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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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TV tower in Kyiv hit by strikes.

Chinese foreign minister has spoken to the Ukrainian foreign minister, quoted as saying China "deeply regrets" the invasion and wants to involved in negotiations.

The talks between Ukraine and Russia are due to restart tomorrow - they broke up saying that they would go back and consult with their governments and reconvene. 

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16 minutes ago, Detournement said:

We need to hear from these guys to find out how keen they are on nuclear war these days. 


"If it means we take back control and stop people just coming to this country to live off benefits, and we make our own rules and everything - then why not?"

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9 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I heard someone mention Marvel movies earlier, Disney has suspended all film distribution in Russia.

There has been a lot of contentious claims about military technology on the thread but there is no arguing the fact that Russians lead the world in illegal torrenting. 

Putin should put 1080p copies of new releases on Russian council telly to show he's not backing down.

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An unbelievable clip, however perhaps Div could loop him saying "the wild west world of online where I grave widely" to be a sort of sound bite when you land in the General Nonsense forum.

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6 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

TV tower in Kyiv hit by strikes.

Chinese foreign minister has spoken to the Ukrainian foreign minister, quoted as saying China "deeply regrets" the invasion and wants to involved in negotiations.

The talks between Ukraine and Russia are due to restart tomorrow - they broke up saying that they would go back and consult with their governments and reconvene. 

If it'a anything like ours then they'll not be missing much.

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53 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

The world is absolutely fucked tbh. 

Taiwan wouldn’t be accepted into NATO, but i do believe that the US has some kind of statutory obligation to defend Taiwan, which essentially gives it NATO protection without the status. 

Without being picky, that's just the USA defending Taiwan, not all the rest of us.

Although if it came to nuclear weapons being lobbed back and forward between China, the USA and Taiwan, "picky" wouldn't really matter, I suppose.

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If anyone from GB News is watching, there are loads of things I know nothing about that I'll happily go on telly and talk about for a fee.

The history of the railroads of Belgium?  Don't know a thing about it but I'll happily go on a bit.

Croatia-Brazilian relations?  Not a clue, I reckon I could drag an hour or two out for you.

The best method for changing tyres on a Robin Reliant?  Never done it, no idea about anything to do with it.  Don't even know what one is.  Sign me up.

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43 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

If you want to believe that we're on the verge of nuclear war then go ahead.

I prefer not to spend the next few months turning myself into a nervous wreck though.

He said "the world's fucked". That doesn't necessarily mean nuclear holocaust, it just means the world's fucked. 

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Oliver's point about media coverage was spot on. There has been loads of fake news and ridiculous memeable content on MSM channels and very little information about the locations of fronts and actual fighting. Constantly parroting Ukranian defence ministry casualty figures isn't very credible either. 

There is the actual war then a TV war which is obviously crafted with the hope that western populations don't get too pissed off about the economic impacts which are coming later this year.

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12 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

The talks between Ukraine and Russia are due to restart tomorrow - they broke up saying that they would go back and consult with their governments and reconvene. 

Wonder if this is why Russia is upping the ante in Kyiv, to essentially force Ukraine's hand in negotiations and putting them in a lose-lose situation.

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Just now, Dee Man said:

He said "the world's fucked". That doesn't necessarily mean nuclear holocaust, it just means the world's fucked. 

Yep, the world has been 'fucked' for decades.  Not just since Thursday.

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Just now, ICTChris said:

If anyone from GB News is watching, there are loads of things I know nothing about that I'll happily go on telly and talk about for a fee.

The history of the railroads of Belgium?  Don't know a thing about it but I'll happily go on a bit.

Croatia-Brazilian relations?  Not a clue, I reckon I could drag an hour or two out for you.

The best method for changing tyres on a Robin Reliant?  Never done it, no idea about anything to do with it.  Don't even know what one is.  Sign me up.

GB News person if you're watching just Ignore him and give me the fee.


Not liking the Welsh. 

Which kebab shops give the biggest portions. 

European financial policies. 

And 101 things that are wrong with beards.



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1 minute ago, staggy1929 said:

Wonder if this is why Russia is upping the ante in Kyiv, to essentially force Ukraine's hand in negotiations and putting them in a lose-lose situation.

Yep, lets be frank, the invasion will end on Russia's terms.

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53 minutes ago, Lofarl said:

So this big old tank column.  Why is it not a smouldering pile of wreckage like the road to Basra?  Is it a psy op thing to let the Russians know and even the troops in the tanks know that they could be wiped out soon.


Its hardly likely that the Ukrainians will just let them trundle on down to Kiev.

The batteries have run out on the drones.

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3 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Yep, lets be frank, the invasion will end on Russia's terms.

The best Ukraine can probably do at this point is hold out a bit longer so that Russia can maybe be a bit more lenient in what they're asking for but this would be at the expense of thousands of lives in the meantime. Horrible situation for everyone involved. Russia may feel their hand was forced into this with the whole NATO expansion on their borders thing but the innocent lives being lost is a tragedy for both Russians and Ukranians.

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