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Really tough run in rivals tonight. Won like 2 matches and one guy gave me the win by scoring an OG and quitting. Terrible. Back down to Division 4 with a 1400 skill rating. 

Silver lining was that the La Liga icon swap token was a piece of piss and took me about 25 minutes to complete. Just the UCL squad battle and 4 wins this weekend league to get all 10. I must say it’s been much more enjoyable and of course easier to get these tokens this year.

Not sure if EA dropped the ball with this, or it was always their intention. Last year on rivals it was a ball ache trying to get them while matching up against peoples main teams. 

New showdown cards look interesting, Klaiber in particular because of the links to Robben. 

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1 hour ago, robosaintee said:

No Ronaldo in my red picks. Raging.


Akanji and Zielinski for me. Wijnaldum only board from packs. Third time I’ve packed him. Dono what it is with Liverpool players, always popping for me. Alisson 4 times, Gomez 4 times, Wijnaldum now 3 times and Thiago a couple of times. 

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1 hour ago, mrpaddyx said:

Dragowski in my player pick, which is so bad he could have been a player in the capped WL player pick rewards for getting Silver 2.

I actually had the choice between Dragowski or Akanji but opted for the latter as I’ll prob get more use out of him. Goalies are pointless pish (although most TOTWs are in fairness) why can’t EA just put promo cards in red picks all the time? I don’t think I’ve seen one single headliner in anyone’s rivals teams last night. Would it make a difference if someone for a red Felix (everyone has his POTM it seems anyway) lot of pish.

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Will be finished 9 of the swap tokens shortly, won't get 10 as I've not touched weekend league. Tempted to go for packs and see if I get really lucky and pull Kimmich TOW but we all know that wouldn't happen so going to just take Hagi as he'll make it into my midfield 3 and allow me more options in the team,  I could afford Kimmich if I really want him in the future.


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Not sure if I'm getting considerably worse. Played 8 rivals games today & got pumped & I mean pumped in every single one. Now relegated to Div 5. I only usual need to play 10 or so rivals games, get to 6000 points, before champs to make sure I get rank 1 for rewards. Not looking good this week. I noticed the tail end of some rivals game last week, I was coming against players, that were far better than me, but had lower skill ratings. Well this week every player I came up against was far superior to me, i have 1800 points after 8 games. Unless i get a few 5 goal wins, then this week could be a write-off.

I was sitting on 10-4 in last weeks champs. On Sunday I proceeded to lose 9 in a row, i finally got 1 win & just stopped. The first time i have finished on 11 wins. Normally 14 with games to spare. I simply could not compete on the Sunday.

Something strange is going on with Matchmaking right now, I don't understand why it is affecting Rivals though. Unless people from div 2 & above are de-ranking, which I don't see the point in. & here is me thinking I was improving before xmas, i canny win a fucking game now.

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2 hours ago, thomas said:

Will be finished 9 of the swap tokens shortly, won't get 10 as I've not touched weekend league. Tempted to go for packs and see if I get really lucky and pull Kimmich TOW but we all know that wouldn't happen so going to just take Hagi as he'll make it into my midfield 3 and allow me more options in the team,  I could afford Kimmich if I really want him in the future.


Packed Kante on the marquee matches and got 234k for him so Kimmich has been upgraded.

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3 hours ago, TrebleTwenty said:

Not sure if I'm getting considerably worse. Played 8 rivals games today & got pumped & I mean pumped in every single one. Now relegated to Div 5. I only usual need to play 10 or so rivals games, get to 6000 points, before champs to make sure I get rank 1 for rewards. Not looking good this week. I noticed the tail end of some rivals game last week, I was coming against players, that were far better than me, but had lower skill ratings. Well this week every player I came up against was far superior to me, i have 1800 points after 8 games. Unless i get a few 5 goal wins, then this week could be a write-off.

I was sitting on 10-4 in last weeks champs. On Sunday I proceeded to lose 9 in a row, i finally got 1 win & just stopped. The first time i have finished on 11 wins. Normally 14 with games to spare. I simply could not compete on the Sunday.

Something strange is going on with Matchmaking right now, I don't understand why it is affecting Rivals though. Unless people from div 2 & above are de-ranking, which I don't see the point in. & here is me thinking I was improving before xmas, i canny win a fucking game now.

People will be deliberately lowering their rank to make the friendlies easier as they are both skill matched based on your rivals rating.

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5 hours ago, Wardy said:

I actually had the choice between Dragowski or Akanji but opted for the latter as I’ll prob get more use out of him. Goalies are pointless pish (although most TOTWs are in fairness) why can’t EA just put promo cards in red picks all the time? I don’t think I’ve seen one single headliner in anyone’s rivals teams last night. Would it make a difference if someone for a red Felix (everyone has his POTM it seems anyway) lot of pish.

I only picked the goalie as he had higher rating and I can chuck it into an SBC later on. The only decent red pick I've ever had was a 94 Andy Robertson, the rest have been generallly honking.

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Played one game of WL and it's up to its usual tricks, massive button lag and every player moving like they're a double decker bus towing a caravan. I think one game is enough for me this weekend league.

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I don't get it, I've went to basic division rivals, I've played one guy who had a shit team like me and scudded him and then in my next game I'm playing your typical 12 year old with parental credit card access type team, all his players are specials and I've got Troy Deeney up front, of course I got pumped. 

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2 hours ago, Stormzy said:

I'm just starting my team for this year. A lot has changed since I played 2 years ago, any quick tips on some OP cheap players? 

Is Rivals Fut champs? 

If I was just starting I would grind the merry hell out of Squad Battles (which is dull) and online friendlies as you can get decent (ish) rewards from both.

Regarding  a team i'd say Premier League would be the most expensive so for value Serie A or La Liga might be a better shout for cheap starting players.

Rivals is the standard online mode, which you use to qualify for the Weekend League. Rewards are meant to better for the WL but if you scan back a few pages you will notice this is not always the case.

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2 hours ago, Stormzy said:

I'm just starting my team for this year. A lot has changed since I played 2 years ago, any quick tips on some OP cheap players? 

Is Rivals Fut champs? 

Target the objective players from friendlies. Most of them are better than anything you’ll get from playing champs.

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Only got the UCL and Weekend League icon swaps to do but not sure I can be bothered. Would like the 83+ 25x pack but also really don't want to ruin two weekends trying to get 18 wins in WL. 

After regretting picking prime Koeman from swaps early that Showdown RB made it worthwhile. Then I just had to do Robben... So going to try this team out. Not sure how to play it as I bought Stoickhov to play upfront ingame, maybe a 4312 with Robben at CAM? 


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2 games into whatever this league thing I'm doing is and I've lost both games to shite players that have had icons vs Troy Deeney and Holding in defence loool. I've quickly remembered why this game mode is the worst. 

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