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Oi, what happened to the Carlisle thread?


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It was an excellent win. A scrappy game on a poor pitch, but a real battling performance that proves that the players are still up for this and are giving their all.

The defence looked much better with Huntingdon back. The keeper had the best game I've seen of his since he signed. Taylor Charters' deliveries, including for the goal, were sublime and Jack Diamond put in a power of work behind Armstrong, tireless effort.

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Lost 3-1 at home

Sounded like we only started trying once Gibson came on at 3-0 down and we clawed a goal back

Listening to the commentary though and they seem to think we're playing in the champions league, not the third rung of english football


Think we're firmly in miracle territory now

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I was there and was really enjoying the first 15 minutes. Yet again a great start deflated by clinical finishing. The 2nd goal was great work by their wing back, but awful from Armer and Mellish who were just too afraid to make a challenge incase they gave away a penalty. Poor defending again for the 3rd.

Gibson and McCalmont were about to come on before the 3rd goal, but really Gibson should've been brought on at half time. Unlike the Cambridge game, Carlisle kept going and gave their best, but just weren't good enough.

Can't fault effort, but Mellish, Armer, Ellis & Charters just aren't at this level. Mellish was better further forward but the others were too slow and clumsy in possession. Reading were sharp, fast and physical, and first to every second ball.

Very disappointing. It was already in miracle territory but Tuesday's win gave some faint optimism. It's all gone now and been replaced with acceptance. Bring on the next transfer window.

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Lost 3-2 to Charlton Heston

Listening to the commentary, mistakes reared their head again (Lavelle particularly today) for the opposition goals, after we managed to take the lead and come back from behind. Even the commentators seem to have turned but not as far as Simpson.


23 pts from 36 games. Add on 11 points from the last 10 league games of last season and that's a full season of matches to net 34 points

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17 hours ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

Another defeat. This time  3-2 at home to Barnsley despite taking an early lead again.

More gloom and doom

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F*** me, 2 up at home with 8 minutes to go, and still can't f****** win.

As soon as it went to 2-1, I knew what was going to happen.

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Let ourselves down by only gifting a point to the opposition rather than three

Like you say, could sense it coming, deja vu from about 20 other matches where we've done it

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Can see heading going from football - never enjoyed doing it myself to be honest, usually cause I managed to make it a facer more often than not

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