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5 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

In amongst all of this it looks like we all managed to miss this guy, which is weird as I remember seeing the lassie singing.


Someone kicking him to death in the ring would've been better for sending the crowd home happy certainly.

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They can't be going through to Mania with Reigns as champ surely?! If he's facing Rock he doesn't need any belt. That match is big enough to main event night 2 (and will sell loads of tickets).

When you have contenders lining up, they at least have to carve off one belt surely? Should be both mind.

Cody is clearly winning the Rumble, but what about guys like Drew, Kross, Rollins, Orton, Riddle  Lesnar etc?

I suppsoe for some of them you could make good matches, like Orton vs Riddle, Drew vs Fury and erm...

f**k. They've fucked it.

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How do they actually do this then? The chat is it’s still Rock for Reigns at Mania but Cody is winning the Rumble and taking the belts? Both can’t happen so not sure how they can play it. I’m now worried they’re gonna rush a feud for Cody to ensure they get the belts on him and it’ll be a crap payoff. I think my reticence is because I was - and still am - far from the biggest fan of Cody.

I see a lot of people on socials talking about how the fans would turn on Drew within a month and that justifies the call but Cody has just as much potential to turn the fans off as quickly. It seems a hell of a lot to put on a guy who hasn’t hit those top of the card main event heights too much in his career.

Would still be better than doing a title match with Rock, which I still haven’t totally ruled out as their plan either.

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  • 2 weeks later...
12 hours ago, Lyle Lanley said:
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Roman-Logan Paul planned for Crown Jewel. 


Whilst a pointless match since he won't be the guy to beat Reigns, I do think that he's got massive potential. Thought he was excellent at Mania and just oozes heel charisma. Guy has the look as well to be a top star.

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Really don't see the point of Roman having the belt at Mania if he's facing Rock.

They'll want us to believe that Rock has a legitimate chance of winning and that would only be the case if it's a one off match as he (Nor Triple H for that matter) surely doesn't have any interest in another run with the belt therefore it instantly means there's not even that little bit of, 'What if?' magic that makes these matches truly special.

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