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Potential banana skin only just avoided but at what cost!  Another 4 injured during the game (and not a bad tackle all game).  

Kirkcaldy will be a bit miffed they couldn’t hold onto the lead twice but thought they were more than a decent outfit. Good pace and well organised both going forward and at the back.

Onto another tough fixture on Saturday but god knows who will be fit to play.

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That was a definite "Get out of jail" for Broxburn. Twice!

Would love to see possession stats as Broxburn had so much ball, but again just seems to be issues with creating chances despite all the possession!

100% effort from them though to keep going and get the very late goal to take it to extra time and then another late goal to take it to penalties.

Kirkcaldy must be gutted they aren't through. Twice they just couldn't quite hold on when it looked like they were just about there.

I wouldn't have begrudged them winning it either, they took their chances when they came and worked hard closing Broxburn down. Definitely impressed the way Broxburn just kept going.

The definite downside is the number of injuries Broxburn picked up last night. Hopefully nothing to serious and hopefully most substitutions were precautionary... couple of key players had to go off and with a few tough away games coming up, could be a real setback to any hopes of improving on last seasons league position.

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5 hours ago, Blowin In the Wind said:

The last post tempered by news of a couple of more injuries 🙈.  Is our luck ever going to change this season.

Oh no!!! Who is out now?

The way it's going, may actually go through a season without ever actually playing the first choice 11!

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3 hours ago, Blowin In the Wind said:

Downie is injured not sure how long.

Hopefully that's going to be the last of the injuries... seems almost every week someone's has gone out. It's been an awful start to the season in that regard. 

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12 minutes ago, Jordi1977 said:

Hopefully that's going to be the last of the injuries... seems almost every week someone's has gone out. It's been an awful start to the season in that regard. 

Hope so.  Was a bit of a struggle yesterday again.  Oakley had a great chance to level it.  Before the three goal burst made it safe 👍

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10 hours ago, Blowin In the Wind said:

Good solid victory for Broxburn in the Scottish Cup against our near neighbours Blackburn.  Played well for the most part but did have a few scary moments but that was always to be expected. Definitely more comfortable than expected.

Hmmmm........Broxburn edged a tight first half but I thought we were the better team second,  missed a sitter to equalise then your keeper handles outside the box and should have seen red but somehow the officials play on, and unbelievable decision.  Broxburn were struggling to hold the lead and the two goals at the death when we were committing more players forward put a bit of a gloss on the scoreline.  I'm not sure it was comfortable for you at any point, two well matched teams.

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1 hour ago, Burnieman said:

Hmmmm........Broxburn edged a tight first half but I thought we were the better team second,  missed a sitter to equalise then your keeper handles outside the box and should have seen red but somehow the officials play on, and unbelievable decision.  Broxburn were struggling to hold the lead and the two goals at the death when we were committing more players forward put a bit of a gloss on the scoreline.  I'm not sure it was comfortable for you at any point, two well matched teams.

I thought your keeper kept you in it with a number of fine saves.  Didn’t see the keeper handling the ball outside the box, as I was up in the shed. Did hear someone say he was lucky.

I didn’t think Blackburn played as well as they did in the league game.  Agree that the third goal put a bit of gloss on it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Disappointing result yesterday but good luck to Dunipace in the next round.  TBH not much between the teams so can’t say Broxburn were unlucky or Dunipace didn’t deserve it.

As for the penalties, if you don’t hit the target you are never going to score it’s that simple.  Dunipace players kept their nerve and had all 5 penalties on target.  Broxburn had 2 from 4.

Need to pick ourselves up for a big game away to Lithgae next week.

Mon the Brox 🇮🇩🇮🇩

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What a dreadful, dreadful display this afternoon from Broxburn. Thoroughly deserved the heavy defeat and the consolation goal at the end was well taken, but really undeserved... as it takes away from how far ahead Linlithgow were on the day.

4 horrifically soft goals to concede and Linlithgow didn't have to work particularly hard for any of them.

A total mix up at the back allowed a tap in. A penalty which looked a little soft, but my immediate reaction was that it was a penalty then two shockingly defended corners in the 2nd half where the shortest player on the pitch headed home at the back post.

At 4-0 with the game gone, the Broxburn players then went in for a couple of unnecessarily aggressive challenges which just came across as being undisciplined due to losing so heavily.

Speaking of discipline... positional discipline too... Linlithgow had so much time and space down the wings and in the centre of the park and any lose ball Linlithgow were always first to as their Broxburn counterpart seemed so far of the pace.

A last minute consolation which was well taken by Gary Brass, but by which time Linlithgow had taken foot of the gas.

In truth, Linlithgow didn't even have to play all that well, they pressed Broxburn high throughout the game and just waited for this to cause mistakes. Broxburn duly obliged with consistency. 

A really disappointing day and out of depression at that performance I've ordered the largest pizza I could find to comfort eat.

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Depressing that the two biggest competition have gone by the end of September. Never a penalty the forward (who was also offside)ran into the keeper.

Only two players deserved pass marks today.  Going to be a long cold dark winter I think unless there are changes.

The most telling point is Lithgae played the last 25 minutes with 10 men (plus withdrew some of their better players)and still were miles better in that period.

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8 hours ago, Blowin In the Wind said:

Depressing that the two biggest competition have gone by the end of September. Never a penalty the forward (who was also offside)ran into the keeper.

Only two players deserved pass marks today.  Going to be a long cold dark winter I think unless there are changes.

The most telling point is Lithgae played the last 25 minutes with 10 men (plus withdrew some of their better players)and still were miles better in that period.

Ahhh I was up in the stand (I do enjoy a bit of comfort these days) and along at the opposite end of it, so definitely couldn't see the offside call. As I say, my first reaction watching it was... looks soft, but looks a penalty- it was sorta in slow motion.  My vantage point wasn't the best for that incident. 

There was a lot of new signings in the summer, maybe I foolishly got over optimistic about there being a chance of keeping in touching distance of the top towards the end of the season... then who knows.

Yesterday was a proper reality check on that optimism. Maybe too many players and they are still to get used to each other. Maybe some aren't as good as the guys they came in to replace (and last season we didn't crumble to Lithgae like we did yesterday). Maybe somewhere between the two and the current squad is a work in progress for a longer term plan for next season or the season after... 

There were a couple of moments in the game that Broxburn players were having a right go at each other too... not really something I see much off. I hope it was just their frustration at how badly the game was going yesterday and not a sign that things aren't well amongst the group.

Wednesday needs to be a much better showing than that was. At least it's home and against another inconsistent side.

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