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The Ear Worm Thread


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Before we continue, I'm going to need the name of the tune, where you picked it up and how long the symptoms have been lasting.

I was sure there was a thread for this purpose already but couldn't find it. Mods, just ban me if there is.

Inspired by mine which has lasted since last Thursday; it's the bassline from the tune below. Just popped into my head as a song I remembered from childhood - I was 5!! - when listening to music. Thankfully for me, it's an absolute screamer so I've quite enjoyed it playing on loop in my brain. 

Unwanted earworms are also welcome here. It's good to talk. We're here to help.


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^^^ from the soundtrack to that godawful Nineties Godzilla film with half of The Simpsons cast.

I get Christmas songs stuck in my head and find myself humming them months into the new year. Strangers must think I'm one of those folk who cooks a Christmas dinner every day.

I think it's finished for this year, so hopefully this doesn't revive it  :angry:

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I get the cartoons version of Witchdoctor stuck in my head regularly. It was on some "Party songs for kids" CD that my daughter had on repeat in the car. 

Do do dodo do do do:

Ooh ee oo aah aah

Ting tang 

Wallah wallah bing bang



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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

I get the cartoons version of Witchdoctor stuck in my head regularly. It was on some "Party songs for kids" CD that my daughter had on repeat in the car. 

Do do dodo do do do:

Ooh ee oo aah aah

Ting tang 

Wallah wallah bing bang


This post has just made me realise the b*****dly genius of this thread. It's like finding out you're dying from Ebola and pissing in the office water cooler.

Someone posted this on the Awful Songs thread ages ago and it still pops into my head most days.


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