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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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11 hours ago, 101 said:

"No cancel culture" I imagine you are worse than cancelled if you voice a critical opinion of the President.

The punchline to all that is "don't delay winter is coming" and the message is your econony is going down the tubes if/when we close off the gas supply to the European Union. The rest is just filler.

Thing is though if Germany does a U-turn on decommissioning its nuclear power plants and the Dutch reactivate the Groningen gas field the EU can probably weather the storm OK at this point.

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Russia might be looking for an excuse to finally call it a war and mobilise more troops:

An attack on Crimea has previously been described as a red line for that and Navy Day celebrations were cancelled because of this. Small petal shaped mines have also mysteriously been scattered across most of Donetsk city centre:



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Despite some minor gains for the Russians in the Donbas, the Ukrainians have claimed to be pushing the Russians back around Izium in recent days:

probably because of what HIMARS has done to Russian logistics and possibly because the Russians have had to shift troops away from there to shore things up around Kherson.

Vlad probably has some tough decisions to make because it's difficult to see how the Ukrainians don't keep getting stronger while the Russians get weaker on the current trajectory as more NATO weaponry arrives.

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Sorry if it’s already been reported, but Russian artillery support is in pretty dire straits.



Confirmation via noted reduction in Russian barrages. Also, the movement of ammo dumps beyond the range of Ukraine’s new artillery units is causing supply issues with too few trucks available. Add the fact that the Russians simply cannot produce anywhere near replacement levels of shells…

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On 16/07/2022 at 11:09, Tam M said:

We have sponsored a Ukrainian family and they joined us last week. It's a bit of a crowded house as we already had six of us living at mine and now a further three. They are very nice, Mum is always cleaning up and Dad is walking about with his toolbox fixing everything. If anyone is considering doing it, I highly recommend.

If there's a photo that makes you a proud Dad it's this one. 1be1e5dbc12c1a38a5a68bdaf8d04574.jpg

Good for you. 👍

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Russia has banned a number of Scottish politicans, including Ross Greer and Alex Cole-Hamilton.

Clearly the regime in Moscow is shrewder than we thought.

Edited by ICTChris
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On 29/07/2022 at 20:01, welshbairn said:

Who's going to do him harm?


On 29/07/2022 at 20:22, The Other Foot said:

I’m not sure if anyone will do him harm, but if they catch him then I don’t imagine he will be dealt with pleasantly. However I would think that once a soldier’s full name, DOB, address, phone number and army details are posted online for anyone to see, then it becomes much easier for Ukrainian intelligence services/hackers/partisans to locate him 


On 30/07/2022 at 00:46, welshbairn said:

I was assuming he was home in Mother Russia by now with some loot for the missus, swigging vodka supplied by a grateful nation.

Was thinking about this last night. Is it inconceivable that the Ukrainians will spend the better part of the next century hunting these people down, in the same mould as the Israelis? Or will they take a more ‘leave it to the ICC to arbitrate’ attitude? 

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1 minute ago, The Other Foot said:



Was thinking about this last night. Is it inconceivable that the Ukrainians will spend the better part of the next century hunting these people down, in the same mould as the Israelis? Or will they take a more ‘leave it to the ICC to arbitrate’ attitude? 

There will have been far more incidents of brutality by individual soldiers that didn't end on film, and no doubt on the Ukrainian side too. I think their time would be better spent going after the commanders and politicians who orchestrated it all.

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22 hours ago, The Other Foot said:

...Is it inconceivable that the Ukrainians will spend the better part of the next century hunting these people down, in the same mould as the Israelis? Or will they take a more ‘leave it to the ICC to arbitrate’ attitude? 

Tito's UDBA was still going after Ustase and Cetnik murderers from WWII in other countries into the late 1980s to provide a closer cultural parallel:


Short answer is yes it is conceivable if Ukraine remains at arm's length from the EU and NATO.


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1 minute ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Tito's UDBA was still going after Ustase and Cetnik murderers from WWII in other countries into the late 1980s to provide a closer cultural parallel:


Short answer is yes it is conceivable if Ukraine remains at arm's length from the EU and NATO.


Had no idea about this! V interesting 

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