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2021 political predictions


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How do you see 2021 panning out? Here's a few of my rather beige middle of the road predictions:

Relations between Iran & the USA to normalise to Obama-era levels
Willie Rennie to get his jotters after the next Holyrood election
Richard Leonard to also get his jotters


Edited by GNU_Linux
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Majority of indy MSPs in May -standing on referendum manifesto. WM denies it, Scots take to the streets (peacefully), Army send tanks in.....
More no voters are aghast by heavy handed 'in your box shite'... European pressure applied, Scotland told they are welcome, referendum eventual given due to international pressure..
Landslide, outward looking Scotland joins the world as equal!!

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I'd love to see a majority SNP parliament, but doubt that will happen. They've taken too many hits (many legitimate) recently. SNP for a strong win, but fall short of a majority.

Both Georgia senate seats to swing to Democrats would also be lovely. Would provide a solid footing to prevent future incursion by Trump and his cronies. Which, like it or not, is good for the rest of the world.

Putin to be named official dictator for life (as if he wasn't already).

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I'd love to see a majority SNP parliament, but doubt that will happen. They've taken too many hits (many legitimate) recently. SNP for a strong win, but fall short of a majority.
Both Georgia senate seats to swing to Democrats would also be lovely. Would provide a solid footing to prevent future incursion by Trump and his cronies. Which, like it or not, is good for the rest of the world.
Putin to be named official dictator for life (as if he wasn't already).
What hits have they taken. Genuine question?
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3 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
8 minutes ago, Illgresi said:
I'd love to see a majority SNP parliament, but doubt that will happen. They've taken too many hits (many legitimate) recently. SNP for a strong win, but fall short of a majority.
Both Georgia senate seats to swing to Democrats would also be lovely. Would provide a solid footing to prevent future incursion by Trump and his cronies. Which, like it or not, is good for the rest of the world.
Putin to be named official dictator for life (as if he wasn't already).

What hits have they taken. Genuine question?

Let's face it, the way they have dealt with the Salmond affair is embarassing at the minimum.

Also Sturgeon's recent minor gaff is something the yoons are already piling on. Don't get me wrong, the majority of sensible people don't see that as a big problem, but it's going to be used as ammunition.

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Let's face it, the way they have dealt with the Salmond affair is embarassing at the minimum.
Also Sturgeon's recent minor gaff is something the yoons are already piling on. Don't get me wrong, the majority of sensible people don't see that as a big problem, but it's going to be used as ammunition.
Genuinely don't think any of that will make any difference
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5 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:
6 hours ago, Illgresi said:
Let's face it, the way they have dealt with the Salmond affair is embarassing at the minimum.
Also Sturgeon's recent minor gaff is something the yoons are already piling on. Don't get me wrong, the majority of sensible people don't see that as a big problem, but it's going to be used as ammunition.

Genuinely don't think any of that will make any difference

The education shambles will hurt them to an extent. SNP will win Holyrood, but not with over 50% of the vote, so Independence referendum pushed back further. In other news Boris to quit to go back to his well paid job at Telegraph etc and Gove to be an evwn more right wing PM who is more dangerous as he actually knows what he is doing.

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6 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:
6 hours ago, Illgresi said:
I'd love to see a majority SNP parliament, but doubt that will happen. They've taken too many hits (many legitimate) recently. SNP for a strong win, but fall short of a majority.
Both Georgia senate seats to swing to Democrats would also be lovely. Would provide a solid footing to prevent future incursion by Trump and his cronies. Which, like it or not, is good for the rest of the world.
Putin to be named official dictator for life (as if he wasn't already).

What hits have they taken. Genuine question?

Salmond Affair

Health - Freeman incompetent

Education and keeping schools open  - Swinney worse than useless.

Sending people to care homes from hospitals without testing first.

Will still be the major party but will not have an overall majority.  I hope they do not use the virus as their excuse for Health and Education failures.

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Indy support to collapse as the debate actually picks up again, support for Canzuk to rapidly rise. George Galloway will humiliate himself more than once. 

Keir Starmer to politically exile Abbot. Priti Patel to be fired, people will blame Dominic Cummings for 90% of political outcomes. 

Jacob Rees Mogg and Rishi Sunak to make disgusting amounts of money and upset people. Richard Leonard will leave and nobody will notice, Margaret Ferrier and Derek Mackay will slink back in to the fold. 

Nigel Farage to start a party revolving around restarting the Crusades, The Greens to increase their numbers substantially leading to Ross Greer losing his virginity, Lib Dems to fade away into the distance and last but not least, there will be some rejoin Europe type of movement but this will implode before it ever really begins. 

That is all my crystal ball will tell me for now.. oh... aye and Bawwatching will return at least 5 times before he is emptied and the majority of you guys will continue to ignore weak arguments on the side you agree with to cult like attack anything that goes against what makes you comfortable. DOTL and Antillion and the JCB poster will also spend a frightening amount of time in 2021 clicked on my profile. 





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1 minute ago, renton said:

Why those particular countries?

Some argue we have shared monarchy, legal structures and democratic set ups, shared language and a shared historical connection. 

Detractors accuse them of being some white only ex empire vanity project. 

I'm just in favour of freedom of movement and the gimmick that the sun don't set on CANZUK. 

Part of my motivation to post about it here was to get a rise over some of the more vocal pro Indy supporters but I do sincerely see this becoming a large part of the next 10 years and gathering momentum. 

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The SNP will increase their number of seats, but may still not quite get a majority.

Douglas Ross to humiliate himself on a near weekly basis. Leonard will be gone and Ian Murray will be Scottish Labour leader. Jackie Baillie will act as leader in Holyrood and do an appalling job. Willie Rennie to stay on as no one has heard of any of the other Lib Dems.

Priti Patel to murder a small child and keep her job.

Nigel Farage will launch an official campaign to bring back hanging, beating children and smoking in pubs. Will get a lot of support from the gammon community.

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The SNP will win an outright majority and will use it to demand a further Indy Ref.*

Don’t know how it will pan out after that.

* SLab and Tories to lose seats, Greens to gain seats, and Willie Rennie to fail to realise that he is the least significant politician person in Scotland.


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After his family is rescued having refused to take cyanide, Trump is forcibly removed from the White House in a straitjacket. He and Melania emerge 6 months later as Russia Today's equivalent of Eamon and Ruth. 

A coroners' report into the deaths of several home office staff concludes that they were unlawfully killed. Priti Patel is charged with murder, conspiracy and treason. Boris Johnson responds by disbanding the coroners and prosecutor's office, replacing them with a consortium of PWC, Capita and Balfour Beatty. 

Bolsonaro takes offence at not being invited to the G7 along with the other guest countries and burns the remaining Amazon just to piss them off. 

The british public continue to lap up whatever shite is fed to them. 

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16 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

Some argue we have shared monarchy, legal structures and democratic set ups, shared language and a shared historical connection. 

Detractors accuse them of being some white only ex empire vanity project. 

I'm just in favour of freedom of movement and the gimmick that the sun don't set on CANZUK. 

Part of my motivation to post about it here was to get a rise over some of the more vocal pro Indy supporters but I do sincerely see this becoming a large part of the next 10 years and gathering momentum. 

We colonised and conquered about a quarter of the world's landmass. Therefore you don't have to go far to find someone who shares our monarchy, legal structures, language and historical connections.

Think about India, massive economy, world's largest democracy. Singapore, huge financial hub, mostly democratic, all English speakers. Two largish, open democracies in the Pacific region. Surely would make more sense than New Zealand, for example.

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