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E-coli outbreak


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17 hours ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

I thought there was an O somewhere in diarrhea.

My spellchecker wanted to correct it to diarrhoea but I went with Chris.









After nearly 3 years of studying I still need to double check my spelling of "diarrhea".

A handy tip that I've picked up is to just write "loose stools".

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I worked at a franchise of a popular chain of corner shops a few years back, and we got a visit from Environmental Health to warn us that people were getting food poisoning from their chain's own-brand sandwiches "again", and they advised us to bin the sandwiches we currently had. He seemed annoyed and said that all of the other supermarkets and chain stores in the area had signed up to a voluntary agreement that they'd make sure their sandwiches had a shelf life of 24 hours except for our chain, and that they had evidence that it could take three days for their sandwiches to arrive at stores from their warehouse in Livingston.

Basically, he was warning me never to eat our own-brand refrigerated foodstuffs. Bit of an eye-opener about how Environmental Health don't have as much power as I'd imagined. Thankfully, I have a much nisa job these days.

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On 27/06/2024 at 22:29, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

I thought there was an O somewhere in diarrhea.

My spellchecker wanted to correct it to diarrhoea but I went with Chris.

I remember it via the mnemonic "Dash In A Rush, Run Hard Or Else Accident"

So that's your "o" confirmed, via the glorious monklands education system.

Edited by cb_diamond
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