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On 23/09/2024 at 10:35, Tony Wonder said:


You keep going on about a conflict of interest as well, we are categorically not having a link up with Brighton, and I can't see any way in what happens at Hearts will create a conflict of interest with Brighton. They won't be interested in our players or our managers, we are in a completely different pond from them. I want to know more about his motives, is it to make money off sales, is it to test his system at a different level? What i'm pretty sure it isn't is to use us a breeding ground for Brighton, they simply don't need us. I think he'll have sway, but if it's not for nefarious purposes, why is that bad? James Anderson has sway, Andrew McKinley has sway, Ann Budge has sway, they aren't untouchable because the FOH are majority shareholders. Tony Bloom actually has a proven track record in football and has no history of being someone who hurts clubs, why have we to start panicking that's the case now?


Probably in this place here. Would like to see more details after the bonkers episode with Motherwell and that attempt at investment but this one feels different because this investment comes from a good track record. 

I'm enjoying the show for now. This is a lot more fun seeing some of the absolute bat shit mental names we're being linked with this time. For some reason this time feels a bit different because there an actual possibility in it this time rather than getting pulled back down to earth in the 'pragmatic but ultimately boring' choice.

Remember the shortlist before Craig Levein made himself manager?

Jon Daly

Paul Hartley 

Steven Presley

Dougie Freedman

Billy Davies


Time to embrace the chaos IMO.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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6 minutes ago, the jambo-rocker said:

Time to embrace the chaos IMO.

The period immediately after Romanov left was quite exciting, but it has been a bit dull since then. 

Even the relegation was boring, as it was basically an admin decision. Less said about the promotion season, the better.

A bit of disciplined chaos would be fun. (I'm not suggesting we employ Neil Warnock.)

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1 hour ago, DukDukGoose said:


To me "what did you think of Romanov" should only serve as a reminder of how highs the high were and how low the lows were. 



On 23/09/2024 at 12:02, Wilbur said:

This is more or less exactly what I was thinking.

Once bitten twice shy, surely. Romanov must still be fresh in the memory. 

The Romanov years may have been a fun ride at the time for Hearts supporters but it ended in a crash and burn disaster. This can happen when clubs open their doors to an outsider who takes control without having a passion for your club. Far better for your club's ownership to be in the hands of those who care deeply about it rather than it being a rich man's plaything and ego project. Of course I do understand that a large % of FoH members would have to agree to passing over ownership to an incomer, but maybe that "could" happen as fans are fickle and could be tempted by the prospect of big ££££ incoming. But why take that risk ?

It did also start with a crash and burn and disaster.

We'd actually sold Tynecastle to developers and were about to become tenants to the SRU in a ground three or four time too big for us. And we'd got into that mess under the conventional "successful local businessmen"  ownership model that's the default for most Scottish clubs.

Hearts debts when the world banking crisis took down UBIG were about the same (in real terms) as they were when the Pieman left.  Vlad essentially paid for his mistakes but never swallowed the bill for those of his predecessors

You could, if you wanted to be sympathetic, argue that the principal role Vlad played in Hearts financial meltdown was to merely delay it. That would  be a bit of an overstatement but the popular narrative, which by attributing full responsibility to the foreign investor absolves  local lads Robinson and Deans entirely, is a terrible reading of history as well

But that's history and the present situation is very different to 20 years ago

Firstly the supporters have ultimate control of the decision but the more important difference is that we're in a financial position to be fussy and say no if the deals not good enough

And you don't need to be a starry eyed optimist about Bloom to conclude that he's at least likely to know more about how football clubs should operate than Romanov ever did

Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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31 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

And you don't need to be a starry eyed optimist about Bloom to conclude that he's at least likely to know more about how football clubs should operate than Romanov ever did

That may well be the case, but does Bloom own a nuclear submarine?;)

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33 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

That would be a bit of an overstatement but the popular narrative, which by attributing full responsibility to the foreign investor absolves local lads Robinson and Deans entirely, is a terrible reading of history as well.

As is lumping in Leslie Deans with Chris Robinson.

He quit the board after the announcement of the SMG deal.

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Thank you Hearts for taking the mantle of poor decisions at the top, away from Aberdeen for at least a short while anyway.

Naismith's position decided, ultimately, on one half of football, and managerial and coaching staff all binned just over a month after signing two year extensions to their contracts. 

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Just now, kingjoey said:

Thank you Hearts for taking the mantle of poor decisions at the top, away from Aberdeen for at least a short while anyway.

Naismith's position decided, ultimately, on one half of football, and managerial and coaching staff all binned just over a month after signing two year extensions to their contracts. 

We were overdue for a complete shambles 

All part of life's rich tapestry I suppose


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