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14 minutes ago, virginton said:

Why is the arm a magically illegal body part in the build-up to a goal, as opposed to literally every other way in which a goal can be scored? 

Why is an elbow treated the same as palming/punching the ball with a hand?

Bearing in mind that handball is not automatically penalised in any other situation in the game, the current system is just back of fag packet nonsense with no logical purpose. 

So not actually clear and not actually unambiguous at all then. 🤡

The handball rule was devised to clearly separate football from rugby tactics in the early development of the sport: it already served that purpose. 

And now the Czechs are 1-0 down in a crucial game because of such utter nonsense impacting a perfectly legitimate goal. 

jurassic park deal with it GIF

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7 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

And he keeps doubling down.

The point about whaf you would like the rules to be and what they are went right over his head. 


It's cute that you think such primary 1 level, circular reasoning went above anyone's head, rather than being treated with the contempt it deserves. 

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