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League Reconstruction 20/21 season

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4 minutes ago, welldaft said:

Must be confident of victory in the courts. I am sure their well paid lawyers are persuading them of just such a scenario. 

Not sure how long this will take and what the repercussions will be in the here and now. 

Thing is I suspect of they lose they will also have to pay SPFL courts costs so a massive gamble. 

Not only that I am sure I read somewhere that UEFA only like clubs taking legal s action via court of arbitration for sport. Any other Avenue is likely to meet with scorn. 

That plus the embarrassment of the whole of the rest of Scottish football if they fail. 

This could set Hearts back years..

Considering the last time we troubled UEFA competiton we Conor Sammoned our way to embarrassment against Birkirkara, I doubt that's much of a factor for HMFC tbh m8. 

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15 minutes ago, Miko’s Dive said:

Awww, you all think this is done and dusted dusted. 


Jokes on you, Miko is dive, as you've been making such claims for well over a month, and still have nothing to show for it.

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We probably voted for this reconstruction (All jokes about our vote actually being received aside) and I understand why we did and supported my club in doing so. I wanted a 14 team top flight as I think that'd be better for the game overall.

That was until Hearts & Ann Budge decided to cry about the grave injustice of it all, issue thinly veiled threats and have the biggest temper tantrum since Rangers in 2012. This combined with journalists like Tom English either being on the payroll of some clubs or so out of his depth he shouldn't be a journalist has made this the tastiest fucking decision since 2012 when Rangers were papped to League 2.

I'm all for this. If only Ann Budge didn't come at the situation with a disgusting lack of class she'd have maybe curried more favour.

Ann Budge, Leslie Deans, Tom English, Scot Gardiner & others... Get it fucking up you.

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24 minutes ago, Miko’s Dive said:

Awww, you all think this is done and dusted dusted. 


Looks at title of thread, "League Reconstruction"

Looks at vote for league reconstruction, "No support"

Looks at SPFL official statement, "Status quo of 12-10-10-10 remains"

Looks at the quoted post...



Hate to tell you, sweet cheeks, but league reconstruction is very much "done and dusted".

Feel free to start a thread in the Championship Forum for your rantings about trying to claim compensation though.

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4 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

I'm all for this. If only Ann Budge didn't come at the situation with a disgusting lack of class she'd have maybe curried more favour.

Yup, pointed this out just a few pages back, and on numerous occasions before. The very thing successful businesswoman Ann Budge wanted was the very thing she kept fighting against.

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1 hour ago, johnnydun said:

If there was any law broken in this whole charade, it would have been Hearts headline driving force against relegation. 

I ask again, what are Hearts going to court with?

A brass neck.

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I just want to make sure I've got this all correct. If I missed anything or misunderstand something let me know...

The SPFL was created seven years ago. 42 of the 40 clubs in the SPFL now were around for its creation. Each of those 40 clubs had a say in the set up of the league, the voting rights and spread and, just, in general, how decisions are made.

Every single vote so far, whether it be calling the lower leagues as they stand, ending the Premiership early and, now, discarding reconstruction have been in accordance with the rules that the 40 clubs created.

Now one of those clubs, who voted to end the season early (knowing it relegated them), want to sue the membership body (including themselves), because the set up of the league wasn't changed to accommodate them despite it going through the process that they helped draw up and ratified themselves?

...am I missing something or are Hearts howling at the moon here?

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