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4 hours ago, TheGoon said:

Hard to see past Uso & Stratton for the MITBs, think that’s where they’re headed. 

Agree with that.

Also, Bad Blood is back…


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Wake me up when Sunday Night Heat's back before PPVs on Channel 4.

Do like them doing their Saturday night shows, will catch it at some point tomorrow safe in the knowledge that it'll probably run to a stiff 3 and a half hours or so, which you can get down to 1 and a half by skipping over all the adverts within.  

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8 hours ago, TheGoon said:

Didn’t think that main event was up to much. An odd choice to close with.

I thought it was really flat as well, especially at the end. The Priest/Rollins match surely should’ve gone on last with the Drew shenanigans.

The other thing that wound me up in the main event was them spending half an hour laying it on thick that Jacob Fatu is some unhinged psychopath and he proceeded to wrestle quite normally? If that’s the character then why not go a little mad with him and sell that to people?

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Was it just me, or did Priest lose the count and not kick out before the Drew shenanigans?

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1 hour ago, Loki said:

Was it just me, or did Priest lose the count and not kick out before the Drew shenanigans?

Aye, I think Drew’s music was supposed to hit earlier, but still no idea why he didn’t actually kick out.

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Punk McIntyre is already an all time classic feud. The beauty of it is that Punk looks like an absolute psycho continually trying to tip Drew to breaking point and it makes Drew look not a sympathetic character as such, but at this point I think you as the viewer are meant to understand that in the context of this feud, both these guys are unhinged.

Drew, after being done for the Championship on three separate occasions, needs to win this feud and do so brutally or he looks like a total drip and I think that's where it will segway from Drew to Seth for Punk. Rollins is going to ensure Punk gets utterly fucked over vs Drew at SummerSlam.

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1 hour ago, djchapsticks said:

Punk McIntyre is already an all time classic feud. The beauty of it is that Punk looks like an absolute psycho continually trying to tip Drew to breaking point and it makes Drew look not a sympathetic character as such, but at this point I think you as the viewer are meant to understand that in the context of this feud, both these guys are unhinged.

Drew, after being done for the Championship on three separate occasions, needs to win this feud and do so brutally or he looks like a total drip and I think that's where it will segway from Drew to Seth for Punk. Rollins is going to ensure Punk gets utterly fucked over vs Drew at SummerSlam.

Think we're getting Rollins-Punk at WM41 for the title. 

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Another typically WWE PPV.  It was fine.  Some really cool moments in there, and no shortage of people working very, very hard, but a lot of things that were just there.  Men's MITB match was largely forgettable, can't really remember anything from it.  Taking a big risk too basically taking the entire concept and hitching it to a feud that didn't really need it.  Granted you don't then get Punk tied up in all the other stuff, but seems like they should have just had him interfere here and let someone else hold the briefcase.  I guess they probably want Cody to be champion for a long, long time, and Priest is probably losing to Gunther at Summerslam who'll get a similar treatment, so no briefcase makes that easier.

Zayn/Breakker sure was a match that happened. 

WHC match was probably going to be best of the night with all the shenanigans around it, but poor Damien Priest...he's done really well in his role, but he must be fucking devastated after almost crippling himself in Glasgow, he seemingly just forgot to kick out.  I don't buy the reason that McIntyre's music was late, as as soon as the ref didn't count the 3, you could see Priest deflate.  Absolutely the worst time for it to happen, as you can't just count through given everything else that had to happen after.  Rollins wins and you have to have Priest leave the Judgement Day, and Rollins doesn't suffer his stipulation.  You change the whole WHC booking going into Summerslam.  You remove the no-dq trappings that allowed Punk to interfere once the cash-in happened.  You lose the Rollins/Punk angle they're clearly going for.  Ref had to just stop the count, and hope the shenanigans after distracted.

Women's match was probably the best one as a result, they really went out to put on a show, and props especially to three of them.  Chelsea Green goes out knowing she's never likely to actually win anything, and probably likely to be the butt of the joke for the most part.  Must be a bit of a shit role to play sometimes.  But she went out knowing that she was going to be sailing off the top of the ladder through tables, and played it so well.  Good on her.  And massive credit to both Zoey Stark and Iyo Sky's tailbone.  That looked like a fucking horrific bump to take, and I don't think Sky was entirely selling as she lay weeping at the foot of the ladder as they ran through the endless video packages.

Main event was largely shite I thought.  I assumed with the way they'd built the card, Reigns was coming back or something.  That would have made sense, and definitely been worth the switch, but as it was, it was just a house-show-esque match that spins the wheels on the story for another few weeks.  

The Cena appearance was a surprise, the original announcement was not, but what's come out of it does hold a lot of interest.  His last few appearances have not been good at all, and his last WM appearance he looked out of shape and totally lost being out there.  It sounds like he's going to be largely full-time though, and you often see these guys really pull it out with an end in sight.  Hopefully he can do it, it'd be a shame to see him go out the Undertaker way.  One thing though that people don't seem to have picked up on, he never actually said his last match would be at WM.  It seems like it's a 2025 deal, so although it'll be his last WM, it won't be his last match.  Looking forward to seeing where it goes.

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Cena probably needs quite a bit of smoke and mirrors to have passable matches these days, but Sting proved recently that smoke and mirrors on your retirement run can still be very entertaining.

Anything has got to be better than the sad way they made Kurt Angle retire.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Summerslam week:

Cody v Solo -WWE Championship.

Priest v Gunther -World heavyweight title.

CM Punk v Drew (Seth special guest referee).

Liv v Rhea -Women’s championship.

Logan Paul v LA Knight - US Title.

Bayley v Nia Jax - WWE women’s title.

Sami Zayn v Bron Breakker - Intercontinental Title

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Codo vs Solo

I'm not convinced by Solo and it's way to early for him to have the World title. I'd expect some heavy interference by the Bloodline both past and present in this one.

Priest v Gunther 

I'm a big fan of Gunther and this should be his time. The only thing that I can sense that will count against him is this show is likely to have a few heel/face turns and they may want to hold off the break up of the Judgement Day for another day. Besides that they have the Bash in Berlin coming up at the end of August and it would be a much bigger thing for him to win then instead.

CM Punk vs Drew

Who is going to turn on who. The smart money seems to be on Seth costing Punk which will eventually lead to a match at next years Wrestlemania.

Liv v Rhea

See the Priest match, something is going to happen here regarding the future of the Judgement day. In no sane world does Liv beat Rhea without interference so Dom could be the one to cost her the title.

Logan Paul vs LA Knight

It's probably now or never for LA Knight regarding a big push. If he doesn't win here where else does he go?

Bayley vs Nia Jax

Jax potatoes her way to victory

Sami Zayn vs Bron Breaker

Bron is going to win this one and Sami is going to make him look like a million bucks doing so.

Edited by mrpaddyx
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