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A different approach, the WOSFL take over the SJFA Cup

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I love reading the debates of the day about football at this level and see a lot of “the pyramid is broken” articles, it isn’t, it’s the same as it’s been since it’s inception, it could be better and I believe the 4 leagues talk to each other regularly to try and make it better, but changes always come down to the members/clubs voting on things and this will take time.

One area that seems to get missed and could be a fantastic opportunity to solve a massive problem is the modernisation and reform of the Junior Cup.

It’s not going away but brings with it a lot of resentment and is in dire need for reform.

Why not let the midland and north leagues disband from what’s left of the SJFA and run there own leagues and ask the WOSFL to run the cup, as it stands the board of the WOSFL is doing pretty much that, the SJFA is in need of new blood, they’ve pretty much had to go back to John Fyfe and Kenny Young to run it for them and they are using broadwood off the back of the WOSFL agreement with the council.

The west board have always stood by what the clubs wanted and from my view point this is what’s needed to bring the Junior cup back to life. The WOSFL have relationships with the clubs and the leagues that can pull a National non league tournament together and I’m sorry to say the SJFA board just doesn’t seem to want to move forward other than point scoring with a “club x has joined the cup” only for club x to withdraw at a later date.

I’m pretty sure the WOSFL board could make a better job of it, put the past in the past and move on as one, all together.

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