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UEFA Nations League: Group B1


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29 minutes ago, Virtual Insanity said:

The Israel thing is a bit shite, get pot 2 by drawing with Iceland and beating Albania. They should really be using average points per game rather than just discounting bottom team in each group.

Some stroke of luck, Russia getting banhammered and Iceland reverting to type. Israel will get humped in League A.

Likely three of the same teams in the League B play-offs as when we won League C, BTW. Pity Norway and Serbia got drawn together and we can't make it a perfect reunion.

Edit: BTW, FTFY!

Edited by BFTD
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On 11/06/2022 at 18:00, Lex said:

Yeah no surprise to see Ukraine mopping up this group. They’re comfortably the best team in it and will surely win it at a canter if they can get their team on the pitch for the remaining three games.

Less of a canter and more of a can't.

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  • 3 months later...


Apparently we were the best pressing team in the Nations League according to Fotmob. I was quite surprised when I saw this stat. The home game against Armenia did skew did the data considerably counting for around a third of the statistic but nevertheless it's interesting especially considering how many great chances and goals it provided.

Also interesting is that when we came to play Armenia in the return match in Yerevan they hardly ever played out from the back so they obviously learned their lesson and having watched Cyprus beat Israel in November I don't think we will see them give many gifts as they didn't play out from back mostly kicking long.

I included a video of 60 examples of us winning the ball back in the final third but there were over 120 and it really depends how you categorise - for example: Armenia often just passed the ball to our attackers at Hampden under little pressure.

Edited by 2426255
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