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The Queen of the South thread

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Well this season just keeps going from bad to worse. Out of the cup to a bunch of part-timers. Thats me finished with this shambles of a club. Thomson out, Hewitson out. Bought a season ticket yet again with the hope that Dobbie coming in showed a bit of ambition. No chance with the cowboys in charge. TOTAL SHAMBLES


Can I have your season ticket?
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A: An "average team" in Greenock thoroughly burst your bubble.

We were shite before that. The hammering by The Rangers is where we started to hit the downward spiral. It took us ET to dispose of Linfield after that FFS :angry:

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It really is a scunner.

Going out this early would always be rotten.  Winning through would have provided the boost we badly need, providing a big game to look forward to.  

Now though, it's really bleak.  That big game won't happen and we've suffered another morale shattering defeat, this time the worst yet.

Where to now?

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Didn't see that coming.....

Obviously the players are either on a sinking ship with no leader or they didn't want it enough. Any player worth their salt would want the profile of a live tv game against the top team in Scotland in the next round, the revenue alone for the club and that small chance of a shock.

I'd be very pissed off if it was my club

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9 minutes ago, vikingTON said:


A: An "average team" in Greenock thoroughly burst your bubble.


You are right there VT. We have never been the same since that humiliation.

Mind you, we were not put out of the cup by a non-league team or had 10 riffled past us in one game. Still, things are bad.

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You are right there VT. We have never been the same since that humiliation.

Mind you, we were not put out of the cup by a non-league team or had 10 riffled past us in one game. Still, things are bad.

We've been pish since the The Rangers defeat. Since then I've not seen us play anywhere near how well we did at the start of the season.
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11 minutes ago, MrDust said:

Didn't see that coming.....

Obviously the players are either on a sinking ship with no leader or they didn't want it enough. Any player worth their salt would want the profile of a live tv game against the top team in Scotland in the next round, the revenue alone for the club and that small chance of a shock.

I'd be very pissed off if it was my club

I did.


I am.

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6 minutes ago, maxwelltown_qos said:

This is a disaster for the club right now, loss of six figure revenue from the Celtic game, possibly potential managers turning their back on the job and as Flash says crowds will suffer.

I don't think the job was that appealing anyway. Tonight wont have made any difference.

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What a lot of dross! Qos were a disgrace no fight no creativity, no hunger, no passion, no urgency. What an absolute joke. Starting at the back Higgins bless him i don't know whats happened but our fearless leader has lost all confidence he looks like Bambi in possession and what on paper should be a strong commanding central defense is a bomb scare. Jake Pickard offers nothing he has one foot and its usually in the wrong place he cant tackle and offers nothing going forward. Neither him nor Millar know which role they are playing  both ambling around the middle of the park with no desire. Millar needs around 8 touches before deciding to play an obvious pass. Grant Anderson is not good enough that's all. Dobbie looks like a man playing with the world on his shoulders and isn't helped by everyone looking at him too do something if the runs and movement around him isn't there theirs not much he can do. Thomson is clueless, he is not a manager, a legend of a player but so far out his depth as a manager. Credit to albion they had a plan and stuck to it defending deep and counter attacking well, there number 10 looked a real threat. 

Positives good to see Danny back, Marshall was bright bombing forward and looked a threat, Hamill when he came on played decent and looked like an actual footballer.
Whatever is happening behind the scenes needs sorting as tonight was a disgrace. 

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