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£300,000 to the SYFA


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13 hours ago, LeeKRR1878 said:


According to Clyde 1 SSB, buisnessman James Anderson is donating £300,000 to the SYFA. Great gesture and hopefully it's invested wisely in the youth game


The donation was to youth football , to help with the costs of new safety measures being put in place as a result of the coronavirus  .Why don't the SYFA  hand out the money to clubs ? . They have decided to give out free membership for a season . .Clubs and kids, have paid in for a whole season which hasn't been completed . The SYFA  have decided without consultation ,to do what they want with this donation .Most clubs struggle to keep their head above water and families are finding things tough .The SYFA  should just hand out the money to last seasons member clubs .We /They don't know when, or indeed if  ,next season will start . Will this donation be filtered down to the clubs ? . They are already charging far too much for membership ,with little return . They charge clubs for individual teams ,so a club with a large number of teams can be paying them hundreds of pounds a season . Their charges for courses are ridiculous ,way above the rest of Europe .

Edited by PearceDuff CF
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The donation was to youth football , to help with the costs of new safety measures being put in place as a result of the coronavirus  .Why don't the SYFA  hand out the money to clubs ? . They have decided to give out free membership for a season . .Clubs and kids, have paid in for a whole season which hasn't been completed . The SYFA  have decided without consultation ,to do what they want with this donation .Most clubs struggle to keep their head above water and families are finding things tough .The SYFA  should just hand out the money to last seasons member clubs .We /They don't know when, or indeed if  ,next season will start . Will this donation be filtered down to the clubs ? . They are already charging far too much for membership ,with little return . They charge clubs for individual teams ,so a club with a large number of teams can be paying them hundreds of pounds a season . Their charges for courses are ridiculous ,way above the rest of Europe .
Let's hope the SYFA do the right thing here then
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13 hours ago, PearceDuff CF said:

The SYFA  should just hand out the money to last seasons member clubs .

Good idea in principle but perhaps not the best way to distribute £300k. A quick check shows around 400 teams entered the first round of SYFA cup competitions last season. You could reasonably double that number to include teams at pre competitive age groups. That would work out at £375 team. No team is going to pass up the chance of £375 but it's hardly life changing. Plus, when it's spent it's spent.

Has the money actually been allocated yet? Or do we know if it's been offered with any conditions on what it is spent on? I'd hope the SYFA could offer some consultation on how it is best spent.

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23 hours ago, Northboy said:

Good idea in principle but perhaps not the best way to distribute £300k. A quick check shows around 400 teams entered the first round of SYFA cup competitions last season. You could reasonably double that number to include teams at pre competitive age groups. That would work out at £375 team. No team is going to pass up the chance of £375 but it's hardly life changing. Plus, when it's spent it's spent.

Has the money actually been allocated yet? Or do we know if it's been offered with any conditions on what it is spent on? I'd hope the SYFA could offer some consultation on how it is best spent.

I read last night that this would impact on 4000 teams.

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46 minutes ago, gogsy said:
2 hours ago, Northboy said:

I read last night that this would impact on 4000 teams.

That's less than £8 each then.

Surely £300,000 amongst 4000 is £75/team.

My initial estimate of 800 teams was based on approx. 400 teams entering the SYFA national cup competitions then doubling this to include teams in their associated non competitive age groups. Admittedly this was a crude and blinkered estimate as I made no allowance for girls teams, teams in areas (eg Highlands and Islands) who don't enter SYFA cups and probably numerous other categories to whom I apologise. 4000 teams strikes me as a lot but whatever the number it is clear the spreading the money evenly  between all teams is not the way to do it.

Any suggestions on how it should be spent?


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