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Best & Worst Ref In Scottish Football

Best Ref in Scotland  

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That some folk don't get why refs have to do things a certain way, or indeed that they have to some things at all, does not help the refs.

We've seen an example in this thread but I often hear at games, and/or read on sites such as this, that refs should apply 'common sense' to things such as not booking a player for running in to the crowd, despite them (the ref) having no choice in the matter.

Worse is expecting 100% consistency. It simply isn't possibly but fans demand it. Referees do apply the rules consistently, but only apply them as they see incidents, meaning that they won't see a similar incident the way they did an earlier one, and by see I mean physically. They might have a good view of an incident earlier in the match but have a poorer view of a similar incident later in the match (could be that their view is momentarily blocked by a player or that play has moved away quicker than anticipated and so the ref is further away for example).

The slowing down, zoomed in from every angle nonsense has not helped referees and has lead to the farcical spectacle ruining introduction of the utter dog shit VAR. Fans are absolutely to blame for that horrendous 'inovation' as, instead of seeing refs as fallible and prone to not making the correct call every single time in evert single game in real time, they demand that refs get every call right and buy in to the patheticly moronic shite like how a ref can relegate a team or lose a manager his job, and as such the ref's job is far too important to allow human error, and thus VAR. People have allowed themselves to be duped in to thinking that VAR is needed. You hear that refs back when were much better. Absolute nonsense of course.


As I said before, I'm all for the pantomime of shouting at refs during games and shouting for decisions for my team, but that's all. I don't care about them after the game. If my team has lost or failed to win it isn't because the ref 'cheated' (a stupid phrase; how can a referee cheat?) or because they had a shit game. It's because the defender switched off and let the man they were marking nip in front of them. It's because a defender sliced a clearance right to a striker. It's because a defender didn't close someone down quick enough, or let someone put a cross in. Perhaps a midfield passed the ball short. Sometimes it's just a great bit of skill that no one can really do anything about.

The ref doesn't let the striker in. The ref doesn't underhit a pass. The ref doesn't lose their marker. The ref doesn't miss an easy chance to score. The ref doesn't give away a needless penalty or free kick. Etc.

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If my team has lost or failed to win it isn't because the ref 'cheated' (a stupid phrase; how can a referee cheat?) or because they had a shit game.

Though the majority of your post is fair, the latter point here is wrong. Sometimes a ref makes a complete arse of it and in fact does make a decision that costs a team. You can analyse the play before the decision; 'the defender should have won a tackle' etc. but if a ref makes the wrong decision that's their fault, no one elses.

I couldn't do it tbh. I think I'd end up getting into it with a player more than the fans. The way players shout abuse at the officials is actually shocking for the most part.
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6 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:



Though the majority of your post is fair, the latter point here is wrong. Sometimes a ref makes a complete arse of it and in fact does make a decision that costs a team. You can analyse the play before the decision; 'the defender should have won a tackle' etc. but if a ref makes the wrong decision that's their fault, no one elses.

I couldn't do it tbh. I think I'd end up getting into it with a player more than the fans. The way players shout abuse at the officials is actually shocking for the most part.


We shall have to disagree on this one then.

Aye, the abuse refs get from players is wild. I'd love for them to one day just start flashing cards the instant a player starts screaming at them. If a group of them chase after him and surround him, screaming for things, it would be great to see him just get out the yellow and show it to every single player and then, if required, the red. 

I despise the way players chase and crowd the ref and how they scream like wee toddlers at the refs. It goes back to what I was saying earlier, that it's too easy to blame the referee for something, especially for managers.

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12 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

. If my team has lost or failed to win it isn't because the ref 'cheated' (a stupid phrase; how can a referee cheat?) or because they had a shit game. It's because the defender switched off and let the man they were marking nip in front of them. It's because a defender sliced a clearance right to a striker. It's because a defender didn't close someone down quick enough, or let someone put a cross in. Perhaps a midfield passed the ball short. Sometimes it's just a great bit of skill that no one can really do anything about.

The ref doesn't let the striker in. The ref doesn't underhit a pass. The ref doesn't lose their marker. The ref doesn't miss an easy chance to score. The ref doesn't give away a needless penalty or free kick. Etc.

That's just utterly wrong. Goals can led directly on from decisions which the referee has made, a penalty/free kick which wasn't a penalty, a goal where a foul has happened Etcetc. In that instance the players are playing within the ruleset however the referee isn't. 

At our recent game against Partick in the dying moments we had a penalty not given and then there was a clear foul on the keeper for the goal. If the referee gave either decision correctly then we would've won. 

Referees can absolutely determine an outcome of the game, if they couldn't then why would we bother having different grades of referees and training them? You're miles off it here matey. 

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It's a tough gig. Did it for a few years and loved it but the knees and ankles aren't up to it now as you have to be unbelievably fit to do it properly. Used to rant and rave a lot at refs but not so much now I know what the job entails. Used to panic when I saw Bob Valentine, Andrew Waddell or Gerry Evans doing Ayr games as you just knew there would be a poor decision at some point, but sometimes it went for you and mostly against. Those of a certain vintage will remember those names and I don't really think the current crop are much worse, to be fair.
Still think Crawford Allan was a clown and Andrew Dallas is not grade 1 on merit though. Gollum has grown on me the last few years since he stopped being centre of attention and just did the job.

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Craig Levein fuming about Mike McCurry is a favourite moment of mine. Despite the fact he absolutely lost the plot, despite the fact it was Dundee United and despite the fact it was easy point and laugh material when I watched the game back, he certainly had a point.


Then 4 month later McCurry was leading his congregation with this:


To say there's never been cheating by a ref in Scottish football is a stretch. Willie Young, as I said in my previous post, admitted in an after dinner speech that he loved giving decisions against Dundee because he hated the Bonetti's.

ETA: Didn't realise McCurry was also a shagger. Bumping uglies in his car after games - once even in the Hampden car park.


Edited by Speroni*1
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