proprietors any more licence to act as total arseholes with absolutely zero evidence that this will make a difference to public health is a terrible one. There is no need for this when you can simply bin restrictions and if people want to wear a (proper, protective) mask* for themselves then they can continue to do so. 













* Don't forget well-fitting goggles, which for some strange reason haven't entered the uniform of the concerned despite that ever-present threat of death. 

Edited by vikingTON
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6 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Can't do that anyway if you can't stand and drink. 

It's not an either/or choice. In a competently governed country whose leaders have the backbone to point to vaccine rollout and face down irrational, knicker-wetting nonsense, you can have that without running a tombola of pointless, token gestures for each different establishment in the country. 

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Just now, virginton said:

It's not an either/or choice. In a competently governed country whose leaders have the backbone to point to vaccine rollout and face down irrational, knicker-wetting nonsense, you can have that without running a tombola of pointless, token gestures rules for each different establishment in the country. 

There was literally nothing preventing a venue owner insisting on masks before, though, and there won't be in future.

If a venue wants to insist on vaccine passports then let them. Most won't, and those that do won't last long.

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1 hour ago, Donathan said:

New study proves long covid is very rare in children. Deepti Gurdasani predictably having a meltdown. 

But the study is clearly flawed!!!11


10 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

The New York system basically says; do what you want when you get in, but you’ll need evidence of vaccination to get in.   To which the left - those most likely to be vaccinated - are all in favour.   Seems like nobody in the SG wants to say that publicly, but privately support that kind of policy.   Others have pressed for more restrictions, and they’ve ended up with a mess. 

Ultimately, at some point, it comes down to personal risk aversion.  

It's just pointless overreach shite when nine in every ten adults are vaccinated anyway. Your vaccine is exceedingly likely to protect you. Failure to process and accept this is the fault of any individual with no understanding of risk and reward.

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3 minutes ago, SANTAN said:

Fucking @ me next time! 

It's mental that so many people on here are acting outraged and surprised, they've been warned about the authoritarian nature of the government dressed up as "caring more"  and similar but they've always batted it away with "muh Independence". Well congrats guys, you're now not getting Indy and the rest of us are stuck with these lot for the next 4 or 5 years... 

There’s a valid point in there somewhere about minimum alcohol pricing being accepted as “for the good of the nation”.   But that’s more about a class issue than rights/responsibilities.   And I’m fairly sure those of us on the more restrictive end of things were more likely to support minimum pricing.  

Ultimately, though, it boils down to most us going to pubs and very few of us drinking 2 litre bottles of Diamond White.  

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12 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

What it really means is that you'd have to plan every part of every night out. Someone in your social group would need to be the co-ordinator to ensure everyone could get into every venue you wanted to go to. No spontaneity at all.

Does that sound like fun?

No, but, after 18 months of having to do just that, the SG have absolutely shat the bed by continuing to ban standing drinking, and have now ensured that the above will continue with no date set where they are required to review this nonsensical decision.

It's absolutely galling that none of the above is an issue just down the road, yet once again, as we were last year, we are stuck with tighter restrictions without any real reason.

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It's been characteristic of Sturgeon's leadership to shift actual policy/decision-making onto local government, 'think tanks', or indeed clownshoes dentists - any time they're required to take an actual position, they'll obfuscate or dip their toes in the water to test public/media opinion, and if the water's too hot, they'll adjust from there. 

The reason the 'guidelines' are now such an illogical and contradictory shambles is because this habit of indecision has met a stage of the pandemic where actual clear decisions are required - furlough is ending and vaccines have been succeeding for months, and the SG are being chased out of their 'England + a few weeks' default and now required to actually acknowledge the lack of any remaining legal credibility for restrictions. 

So in another shan effort to pander to everyone, they are wringing on pointless nonsense like masks and social distancing in schools and venues. Oh and the magic 2-metre forcefield has helpfully decided to shrink back to 1 metre all of a sudden. 

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14 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

There was literally nothing preventing a venue owner insisting on masks before, though, and there won't be in future.

If a venue wants to insist on vaccine passports then let them. Most won't, and those that do won't last long.

A venue owner can't insist on masks because that is discriminatory to those who for whatever reason can't wear them (or claim they can't wear them, hence the 'ahve got asthma' brigade. So what you'd be doing in fact is continuing the exact same nonsense charade as now in supermarkets/public transport but putting the minimum wage staff on the receiving end of all the flak and confrontation for executing the baseless judgment of their hideaway boss. 

That is a truly horrendous shout when you can simply restate that vaccines work and place the onus on individuals to manage their own risk. 

Edited by vikingTON
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5 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Which unionist option?

Depends where you live obviously. Tory, Labour or Lib Dem would have done nicely. 

It's tiresome having such incompetent ideologically obsessed morons running the government all because some people have insecure identity issues. 

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This morning, on reflection, I see yesterday as a non-announcement. Very little of substance has changed. The only reason there was an announcement with such fanfare was because Boris Johnson had an English one a few weeks ago, and this was NS reacting by having her own, under pressure from the media and a large part of the public asking - when is our freedom day?

So she did the whole show. The big announcements (which were that very little has changed). The media already had their "most restrictions removed" headlines written. And now they are still pushing this line even though everyone can see that level "beyond zero" is basically the same as level 1 was. For my sector, nothing changed at all. I posted yesterday that for our students, nothing at all will change (masks, ventilation, distancing, blended learning , etc). 

Yesterday's announcement was a con trick to make it seem like we were following on track to normality when in fact the government is keeping their restrictions in place, and you get the sense (or I certainly do) that masks will be here with us this time next year. 

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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

Well at least he's put a rough date on it.

It's not great but it's a lot more concrete than "for some considerable time yet".

Not really. It's the same "for some time" pish.

At least Christmas could literally be any date

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