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The Queen of the South thread

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I'm well aware of how bad a season he's just had, but I'd still not write him off in terms of being able to contribute at this level, just yet.

Still seems like a hell of a gamble, considering just how unfit/uninterested/ineffective he looked throughout. If he can't motivate himself to appear remotely credible when 'playing' for "The Dodgers" can any other team get him to raise his game again?

Watching with interest not only because we're hoping to be head to head with you guys again, but because of course he always seemed to score against us!

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I'm well aware of how bad a season he's just had, but I'd still not write him off in terms of being able to contribute at this level, just yet.

I got it wrong last season about him, thot he'd score goals for fun. He is in a place now where his stock is low, I think only a heartstrings pluck to killie again may rescue what's left of his goal scoring career.

I still wouldn't be surprised to see him in the SPL with someone

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The lack of any transfers at Queens is holding a few people i know from re-newing season tickets.

I wont be until i see some ambition

We cant even arrange or announce pre season games

We've signed five new players already (Thomson, Conroy, Rutherford, Brownlie and Higgins) and will undoubtedly have more to come. The transfer window has been open for just over a week and the manager has been in the Czech Republic doing his pro-licence in the last week. Pre-season training starts today. A little early for over-reaction isn't it?

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What can we expect of Reilly at hearts folks?

If Stevie Crawford has a son who's pretty useful, don't play him ahead of Gavin, even if he scores 50 odd goals in the season. You've been warned.... :ph34r:

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We've signed five new players already (Thomson, Conroy, Rutherford, Brownlie and Higgins) and will undoubtedly have more to come. The transfer window has been open for just over a week and the manager has been in the Czech Republic doing his pro-licence in the last week. Pre-season training starts today. A little early for over-reaction isn't it?

Of course it is . It happens every season .

Some are writing off Queens before a ball is even kicked

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What can we expect of Reilly at hearts folks?

A poster called Charlie to stalk your threads, getting more and more irked if he doesn't start every game regardless of how many goals your other strikers are getting, and picking your best combination up front for you even though he claims to have seen your club play about twice or thrice all season.

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With pre season starting today there could well be a few trialists in so fans must be patient. What I am surprised about is the lack of pre season games. Would be good to have at least 1 home game to look forward to. I actually enjoy pre season games, especially when fans can play guess the trialist. Kev Dzierzawski was our last trialist and its safe to say he got the fans talking after his performance against Hearts

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We've signed five new players already (Thomson, Conroy, Rutherford, Brownlie and Higgins) and will undoubtedly have more to come. The transfer window has been open for just over a week and the manager has been in the Czech Republic doing his pro-licence in the last week. Pre-season training starts today. A little early for over-reaction isn't it?

And its only 4 weeks until our first competitive game and no pre season games have been arranged except a bounce game in spain

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We've signed five new players already (Thomson, Conroy, Rutherford, Brownlie and Higgins) and will undoubtedly have more to come. The transfer window has been open for just over a week and the manager has been in the Czech Republic doing his pro-licence in the last week. Pre-season training starts today. A little early for over-reaction isn't it?

And its only 4 weeks until our first competitive game and no pre season games have been arranged except a bounce game in spain

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And its only 4 weeks until our first competitive game and no pre season games have been arranged except a bounce game in spain

I think you've confused the word "arranged" with the word "published".

Given that in the last four seasons we've played three open doors home friendlies in total plus a couple at Annan that's hardly surprising. We should hopefully be in a position to publish something regarding friendlies in the next few days.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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The lack of any transfers at Queens is holding a few people i know from re-newing season tickets.

I wont be until i see some ambition

We cant even arrange or announce pre season games

What would you class as ambitious?

I've been very content with who we've brought in so far. Youth is the way forward. Anyone who doesn't the signing of younger players as good news seriously need their head's checked. I can't say I'd be too concerned with those type of fans not renewing their season ticket's as they're likely the same kind of fans that scream for route 1 when we're 2-0 up. Less of those types surrounding me at Palmerston wouldn't be the worst news in the world ;)

With pre season starting today there could well be a few trialists in so fans must be patient. What I am surprised about is the lack of pre season games. Would be good to have at least 1 home game to look forward to. I actually enjoy pre season games, especially when fans can play guess the trialist. Kev Dzierzawski was our last trialist and its safe to say he got the fans talking after his performance against Hearts

And its only 4 weeks until our first competitive game and no pre season games have been arranged except a bounce game in spain

As I've said before, I couldn't care about friendlies. Quite frankly I wouldn't be gutted if Queen's said all their bounce games were behind closed doors. It's all about team bonding in these games IMO. I'm sure they won't have any difficulty arranging 4 or 5 games when they get back.

Do you still have that "Knicker wetters" meme palmy_cammy? I'd say it's due a re-post :lol:

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The lack of any transfers at Queens is holding a few people i know from re-newing season tickets.

I wont be until i see some ambition

We cant even arrange or announce pre season games

Do you honestly think that nothing is being done to arrange pre-season games just because you dont know about them?

Define "ambition"

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