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9 hours ago, coprolite said:

Me and the mrs were spied on in Harvey Nicholls in Embra. Just went in for a look and security followed at a deliberately indiscreet distance. Clearly clocked that we couldn't afford anything. 

I reckon that every single one of the intolerant fuckwits that was protesting at the French Embassy a couple of weeks ago probably has someone following them until they get bored. 

Half of the protestors are probably undercovers. 

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On 10/11/2020 at 22:43, coprolite said:

Read it then come back and tell us how pro child labour it is. 

It's against some but not all forms of child labour..... The article didn't just float out the ether, it's obviously part of an editorial line. 

Given that Gates has a creepy and longstanding obsession with the size of Africa's population it seems ominious to me. Presumably the benefit of bankrolling the media is never being asked why an unelected, white, American businessman should have any input at all into African social policy?

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8 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Given that Gates has a creepy and longstanding obsession with the size of Africa's population it seems ominious to me.

But you are a tinfoil hat wearing fruitloop. The Gates Foundation has donated something like $36 million to chartable causes including billions into vaccine research and cures for malaria. 

Aside from the argument whether anyone should be that wealthy, its an enormous source of funding for the kind of boring research that can help hundreds of millions to billions. On the one side we have Koch Industries funding climate change denial and all but buying US legislators to slow action on decarbonisation (this is all a matter of public record) on the other a foundation that gets involved in the always controversial area of developing world health and you zoom in on the second with gut feel and source-less insinuations. 

A week from now you will have forgotten this and be peddling some batshit about Soros or why Assad deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. 



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6 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

But you are a tinfoil hat wearing fruitloop. The Gates Foundation has donated something like $36 million to chartable causes including billions into vaccine research and cures for malaria. 

Aside from the argument whether anyone should be that wealthy, its an enormous source of funding for the kind of boring research that can help hundreds of millions to billions. On the one side we have Koch Industries funding climate change denial and all but buying US legislators to slow action on decarbonisation (this is all a matter of public record) on the other a foundation that gets involved in the always controversial area of developing world health and you zoom in on the second with gut feel and source-less insinuations. 

A week from now you will have forgotten this and be peddling some batshit about Soros or why Assad deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. 



Has Gates not caused a shitload of damage to people in India and Africa with his 'vaccine research'?

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I notice you didn't address the central question of why Gates has any involvement in African population at all.

If you believe in good billionaires and bad billionaires you probably believe in the eastern bunny. They all follow capitalist laws of accumulation which means immiserating the vast majority of the world population.

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1 minute ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Google it yourself.

The research funding goes through the GAVI Alliance. Like any area of public health in the developing world there are those who question its priorities or have issue with some aspect of it. But its run by the WHO and the UK and Norway are its other biggest state donors. 



Results We find large and significant positive effects from Gavi’s funding programmes: on average a 12.02 percentage point increase in DPT immunisation coverage (95%CI 6.56 to 17.49) and an 8.81 percentage point increase in measles immunisation coverage (95%CI 3.58 to 14.04) over the period to 2016. Our estimates show Gavi support also induced 6.22 fewer infant deaths (95%CI −10.47 to −1.97) and 12.23 fewer under-five deaths (95%CI −19.66 to −4.79) per 1000 live births. Conclusion Our findings provide evidence that

Conclusion Our findings provide evidence that Gavi has had a substantial impact on the fight against communicable diseases for improved population and child health in lower-income countries. In this case, the health policy to verticalise aid—specifically development assistance for health—via a specialised global fund has had positive outcomes.

Insinuations, guesses, gut feels etc or not arguments. If claimants have no hard data then there should be a strong bias to dismiss claims. 


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2 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I notice you didn't address the central question of why Gates has any involvement in African population at all.

I addressed every well sourced claim you made. 

Or in the words of Christopher Hitchens


What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

You are dismissed. 

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4 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I notice you didn't address the central question of why Gates has any involvement in African population at all.


Why don't you explain it instead of just dropping "creepy" into it as if it was self evident.

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Just now, dorlomin said:

I addressed every well sourced claim you made. 

Or in the words of Christopher Hitchens

You are dismissed. 

Lol picking a mad jakey racist to justify your racism. 

Believing Gates rather than Africans has the solutions to Africa's problems is a big old giveaway to some fairly noxious politics.

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1 minute ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

f**k off. If you come out with a bullshit accusation, the onus is on you to provide the evidence, not others to disprove it.

You f**k off, and calm down while your at it. I only asked a question.

Thank you.

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1 minute ago, Detournement said:

Then why is he so interested in the population of Africa, birth rates


JAQing off....


Just asking questions (also known as JAQing off) is a way of attempting to make wild accusations acceptable (and hopefully not legally actionable) by framing them as questions rather than statements. It shifts the burden of proof to one's opponent; rather than laboriously having to prove that all politicians are reptoid scum, one can pull out one single odd piece of evidence and force the opponent to explain why the evidence is wrong.


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1 minute ago, Detournement said:

Anyone who has strong feelings about how many kids complete strangers have is a creep.

Lots of people have legitimate concerns about population. You seem to think that because he's rich, by his nature anything he does must be evil.

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